
Chapter 23

Meanwhile, after his fight with Hybreed, Barbatos returns to Hekate, who has expanded her army all across the United States and is waiting for the proper time to "activate" them. Meeting with Hekate at the airport, Barbatos boards a private jet with her as the plane takes off.

Barbatos: If we act now, we can take this entire continent in seconds.

Hekate: Indeed, we can, my love. But we are not done. Remember, it's the whole world I seek. We took London and Boston in a day, just think about how quickly we can take the entire European continent.

The plane leaves America, heading for Italy as their plan has been put into motion.

Night fall arrives and Hybreed sits by the fireplace of his home when Nikita enters and sits down next to him.

Nikita: No update yet on Jasper, but that could also be good.

Hybreed: Let's hope.

Nikita: You're upset.

Hybreed: Upset isn't the word to describe how I'm feeling right now, Nikita.

Nikita: She's confused and doesn't understand. And she won't until you tell her what we are. Why hold back?

Hybreed: I did tell her. I even showed her and she looked like she just saw the devil himself. She is the first human I've done that since Katherine. It's hard to trust humans anymore. The last one I became close to, was burned alive.

Nikita: That was not your fault, Hybreed, and you need to stop blaming yourself for that. You said it yourself and you saw that it was that enchantress woman that deceived everyone.

Hybreed: I know what I saw. She kept me from interferring.

Nikita: How is that even possible?

Hybreed takes a moment as he breaks down crying and Nikita puts her arm around him to comfort him, but he instead brushed her off to collect himself.

Hybreed: She put up some sort of shield to keep anyone outside away. I had no other choice and I let her and Gregory down. They were murdered because of me. Now, they are back and taking their revenge on everyone.

Nikita: Whatever she is planning, we need to act soon.

Hybreed: When I find them, when I get to them, there will be no more peace talk. Not anymore.

Konnor comes into the house and informs them they need to see something. He takes them to Lyke's and when they step inside, Jasper is awake and up out of bed.

Hybreed: Jasper?

Jasper: Hey, teacher.

Hybreed walks over and hugs his pupil, happy to see him alive. When they break, Hybreed looks him over and sees that the wounds are healed up and he is back to his healthy way.

Jasper: Do we have anything to eat?

Konnor gives him a piece of deer meat and some water as he eats and drinks.

Hybreed: How do you feel?

Jasper: Better. Feel like I could take on an entire army by myself.

Konnor: Slow it down, kid. We may be powerful, but we are still vulnerable to death.

Nikita: Do you remember anything?

Jasper takes a moment after finishing his food as Konnor gives him another large piece and Jasper thinks back to when he was attacked and left for dead by Hekate and Barbatos.

Jasper: I remember everything. I was in the woods, meditating and they attacked. I wasn't fast enough, strong enough. They just kept coming and coming until I was either dead or near death. Last thing I remember was seeing you three coming for me and that was it.

Hybreed steps out of the cabin as Nikita follows him and can tell something is wrong.

Nikita: What is it?

Hybreed: I know we just got home, but if we are going to end this, we need to do this the right way. No more going to them, instead we bring her to us.

Nikita: Here?

Hybreed: No.

Nikkita: Then where?

Hybreed: Boston.