
Chapter 88




Whole university is a mess. Students and teachers are running here and there. Some are decorating, some are checking music system, some are rehearsing. Some like me are just sitting on a chair. I hope I will do fine today. Many entertainment companies' CEOs will arrive today and it will be a golden chance for all those students including me who want to be an idol. I will try to give my best. After ... Tae ... umm Taehyung broke up with me, I decided to back out with this competition as I was not feeling like doing anything but Jeongguk told me that would be a stupid move and one shouldn't leave a chance like this so I stayed. "Umm Excuse me Jimin?" I looked up and saw Jeongguk's friend standing there. Umm what was her name? Umm Yes! Rose. I gave her a smile "Why are you sitting here alone? Where are your friends?" "There" I pointed at a group of people which included Taehyung, his boyfriend, Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, his brother and Hoseok hyung. Gguk was not with them as some teacher called him for some work. Today, here only my parents and Hoseok hyung's parents are present as Jin hyung's parents are busy in some meeting and Namjoon hyung's parents are taking care of his grandmother. Tae.. I mean Taehyung was telling Hoseok hyung that his aunt will arrive before his first performance and I am dying to meet her. She is a nice lady and she has always treated me like her son which I am grateful of. "Oh.... Can I sit here if you don't mind" came the girl's voice snapping me out of my thoughts "Sure" I gave her a small smile. She smiled in return and sat on the chair next to me. My parents are not with me as they went to meet the principal to ask about my and Gguk's progress. I hope the principal say everything nice and not something embarrassing. "Nervous?" "Very" I replied "You shouldn't be, you are an amazing dancer as well as singer." I blushed lightly and thanked her. "I saw you dancing many times and got mesmerized every time and remember your audition's clip which got leaked?" I nodded chuckling at the memory. "Yeah you did a great job in that. Although each of your friend was amazing but you were different." "I am not that good but thank you." "You shouldn't underestimate yourself." "I heard you singing too. You are a talented girl" I smiled and complemented and saw her blushing "You think so?" I nodded and she gave me her pretty smile. "I...… noticed that you are not feeling well... these days. Something happened?" She asked "Just going through the phases of break up." I gave her a sad smile when her eyes widen. "...Oh... I am sorry... I" "It's OK" We both were silent for few minutes until she spoke "You know. If god takes something from you that means he has better plans for you. Maybe Taehyung was not the right one. Maybe you never meant to happen. Maybe if you didn't break up now then you will in future under different circumstances." I turned to look at her "Sometimes we think what happened was wrong but something better has been coming in our life. We always focus on our loss and forget that there can be something good behind it. Maybe you don't realize now. Maybe whatever I am saying is just rubbish to you but at some point in future you will know that what happened was for your own good" She gave me a smile and I lost in deep thoughts. Maybe she is right. Maybe I and Tae never meant to happen but then why we got together at the first place? Why hurt me like this when he was never mine? I looked in the direction of six boys chatting and laughing. Seems like he doesn't need me anymore.


I was collecting CDs from some students of their dance performances as ordered by a teacher when my eyes fell on two people sitting together. I poked my cheek with my tongue. Why is she sitting with my hyung? Is she flirting? Why they are smiling at each other like this? I cannot see my Jimin with someone else. Since Taehyung broke up with him, I started feeling more confident about getting Jimin. Maybe now he will love me back. Maybe now he will realize that I love him so much even more than Taehyung. And this time I will be careful. I won't let anyone else come between me and my Jimin. He is mine and only mine and no one is allowed to even flirt with him.

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