
Hunting My Bitch Husband

The world had served her the cruellest and bitter taste of life. From the mysterious death of her parents to her awful marriage which slowly ripped her off. All of this made her become a changed woman and she vowed never to love again because she believed that all men were evil. She was called the city bitch, a woman who rampaged the city, tortured men with her body and did cruel things to people. Nothing and no one could stop the hottest slayer in the city who bowed to no one. Digging gold with her pretentious smile that made men succumb to her and women green with jealousy. All these she did in viciousness to take down her lifetime enemy who ripped and turned her world upside down. Plotting her sweet great revenge, storming the city with her cruel and crazy acts, she was suddenly trapped in the web of the same oath she vowed not to break. Finding herself spelling the word LOVE seemed like a curse to her as she felt she will make the same horrible mistake that took the life she once had. Either she ruled and accomplished her revenge, or the city goes to ruin.

PenDora56 · Urban
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54 Chs

Damn all! Let them rot in hell!

Roselle's eyelids shot open and closed, feeling the terror loom over her. She shot it open again when she heard a crack at her office door, and a deep voice spoke and poked himself in without knocking which brought her out of the thought of that horrible day.

"You are thinking about him again?"

"Santa, you startled me" Roselle spun her office chair around to face a young man who stood observing her. She stared at his studiously handsome face. His thin eyebrows were narrow and glittered along with his dark black well-groomed hair.

He was handsome from the depths of his ocean-blue eyes to his subtle rosy lips which made her wonder how a man would be blessed with such lips while the females are desperate in the makeup house dying to have exactly what he was given for free.

He began to approach her not letting his striking stare move away from her. The gentleman in him always rose something under her feet and sends something thumping on her chest. But she had always shoved this feeling apart quickly and focused on her purpose.

She had vowed to never allow it to ever prevail again in her life no matter how good the man might be.

She believed that all men were evil, dove in the morning and beasts in the evening with their sweet tongues that lures women to fall for them and in the end, leave them crawling after using them to their satisfaction.

"Oh, I'm sorry I startled you, but you look lost again." Santiago sighed. "When will you ever get the thought of him out of your mind?"

Roselle rose from where she sat, standing feet apart and arms folded. "Until I have gotten my revenge over him. I won't stop reminding myself that I have someone who deserved to be severely punished." She gritted her teeth, hating every thought of the man that had wrecked her life.

At this statement, Santiago frowned deeply, dropping the documents on the table, he sat down opposite her. He didn't want to respond to her statement knowing fully well it will result in an unending argument.

"The documents are ready for you to sign," He said coldly, peering at Roselle wondering when she would ever forget her blood-tasty revenge and accept him into her life.

Roselle drew the chair backwards, giving herself the space to sit back. She studied the documents on the table. "When is the supply going to be ready?" She asked.

"The date has not been specified and it is springing a lot of questions in the company,"

"I don't care about what it's springing in the company Santiago. What's important to me is that I get what I want," She said, signing on the provided spaces after going through some pages.

"At the detriment of others? Come on Roselle you can't keep acting like this, consider others for once!" Santiago's harsh voice vibrated through the walls of Roselle's office.

"I don't damn care about anyone!"

"You have to care Roselle!" Santiago stood from where he sat, anger brewing from all the parts of his body.

"This is my company, I decide what I want Santiago!" Roselle's eyes flamed, glaring back at Santiago.

"Yes, it's your company and you have the right to do what you want. But remember, those people out there toiling their life out deserve better! What will become of them if they lose their job after putting so much effort to make this company reach this standard? Tell me how will they be able to take care of their families?!"

"I repeat, I don't care!"

"They would be arrested, do you want them to rot in jail?! How cruel of you!" Santiago fumed with fury.

"Come on Roselle, you have changed so much! I can't believe you're the same woman I know, one with a good heart, always ready to help people in need. You are no longer that kind-hearted woman I fell..." He stopped himself from uttering the remaining words that almost slipped off his lips.

Roselle fought to put back her tears which she had always vowed to never let anyone see again. She succeeded in putting back the tears turning her face away from Santiago and she spoke in the cruellest manner Santiago had ever heard from her. "Damn all! Let them rot in hell!"

Santiago's blood drained hearing this statement from Roselle. Staring at the elegant backside of Roselle which now revealed anger and hatred. He poured through his memories remembering 15 years ago when he was the special assistant of Roselle's father.

Roselle had survived a fatal accident in which her father had died on the spot and her mother had secured a life injury. Her mother could only see the day's sunlight only if she was taken outside by someone. That same day, her mother had given birth to her sister Lana through surgery and she barely survived the surgery.

As the heir of the family, she took up her family's business at a young age since her mother was paralyzed.

It was at this time she was trying to cope with all the pains she had been through that she met Rashuel after burying her father with the help of her aunt Hana who had gone back immediately after the burial to the USA where her husband lived.

Thirty years old Rashuel, a strong and most feared lawyer in the whole city of Stardust in the country of Miland, willingly accepted to be the family lawyer of the dead architectural Professor Oliver Romano, the sole owner of the High Furniture group of company. A company which produced the highest and most widely used types of furniture which were sold far and wide in about 21 countries including Miland.

Being the top furniture company in the city of Stardust, many businessmen had their eyes on it and were eager to overthrow the owner of the company which was why some bought shares just for them to penetrate into the company.

At the death of Professor Oliver Romano, most of the shareholders of the company began fighting to take the family business away from Romano's family since his wife was paralyzed in the cause of the accident and Roselle was too young and barely knew how to manage the company.

That was when Rashuel told Roselle's aunt about him having interest in Roselle and his wish to marry her and help her take care of the family's business.