
Silph co

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"Just keep on going Growlie. We're almost at the finish line" I groan out in a hoarse voice. Feeling the burning sensation of my workout, I keep on pushing through to keep the grind on going.

"Graw lithe!" The panting Growlie exclaims as it seemed to be close to having its legs give out.

Growlie and I were doing our training I specially customised for the both of us. This took me over three weeks to make as I had to research specific information about the diet and the recommended methods commonly used for Growlithe's.

The exercises we had were.

Agility training with cones. This included up hill courses where Growlie had to run to certain areas.

Weighted training where we both wear macho-braces which adds weight to our whole body.

I also included fetch but with extra additions like fake throwing the ball and choosing different environments for Growlie to chase through.

Growlie has a big weakness and it's using his attacks but that can be ignored for now as I want to build up his foundation and initial muscles then after to train move potency.

He's a physical attacker after all so if he ain't that good at a special move like ember, it doesn't matter too much.

He'll just need to cover for his own weaknesses when he's facing a disadvantage like typing.

"Young James why are you training so hard?" I hear Hopkins ask from behind me. With sweat still going down my neck I turned around with a tired look.

"To get stronger myself and to motivate Growlie more, I saw how bummed out he was when seeing his talent at the Pokemon Center."

"Don't lie to me Master James, you probably want to ask a girl out again. Not like it worked out before… you always told me you're thoughts and opinions before but now I'm in the dark." Hopkins says in devastation wiping a single tear with a handkerchief.

Bro this man really called me out. That wasn't necessary at all, not cool. But he was right, James was a helpless romantic.

"Has what I've asked for arrived?" I question ignoring what Hopkins said previously.

"It has arrived, it's currently being brought up to this room as we speak to be set up." He says easing my worries.

'Finally I can track Growlie's progress much easier.' The machine I got was a Level Scanner which is LS for short. It will tell me Growlie's level and stats like his strength, speed and other stuff.

Of course it's not fully accurate but this at least shows me if I'm training Growlie rights.

With the training finally over for the day, I waited till after dinner to check Growlie's current level.


"This isn't too bad." I mutter walking through the mansion. My soreness isn't affecting me too much as I've properly warmed and recovered. I'm still sure I'll feel it tomorrow and the day after but it will be toned down a bit to when I went to the gym for the first time.

The mansion is huge with four stories in total. My room was on the third story with my personal gym for Growlie and I the room next to ours. We had to connect the two rooms together though as I wanted more space.

"Okay it's time Growlie, get on the scanner." I excitedly said as I wanted to see if the machine worked or not.


Growlie walking into the scanner through a door like entrance that closes,

I'm not expecting there to be any results just yet though as it's only been three days since we've been following the training regime I made.

'But also how is a scanner this small meant to function with bigger Pokemon.' I wonder and the intrusive thoughts won in my mind. 'He may be small but he has a great personality.'

The scanner looked like a fossil machine from Pixelmon but without all the grey tubes with it only having a plug to power itself.

It had a screen in front to where it showed the statistics and level of my Pokemon. After a minute went by, I saw the screen start to change and show a number and a detailed graph.

~{]Level Scanner[}~

Pokemon: Growlithe

Level: 8

Nature: Jolly

Attack: 24

Defence: 21

Special Attack: 11

Special Defence: 14

Speed: 19


"I'm not sure if this is good but it looks fine " I murmure looking at the screen. Don't get me wrong the nature is amazing and Growlie getting a level is also quite the achievement for three days of training.

But I'm not sure if the numbers for Attack and Speed are good, I'll need to ask Zebastion about this as his speciality revolves around Pokemon.

After this a couple months went by of non-stop training and grinding. Growlie started to increase the weights even more so than before and started more intense training.

He ended up reaching level 12 but I'm pretty sure he could get a couple more levels relatively fast if he trained his move pool.

The progress is slow but it's rewarding because if you think about it from my perspective. If Growlie gets all the physical training out of the way, he can soak up all the battle experience at once without needing to multitask between different types of training.

With his new found strength Growlie was able to instinctively learn [Bite] and [Flame Wheel] which were helpful moves. But when I get the TMs I've wanted they'll be kind of useless.

Speaking of months passing by, it's now my birthday with my age now being eight. Because of this I'm going on a trip. I've told my parents two places I've wanted to visit and we are in the way to one of them right now which is located in Saffron City.

[•—•{3rd Person's POV}•—•]

"My little James, we've arrived!" James' mother, Akane coos as she snuggles the poor kid. James after months of spending time at home has realised she wasn't such a bad person.

'There's no point acting like a dick to people who aren't "hostile" to me. I've already been transported to this world and I may as well make the most of it.' James thought to himself as he snuggled closely to his mother. Even though he does feel a little weirded out having a new family.

"Let's head out." Sean speaks out all of them leave the limo wearing clean and fancy clothes. Looking in front James had a wide smile seeing the building in front of him.

"Silph Co." James murmurs seeing the huge building for the first time.


It definitely isn't the biggest building he's seen but knowing that this place is the pioneer of technology is enough to make him interested.

But while the family of three and their butler made their way into the building, they spotted a battle happening just a few metres away from them.

"Can we go watch the battle first." James says with stars in his eyes.

"I don't see why not, you'll get to see the normal battles your getting yourself into when you become a trainer." Sean responds while walking towards the forming crowd.

With James and the others getting into a free space to watch the battle, a robotic voice could be heard closing in.

"Coronation battle confirmed. Battle begin!" The voice of a green rotor floating in the air announces as more people from the surroundings start to make a circle to watch.

The two trainers looking at each other with smirks each threw a Pokeball into the air.




Both trainers now with their Pokemon out started their battle. The fight between the two Pokemon were quite close, but Glaceon was able to catch Braviary off guard when it got off two [Calm Mind]s and attacked with [Stored Power] right after.

This eventually snowballed and won the match for Glaceon's trainer.

"What an intense battle, I'm not sure that Glaceon could of won that battle if it didn't set up for a [Stored Power] there." Hopkins comments as the crowd started to disperse.

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"Speaking of that battle Hopkins, what is this coronation thing that green Pokemon was talking about?" I questioned acting oblivious. Hopkins hearing this immediately explains the event to me.

"It's basically a global competition to find out who the strongest trainer in the world is, it takes place every four years. I'm proud to tell you that Kanto's water type Gym Leader won the last coronation series for our country."

"Yeah yeah." I responded as Hopkins proceeded to suck off Adam Williams some more with all the praise. He isnt shown in the anime at all so he probably fell off a cliff or something…

Okay that kind of took a dark turn but the current world champ being a gym leader is a real shocker, not much of his typing though.

Water is currently the most dominant type as it has the most species of Pokemon and is adaptable to both the seas and land.

'I will watch out for who wins this year though.' I think to myself as I finally make my way into the Silph Co building.

Walking up to the front desk, my dad quickly introduces himself to the staff and gets one of their members to give us a tour of the place.

"It's a pleasure to meet the Morgan family, my name is Isaac and I'll be your guide for today." The man named Isaac introduces himself with a small bow. Dad giving an approving look as his ego as big as a Wailord was being stroked, gave him the run down of what we wanted.

"You guys will be able to purchase some TMs from the VIP areas after the guide as I'll show you guys through.

Following the man towards the elevator, we shortly after exited to the sight of a couple dozen Smeargles and a few workers in coats handling machines.

With this we spent a few hours walking through the lower floors which were very unique to say the least.

Silph Co used some kind of machine they custom made to extract memories from Smeargles who learnt many different moves, after this they put it into a disc to where any Pokemon with the capability could extract the information and do it themselves.

This in turn not only gives them access to the move, but also powers them up a bit as a TM gives them better control over their moves instead of learning to perfect it by scratch.

A Pokémon's body will also adapt to learning the TM move making it really valuable to younger Pokemon. So if a Charmander for example got the TM for [Fire Blast], the Charmander's body will adapt and naturally get strong enough after a certain amount of time to accomodate this move without much or any training.

If you really think about it, it's kind of a pay to win scheme. So that's why I'm here to spend money like a young lord.

"Alright that's the end of the tour, we are currently in the VIP store where you can custom order and see what we have in our stock." The Guy proclaims as he leaves us to it. Looking around the shop, it looked like a really clean and well spaced out pharmacy but it instead sold TM's

"Mum I want to get TMs for Growlie!" I say like a spoilt brat. My father seeing through my act just walks towards one of the TM stands and starts to pick out some.

"Okay James, let's head over to the fire type section." My mother says excitedly as she dragged me over with her super human strength. Even with my physical training, my mum still dragged me around like a rag doll.

'Reminds me of my old mum, she would drag me to the shops with my sisters.' I reminisce as I pick out the TM [Flame Charge] from the stand. Spending quite the bit of time picking out a little too many TM's, I got the the counter where my dad saw Hopkins holding 14 cases.

"What in Arceus?" He questions as he sees all the picked out TMs.

Soon after this dad paid for the TM's with an open mind I think…

He kind of looked annoyed but nothing more. It's not like he has anything else to spend his money on anyways.

Yoinking the receipt from Hopkins. I checked my total purchase.


Teleport - 15,000

Reflect - 5,000

Light Screen - 5,000

Aerial Ace - 2,500

Facade - 12,500 (2x)

Protect - 10,000 (2x)

Swift - 2,000

Psychic Fangs - 15,000

Outrage - 25,000

Thunder Fang - 7,500

Flame Charge - 5,000

Flare Blitz - 20,000


Total: 147,00


"Holy shit, a single [Light Screen] TM could purchase a small house." I murmur with my mind blown at the prices.

I kind of didn't check the prices hehe…

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