
Pulling a J-man.

Holy fuck... I should change my Godly Name to Scammer Behind The Stars.

I rolled high on the Gacha, I didn't even know that Kazuo knew Medical Ninjutsu, that would come useful later on once I had enough DP to bless followers with enhanced learning. 

I wasn't the one who healed Hikari's sister either, of course, now that I knew about it, I was keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't relapse.

I could feel the jump in faith as soon as they saw the Watcher's visage above us. All of them were now firmly in the Top 10 of most faithful believers, and I'm pretty sure everyone else in the Top 10 list were actually insane, like clinically.


I spent around 60 DP on casting that illusion. After all, Ayumu has no Chakra, so I had to spend DP on faking something like that.

Of course, I only cast it on the 4 people there with me. If anyone else saw us, they would only see 5 people looking at a normal sky. While it did seem overly elaborate, I felt it was necessary to truly cement my religion in these people's minds.

Anyway, I got 5 DP back just from my 4 scam targ- I mean Priests-In-Training watching my illusion. Not a bad return, all things considered.

By this point, I was fairly certain that Gatō would be coming after me today.

It seems he moved fast because just this morning, I noticed several of his goons staking out the area around the place I usually held my sermons in. They tried their best to act casual about it but... Well, let's just say they weren't very good at being subtle or blending into crowds properly.

it also seems Kazuo and Hikari chose stay far away from the main groupd, probably the smartest move as too not implicate themselves in what I was going to do, but Kenji and Haruka were here today, still doing their parts. Once again, we started our prayer session and soon enough people began arriving steadily until eventually almost everyone had arrived by now.

"Good morning everyone." I greeted politely while smiling brightly towards everyone gathered around me today before continuing to speak again. "I'm glad so many of you still show up, despite Gatō's persistent attempts at crushing your spirits!"

Several murmurs rippled through those present here today upon hearing my words, while I didn't shy away from encouraging a bit of dissent against him, I was normally much more cautious when it came to insulting him directly, so this must have been quite surprising for everyone present.

I glanced around at everyone's faces carefully before speaking once more. It seems most of them were growing increasingly angry and frustrated with how things currently stood under his rule over Wave.

"I know that most of you have had enough of living under his tyranny, of being treated like slaves! Of having your hard-earned money taken away just because he wants more power than what he already has!"

More angry murmurs echoed throughout the crowd surrounding me as my voice grew louder and more forceful with each word spoken aloud.

"But no matter what happens next... You must remain strong! Remember why we pray for The Watcher! Not for ourselves! But for our families! For our friends! For our loved ones! To ensure they will live better lives than us!"

Just as I was about to continue speaking further, I noticed a short man wearing expensive clothes approaching from behind the crowd. His face twisted into an ugly scowl as soon as he caught sight of me standing atop my stage platform.

Behind him, I saw several thugs fanning out behind him, wielding various weapons ranging from knives to swords to clubs. They began pushing people aside roughly in order to make way for their leader, who was striding forward towards me without hesitation whatsoever.

Upon seeing this, everyone else immediately fell silent and moved out of their way quickly, allowing them easy passage through the masses gathered around my makeshift podium.

"Well, well... care to repeat that bullshit again?!" The man shouted angrily up at me while glaring hatefully back down at everyone else present here today. Everyone's attention shifted between us nervously, not knowing exactly how things would play out next but certain it wouldn't end well regardless.

I simply smiled serenely back at him before responding calmly once more, "Certainly! I said that no matter what happens next... We must remain strong!"

He growled, like actually growled, what was he? A dog?

"Cute..." He snarled menacingly while motioning for his men to surround me completely now before continuing to speak again, "You seem pretty confident given your situation here, boy..."

Everyone tensed up, likely remembering the previous times Gatō had killed those who opposed him publicly, but I just continued smiling pleasantly back at him anyway.

"I am confused, what situation?" I asked innocently. My tone remained light despite everything going on around me currently, which only served to further infuriate him.

He visibly calmed himself before speaking again, "I will give you one chance to walk away from all this nonsense," He said coldly without waiting for a reply first before continuing to talk once more. "If you stop preaching right now and never do so again... Then I'll let you leave unharmed."

That actually surprised me, I was expecting him to just go straight to the violence part. Guess he's smarter than I expected...

But unfortunately for him, I am a God.


The moment I said that word, I gathered a good chunk of my DP and inserted deep into Gatō's mind, all of it carried a single message. 

'I should burn this priest alive.'

Surprisingly, It was more expensive than I expected it to be, costing around 500 DP for some reason. That's almost 10 times more expensive than casting that illusion was on my 4 successors, If my god self had a face, it would have frowned in displeasure right now. But considering how much DP I will get back from what I have planned, it was an acceptable trade-off.

I shoved those thought into the back of my mind, I could experiment later. Right now, I should focus on my sca- followers.

Gatō stared silently back at me after hearing my refusal before nodding slowly.

"I see, that's truly unfortunate..." His voice trailed off quietly as he looked away from me towards his men instead.

"Go get some firewood, oil and a big enough stake." He ordered curtly before turning back around to face me once again. A wicked grin spread across his lips as he continued speaking again.

"Waraji, Zōri, break his limbs."

His two goons stepped forward with malicious grins on their faces. 

I, of course, tried to kick the shorter one in the balls, I think this one was Zōri? But he simply swatted away my leg effortlessly before grabbing hold of it tightly between both hands. His grip felt like steel vices clamping down hard against my skin beneath his fingers.

Oh well, to be fair to this body. It didn't really have any muscles in the first place, and I did deliberately give away most of the food I to the people who needed it. So my condition isn't exactly up to par for fighting anyway.

Zōri pulled out a metal pipe from his belt, and swiftly struck my knee with a loud crack. My kneecap shattered instantly, I ignored the pain but let out a grunt anyway, I wanted to seem tough but not completely unnatural.

I also ignored the burst of DP from most of the people around us, praying for my safety. Damn, I haven't even martyred my human self yet, and I was already getting more DP than what I gathered during the first couple of weeks.

The two goons continued their assault upon my body without mercy, breaking bones until eventually Gatō ordered them to stop.

I let some appropriate grunts out here and there, but otherwise didn't say anything else as they worked their way through, breaking every limb possible.

"Now that you've had enough fun..." He growled lowly before motioning towards where his men had returned carrying large bundles of wood and a large post, about one and a half times my size. One of them proceeded to smash a hole into my little stage, and rammed the stake inside.

"Hey, assholes, I worked hard on this stage!" I shouted, well, I tried to shout, it came out as more of a hoarse rasp after everything this body had been through. The goons only sneered at me before grabbing hold of my broken limbs once again, roughly dragging me over towards where they set up their makeshift impalement device earlier.

"Tie him up," Gatō said calmly while watching all this unfold with cold indifference evident in his eyes.

His men obeyed immediately by tying rope around both wrists tightly, then wrapping another length around my waist before attaching it securely onto the wooden pole itself via several iron nails hammered deeply into its surface.

Gatō glanced at me with suspicion when he saw how little resistance I was putting up against their actions, but his natural inclination for killing dissenters and my compulsion was too strong. He did nothing to stop what was happening.

One of his goons took out a jar filled with lamp oil from inside his jacket pocket before opening it carefully and pouring most of its contents all over myself and the pile of wood beneath me.

Well, damn, that's going to burn really quickly. I prepared some DP, ready to use it at any moment to make sure Ayumu doesn't die too fast from burning alive.

"Go on then, pray to your god," Gatō spat. "Maybe he will come save you!"

I just smiled and started praying like usual, 42 DP down the drain to make sure my voice was clear and loud, another 214 DP to keep myself alive until I needed to.

"O Watcher Above! Forgive these poor, foolish mortals! For they know not what they do!"

Gatō snarled in irritation at my continued defiance towards him before turning away from me completely now.

"Enough of this crap, light it up!" He yelled angrily back over his shoulder as he strode off, not even bothering to look back at us anymore.

Oh nice, that means I don't have to use DP on him to hide what I am about to do next.

Although only about half the thugs left along with Gatō, which means I will cry for my poor DP when I cast illusions on the rest of them. Oh well, hopefully, a spectacle like this would be worth it.

As one of the remaining goons threw his lit matchstick onto the pile of oil-soaked wood beneath me, I began shouting once again.

"Oh Watcher Above! May those who still believe in you be blessed! May your guiding hand bring them salvation! May all those who stand against you know only darkness for eternity!"

I could feel the faith growing amongst my followers as I spoke those words aloud, causing me to smile slightly despite myself before continuing further.

But just as fast the fire burned up towards Ayumu's body, I could feel the bodies pain, but at the end of the day, mortal pain could not faze god-me. 

"I do not ask you to save me! I do not ask you for your blessings! All I ask is that you give these people hope! Give them something worth believing in again! Give them back their faith!"

By now, the fire had reached high enough that it began licking at my face, my 'blessing' making sure that this body remains alive through all the pain and injuries.

"So please... grant unto this humble flock your protection! Shelter them from harm! Heal them when sick! Feed them when hungry!"

The crowd was being moved to tears, many sobbing openly or crying out quietly while praying alongside me. 

As the flames fully consumed Ayumu's body, I struck again.

Every thug remaining saw nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, in their eyes, this was going perfectly as planned. To them, my human body started screaming.

But for everyone else...

The sky turned dark, day turning to night as the sun was devoured by a sea of stars, a familiar visage formed once more above us all. The three closed eyes stared down from above at Ayumu burning beneath his gaze.

"O Watcher Above! I give you my soul! So that your will may be done here on earth once again!"

The eyes slowly opened, one after another, revealing bright golden orbs gazing down upon us with an expressionless stare. Its mouth opened slightly, revealing nothing but darkness within its depths.

A large hand formed out of swirling galaxies and stars reached down towards Ayumu, gently wrapping around something invisible inside Ayumu's chest, before pulling back up again. In his massive fingers, he held a small light, one that somehow burned brighter than any other star in the sky despite being so tiny compared to everything else around it.

As the sky and the Watcher slowly faded away, everyone heard a sound, coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. It was deep yet soft at the same time, powerful but gentle too. An infinite voice, spoken directly into their souls.




With that final word spoken, the sun returned to its rightful place in the sky.

And there was only silence afterward as everyone processed what just happened here today. Some were still crying, while others simply stared dumbfounded up towards where the Watcher had appeared earlier, Gatō's thugs only seeing a broken and despairing crowd of people.

I kept a metaphorical eye on what they were doing as I reveled in my newly boosted DP production, 12 whole points per minute now! 



That was... expensive, so very, very expensive. First, blessing Ayumu's body so it wouldn't go into shock or die before I got my speech out, then keeping my voice strong and loud so everyone can hear me clearly, then casting a compulsion on Gatō, then hiding everything from the thugs, then casting an illusion for everyone else... yeah that drained my DP dry.

But after today's little event, I have more than enough faithful followers who will donate regularly from now on, thanks to seeing something like this happen right in front of them firsthand. And I already prepared 4 successors ready to take over everything once I was gone too! 

I checked in on everyone again; Haruka was crying silently along with many others who had known Ayumu personally during these last few months since he arrived here. Kenji stood still, tears streaming down his face, but otherwise not moving much either.

Kazuo and Hikari were watching from afar, but both wore somber expressions upon their faces, even though they hadn't known him long before this incident happened earlier today. 

But being some of my most faithful believers, I could feel the determination and even happiness at Ayumu achieving his 'goal' of waking up the Watcher.

I can confidently say, my religion is secured.

4/4, Last of my stockpile, don't worry though, I'll try to write more chapters fast.

ValeronWritercreators' thoughts