
I'm a superstar with a system

Ashton was the nerdy guy that was always bullied and taken advantaged of, unfortunately one day while on the way to school he tried to heroically save a child against truck-sama at the cost of his own life. Now he has been reincarnated in another earth similar to his own but was born as the son of James and Michelle Romonov the business tycoon . This time he is going to live his life with no regrets and be the best possible version of himself. Reborn as Gabriel Romanov he wants to be a superstar and no one can stop him from achieving his dreams.

pickario77 · realistisch
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3 Chs



It was a sunny wednesday afternoon as our protogonist Ashton was walking down the especially busy highstreets, out of nowhere from the corner of his eyes he could see a young female toddler run into the street, turning around in full attention he looked around for the parents but nobody could be seen he then heard a loud honk from a speeding truck quickly sprinting he pushed the toddler out of the way suddenly all he could see was bright white light as he started to feel weightless just as he loss consciousness he could hear the loud cry of larm from the pedestrians on the street.

Ashton suddenly woke up only to see blinding light infront of him he looked around and could see nothing then a voice he thought was calling out of the blinding light said:

Welcome Ashton i am GOD behold my magnifiance by the way your dead my fault really i wasnt paying attention. However, you died before your actual time so i have decieded to let you live again as someone else as your previous body is basically mincemeat due to truck-sama.

You will be reborn in a parallel world with a loving and caring family as i feel you deserve it.

You have 3 wishes to help you in the parallel world choose wisely as there are no refunds.

Ashton thought carefully and after a lifetime seemed to have gone he decieded that he first wish was to be born with extremely good looks of a KPOP IDOL.

His second wish was to born with a superstar system to help him achieve his Idol dreams.

The third and final wish was to be born with a mind reading ability in which he could control without any training.

God these are my wishes are these possible.

GOD replied and said his wishes were within his power to grant. Ashton your wishes have been granted be prepared you will be reborn in 3..2..1.

Ashton astral spirit disappeared in a white bright light.

( sorry I've been busy over the last 6 months I'm gunna start publishing more chapters hope you enjoy).