
strange things

Dear Anna,

Hello,Anna! After verication done by the school, you have been qualified to enter the Dragon Soul Academy please pack your luggage and say goodbye to your relatives and friends. take the bus NO.191 to the park front station on July 1. get off, transfer to line 5 to Tsinghua Temple and then transfer to the line ATM. arrive at the hero cemetery and take the Dragon Soul Academy special magic train. the train will depart at 7 pm, please be careful not to miss the train.

principal John.

strange things probably started after Anna received two mischievous letters like this. the reason why there were two is because the recipient of the second letter was Anna's sister. Anna's sister was also admitted to the Dragon Soul Academy.

although the letter looked very serious, the envelope and the admission notice were well-formed, including the signature and stamp in the lower right corner. you could tell this was no ordinary letter.

not to mention that there is no school in the U.S. that is called the Dragon Soul Academy. living in this small city for so long, however, Anna had never heard of this so-called maglev train in the hero cemetery.

who would put a train station in a cemetery? the person who sent this letter may have to read a few books.

Anna thought this at the time, so she didn't hesitate to throw the mischievous letters into the trash can. as a high school student who had already advanced to the second year of high school, she should try her best to prepare for the college entrance examination and get into the ideal university. she didn't have time to deal with sillyletters sent by bored people.

at the beginning of the strange event, Anna didn't associate it with the two letters like most people would. these two mischievous letters are much gentler than the letters that were once full of vicious words.

the evening she received the letters, Anna and her sister slept together. Anna's sister was Lucy. they were twins. they looked exactly the same. face to face is like looking in the mirror.they are different in temperament and personality, so there are very few people who recognise them.

speaking of character, Lucy's personality isn't the same as Anna's. she is very lively and active, she can make friends anywhere she goes. in contrast Anna wasn't very popular, there were always people trying to cause her trouble. once she asked someone why they bully her, they answered that she looked too arrogant.

Anna felt very innocent. she just doesn't like to laugh and lil3s to be alone. was that arrogant?

Anna felt that she was silent and she works hard for goals, like a snail. her sister is lively, always enjoying the scenery along the way. she has many friends. she was always the canter of attention.

after turning off the lights at night, the two sisters in the darkness lay on a bed face-to-face like in their mother's womb, just like every night for so many years.

"hey, Anna, the president of the student union confessed something to me today, do you want me to promise myself to him?" her sister said in a sweet and lively voice.

"do you like him?" Anna asked.

"well....not to the extent of liking but he looks very handsome. there are also many people that like him at school. I'd be very proud of being with him."

Lucy had been an attractive person since she was a child. she also likes to be noticed. she is the kind of person who is naturally suitabl3 to be an actress or someone on stage.

"you don't need to ask me, anyway, you already have an idea of what you want," Anna said.

although Lucy liked to tell her things with a tone of negotiation, she usually had already made up her mind.

"ah, you are more and more cold, like an ice queen beauty. sometimes I wonder how bad boys like William and Jagger endure you? do they dare touch you?"

Lucy didn't know how Anna and her boyfriend got along with each other. weren't they both afraid of being turned to ice?

what Lucy was saying is Anna's current boyfriend and ex-boyfriend, without exception, are all-time tyrants. they are the bad students who have been abandoned by their teachers, and no one dares to provoke. but one is the school tyrant of their junior high school, and the other is the school tyrant of this high school.

so she would be able to study quietly, Anna decided to l2t these bad boys be her boyfriends. when Anna got blocked by a bunch of mean girls at her school, she knew she had to keep the boys aroumd so she wouldn't be bothered as much. accidentally, it was effective. now they break it up as soon as they see her.

"they like me, of cous3 they can get it." Anna said.

in front of her boyfriend and in front of other people, of course, she was not the same. as a good student, she strictly followed the guidance of textbooks to fall in love.

"I really admire you." Lucy said.

she thinks her sister is a genius who could deal with study and love at the same time.

"thank you." Anna responded.

after their routine bedtime chat ended, Anna went over what she had learned in school that day. her smooth breathing made Anna feel at ease.

about an hour later, Anna relaxed herself and fell asleep. after a while, when she was half dreaming, she suddenly felt her sister sitting up.

'is she filling to the bathroom?' Anna thoufht confusedly, and couldn't open her eyes.

however, Lucy had been sitting and not moving. Anna was not clear why she didn't just lay down. after getting u0 the next morning, Anna asked her, "did you go to the toilet at midnight?"

"ah? no, I never got up to go to the bathroom at midnight. what happened?"