
Hundred To One: Birth Of a Prodigy

When you should be in a place that you should be but receive something that you should not have. But you don't know that you have received something And did not realize that it originally did not belong to you?. Such is the Fate of Lee Is it a blessing or is it a curse?

Worlater · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 3 : A valiant king

A guy who was wearing a battle suite similar to lee was sitting at the last row.

It was him who called Lee just now, He was tapping the seat next to him urging him to come and sit next to him.

Lee nodded and went to the last row as her sister went to the front seat to sit with her friends.

This black suite was common as the strongest iron ranked monster that live in this area is the black mountain lizard .

Lee sat next to mike. Mike is a handsome young man who had a similar build as Lee It is normal for students of his age to look this way as all of them were training hard everyday and there food helps there muscles to heal quicker and are more nutritious ,so they don't lack anything,

even if one's parents are not able to provide nutritious food and for the children who lost there parents the kingdom will take care of all there needs, When compared to other kingdoms around them there kingdom is considered the best and there kingdom is kept on growing as more people move into their kingdom as immigrants.

Everyone knows that they are blessed to have such a good king as things were not optimistic before this, so everyone loved the current king and everyone wished to protect such a kingdom .

In people's heart Their king is a valiant and noble hero who always stand in the side of justice and is a kind and approachable person who takes issues in his own hand to solve them.

It was easy for even outsiders who enter this prosperous kingdom to learn about the current ruler as The statue of the current king can be found even in the nook and cranny of the kingdom , these statues were not placed by the king but by the people of the kingdom.

The king even have created a special elite force that directly serves under him to protect the children of the kingdom.

Even nobles can't escape the wrath of the king when he found about their misdeeds against the children.

If one wished to harm someone under 18 years old then they can forget about seeing the sunrise as that's what usually happens,

there is all kinds of rumors going around the kingdom that it might sound too excessive and even impossible feats when the outsiders hear it, One rumor was that when the king personally wiped out a small nation and it disappeared without any trace in a single night.

No one knows how strong the king is . He has been ruling over the kingdom for more than 500 years. Eventhough thousands of people die everyday due to beast attacks and more so during beast tides the king had put his utmost efforts to deal with them ,But evn though the king is strong he can't naturally leave the Main capital and roam around the borders as he is the center stone of the kingdom and he needs to be there .

There will be always someone stirring up trouble in the kingdom and if he is not present there a catastrophe might occur in the capital.

And they both are best friends, they went to same school and they lived nearby as well. Mike's parents are both gold ranked beast tamers and when compared to lee they are rich but Mike and his parents are all good people who does not judge people based on wealth.

The king is not omnipotent as the people beleived even if he is considered as a top poerhouse in the world there are certain existence that can fight him one on one equally and if they decided to gang up on him even the king can't win against them . Killing someone at his level is impossible but injuring him might be possible if they have prepared to sacrifice equally in order to injure him.

But if someone crazy enough to do that appears then the kingdom might be in great trouble. So the kingdom is always grooming children and protecting them as it constantly increases the might of the kingdom and even a powerhouse at his level has not appeared yet he is still happy as the children he protected previously are the one's that are protecting the kingdom.

And if there is something that even the military can't handle all the people of the kingdom will stand up . one should know that as the king have been protecting the kingdom for the past 500 years and more than 70 percent of people are less than 500 years old so it can be said that all these people have grown under his protection and they all felt indebted to the king and the kingdom. In such a powerful world it is easy for an un awakened person to be usually killed by beasts and more so by humans as well.

But ever since the rule of the current king began the unawaken children who got killed by humans can be counted by one hand . And each time it happened it was less likely to happen next time as the consequences that one could not handle soon followed there deeds .that's what the history has proven.