
I'd Give Up The World For You

Street smart city girl Daisy Miller gets a rude awakening, ending up not only in someone else's body but hundreds of years in the past! She never anticipated running an entire farm by herself but finds the peace and quiet a welcome change. Unfortunately, that peace is threatened by the arrival of a heavily injured boy who is clearly running from something. Rukelion Blaze trusts no one and cares about nothing but avenging his family and country after a brutal slaughter perpetrated by a neighboring kingdom. The last thing he needs is to get caught up in the mundane details of farm life but supposes it is as good a place as any to hatch his revenge plan. With the opposing goals of peace and revenge, how can two broken souls possibly get along? Especially when the unbelievable combination of both of their secrets involves far more than meets the eye... Read on to find out! *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Fantasie
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270 Chs

It's My Job To Protect Both Of You

Rukelion knew his wife had never put much thought into being a mother before meeting him. It made sense considering her experience with her own mother. She hadn't wanted to potentially continue the cycle. 

What she hadn't considered was that she was a very different person than her mother and could never be that kind of parent. She was too kindhearted. 

With so much love to give to people she didn't know and had no reason to care about, there was no way she wouldn't shower her own child with it. She was going to be a wonderful mother; he was certain of it. Her past wouldn't prevent her from doing that. 

"Life often hits us with things we don't expect," Rukelion said lightly. 

Daisy snorted. "It sure does. It isn't always for the worse though. I certainly never expected to end up in a fantasyland but I never would have met you otherwise."