
Hundred To One: Birth Of a Prodigy

When you should be in a place that you should be but receive something that you should not have. But you don't know that you have received something And did not realize that it originally did not belong to you?. Such is the Fate of Lee Is it a blessing or is it a curse?

Worlater · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Death of a great one

Around hundred powerful beings barged into the mystic realm fighting against someone that was couple of times larger than them. The beings that were fighting against him were quite huge as well but compared to that one they all looked like moon revolving around a planet.

They did not even have time to notice there surroundings as they were fighting fiercely with the colossal giant . most of them looked like humanoid creatures with the heads of beasts such as lion dragon , falcon and there was even a creature with an octopus head.

Some of them were beasts there was a snake that had three heads ,a dragon with nine heads and there was even a wolf with two heads they were all fiercely attacking the colossal giant that was as large as a planet .

the colossal giant swiped its hand in the void and pulled out a sword that was as tall as him and slashed horizontally.

A black line moved across the void towards the beasts. Nearly around 90 of them were cut in half ,the injuries that were healing till now did not heal.

The beings that were cut in half died with unwillingness as there foe was still standing and might have a chance to survive if he was not thoroughly killed today.

After that single powerful slash the giant dropped to one knee as his last strike consumed almost all of his remaining power.

But seeing that there were still close to dozen creatures left standing he knew that it was over and he might not be able to complete his revenge today.

His body was riddled with wounds, his core was destroyed there was still a huge spear lodged in his chest which shattered his core, he knew that he won't live past this day.

He gritted his teeth as He felt rage swelling up in his heart.

He was unable to protect the things he was supposed to protect. Seeing the giant in that condition all the remaining figures immediately pounced on him. He closed his eyes in the face of death as he knew that everything was finally coming to an end but after a second nothing happened.

While the giant closed its eyes, ready to face the inevitable.

A hand that was condensed from light tore open the void and entered into the mystic realm.

As soon as the hand tore the fabric of space, everything looked like it was frozen in time.

The mystic realm which already started to heal by itself was tore open and a humanoid figure which was condensed from light slowly walked out from the tear.

As soon as the being condensed from the light took a step ,the figures that were pouncing on the giant all turned into a minced meat and floated in the void ,the beings that died did not even have time to react.

They did not even realize that they have been killed and even their souls were obliterated .

They died thoroughly without even having any chance to escape.

The giant who was waiting for his death slowly opened his eyes after realizing that he have not died. When he opened his eyes he could not find his enemies,

But his sight landed on a small white dot that when compared to himself only looked like dust, but when his eyes landed on that small speck of light the giant's body began to tremble.

The giant which finally managed to stand immediately fell to its knees and bowed"These humble one pays respect to the supreme one".

The figure that was condensed from light shook it's head slowly and said "What a pity, even I could not save you, your body is destroyed your domain is obliterated and even your core is damaged beyond any repair".

Hearing this, the giant did not reply as he already knew that he did not have any hope and even if there is any hope his life lost all its meaning.

As if the supreme one could read the giants thought, he slowly opened his mouth and said "it's not over yet. The one that died here are not the real enemy" hearing it, the giant's body trembled and rage filled up in his heart.

He thought that everything was over and he did not have anything that he wished to do, but now….

Dozens of seconds passed by and there was no sound. The being that was condensed from the light said "Do you have any final wish?".

Maybe if it was before, the giant did not have any wish but currently it all changed after hearing that crucial information. "Lord ,I would request you to find me a successor to pass down my inheritance".

Hearing the giant's word the supreme one nodded his head. After seeing that his wish was approved the giant slowly closed his eyes and his life which was hanging by a thread finally passed away