
Hridoy Biswash

Video Games
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What is Hridoy Biswash

Lesen Sie den Roman Hridoy Biswash des Autors Hridoy_Biswash, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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An Intern Saves the World’s Richest During His First Surgery

After awakening from his transmigration, Grimm was pushed up to the surgical table right away. Tragically, the one on the table was the richest man in the world, and Grimm would be beaten to death in rage by the patient’s family if his surgery failed. In the direst of moments, Grimm activated a login system. On the first day he logged in, he gained a world-class level skill for coronary artery bypass surgery. On the second day he logged in, he gained a world-class level skill for craniotomy. On the second day he logged in, he gained a world-class level skill for kidney transplant surgery. Most importantly, there were gift packs on special days, such as on Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, and even his birthday! Not only were there immaculate surgical skills in the gift pack, but there were also grand, mysterious presents too. While everyone was going through great lengths to study surgical skills, Grimm had already become a world-famous doctor. “You're a basketball star? Do you want to have muscle strengthening surgery? I could grant you superhuman strength!” “You’re a Hollywood actress? Want a skin tightening surgery? You’ll get skin as smooth and as moist as a teenage girl’s!” “You’re on the rich list? Sorry, you would have to wait a week for your tumor surgery, since Mister President has been put on a slot ahead of yours.” With the help of his Login System, Grimm was now a renowned world-class doctor, admired by thousands.

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Fade to love you

Almeera dan Erik telah menjadi sepasang kekasih sejak SMU. Kisah cinta mereka tergolong tidak mudah. Penuh dengan perjuangan, tetapi semuanya bisa terlewati, karena mereka saling memiliki dan saling menguatkan satu sama lain. Waktu berlalu, tapi hidup membuktikan bahwa roda kehidupan selalu berputar. Setelah menyelesaikan studinya di luar negeri, Erik berhasil meraih kesuksesan dan mendapatkan posisi sebagai General Manajer di sebuah perusahaan terkemuka di kota Seoul. Dengan kepercayaan yang di berikan oleh tuan muda Almert, yang sudah di anggapnya seperti kakak sendiri, Erik membuktikan dirinya. Namun, sayang, bertolak belakang dengan prestasi cemerlangnya di tempat kerja, ternyata selama ini Erik mengidap kanker hati stadium akhir. Sementara itu, Almeera harus terus bergelut dengan trauma masa lalunya. Dia berusaha bangkit dan meyakinkan diri sendiri bahwa sejarah tak akan terulang, sampai suatu kenyataan mengejutkannya, bahwa seseorang yang membuatnya sangat trauma telah kembali kedalam hidupnya tanpa ia sadari, sialnya orang itu adalah sahabat dari kekasihnya sendiri, Almert. Belum lagi sempat sembuh betul dari trauma masa lalunya, Almeera harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa dia harus menikahi Almert atau tuan muda Almert, karena kebutuhan akan biaya rumah sakit adiknya, Zafreno, yang juga menderita kanker hati. Almeera dan Almert pun mati-matian menyembunyikan perjodohan mereka dari Erik. Mereka berdua takut, jika Erik mengetahui hal ini, akan membuat pria itu sakit hati, dan benar saja, ketika Almeera di paksa untuk menerima perjodohannya dengan tuan muda Almert, Erik yang saat itu juga berada di tempat yang sama mendengarkan hal itu, merasa sangat terpukul. Berhari-hari, Erik terlarut dalam kesedihannya dan perasaan terkhianati yang mendalam. Namun, kemudian ia teringat akan satu hal, bahwa bagaimanapun, pada akhirnya dia tetap akan meninggalkan Almeera, cepat atau lambat. Erik yang mulai berpikir menggunakan pikiran yang jernih pun memutuskan untuk meminta Almert menikahi Almeera dan membahagiakan gadis itu sebagai pengganti dirinya. Awalnya, Almert merasa ragu dan takut, belum lagi sikap Almeera yang sama sekali tidak bersahabat padanya, tapi pinta Erik membuatnya kembali ingat akan kenangan masa lalu yang pernah ia lalui bersama Almeera, bahwa ternyata selama ini ia sangat mencintai Almeera. Kanker hati yang diderita oleh Erik mencapai puncaknya, ia terpaksa harus pergi ke Kanada untuk melakukan transplantasi hati, meninggalkan Almeera dan Almert. Sementara itu, Almert yang sudah mendapatkan restu dari Erik, mulai gencar menarik perhatian Almeera. Almert bahkan tak ragu lagi untuk mengutarakan rasa cintanya pada Almeera, dan pada akhirnya berhasil membuat Almeera luluh, meski gadis itu tak menjanjikan cinta yang sempurna, karena separuh dari hatinya masih dimiliki oleh Erik. Akhir Desember di tahun yang sama, Almeera dan Almert pun akhirnya menikah dan mengikat janji sehidup semati diatas altar pernikahan mereka.

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Love behind faith

She was sweet and perfect in her parents eyes but behind her sweetness there was a mystery,she was the well known personality and known as a top patissier. Where every girl of her age love to play with cosmetic and luxurious things she was engrossed in the ocean of sprinkles and cream but that was not all of her,her whole life stucked at a place when her true identity came out in front of him. "Do you think you can hide your true self from me?Naah... let's forget what you did and... come to the point" He said sarcastically to her. She looked to him angrily and an unexpected sharp slap landed on his charming face. He grabbed her shoulders tightly and his oceanic eyes penetrate her hungry gaze and he said coldly "Woman you have to pay for it" And saying that he pushed her back and leaved her alone in the wilderness. Aizel the one who brings luck and fortune in his parents life,from the childhood he was way too smart and with the time his sharpness reached to its peak. Before taking a step in the business world he already owened the whole but he didn't knew that his calm,sincere and devoted life will change when he encounter with Jazzlyn. What will happen when she will meet with the king of business world? Will she be able to hide her secret from everyone? Will her revelation give her a chance for new journey with him? *Tags- Billionaire,CEO,game player, patissier. *Plot settings -Slice of life, revenge,adventure,weak to strong. *Tone-Comedy, drama, twisted,serious. (Each content of this novel are my own imagination,any resemblance or modification in characters,actions,events and language are strictly prohibited. Plagiarism is not allowed and if author will find any resemblance of this book then legal action will be take place against the suspect without any pre warning) © 2021 by Gracee.All right reserved.

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Fire & Vice: In His Sights

Hi, my name is Nikita Slater and I'm the International Bestselling author of The Queens series, Fire & Vice series, The Sanctuary series, Driven Hearts series and several standalone novels. I've loved the written word my entire life and am an avid reader, as well as a writer. I live, eat and breathe books and I'm always working on something new! ​ I live on the beautiful Canadian prairies with my son and crazy awesome dog. I have an unholy affinity for books (especially dark romance), wine, pets and anything chocolate. Despite some of the darker themes in my books (which are pure fun and fantasy), I am a staunch feminist and advocate of equal rights for all races, genders and non-gender specific persons. When I'm not writing, dreaming about writing or talking about writing, I love to help others discover a love of reading and writing through literacy and social work. Mack Hudson works, drinks, breathes and works some more. He prefers life uncomplicated. He kills complications. Until Lucy. The woman with stars in her eyes and love on her lips who whirled into his life with the speed of a lightning bolt, turning a hardened bounty hunter into the protective lover he never thought he could be. With enemies at their backs, a city on fire and a mob war on the horizon, Mack will stop at nothing to protect what belongs to him. Even if it means making an enemy out of her family. Even if it means hurting the woman he loves. If they thought he was dangerous when he had nothing, there's no stopping him now that he has everything.

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Volumen 1


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