
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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237 Chs

Chapter 90: The Chamber of Secrets

Harry couldn't believe it. Professor Snape had actually given him points.

He didn't dare say it again, what if Professor Snape snapped back to reality?

Harry nodded and sat down.

His gaze subconsciously turned towards Arthur.

He wanted to know why Professor Snape's behavior had changed so quickly after his voice turned into a girl.

At this moment, Harry didn't realize that he had actually turned into a girl. He thought it was just a voice issue.

But Arthur had no energy to answer Harry's doubts.

He was suppressing his laughter, finding the whole situation incredibly funny.

Seeing Arthur like this, Harry couldn't help but realize that he had been played by him. Unfortunately, they were in class at the moment.

Otherwise, even if he couldn't beat Arthur, Harry would have gone up and fought him.

In the following half of the Potions class, everyone's point of view collapsed.

Forty points, a total forty points.

Professor Snape kept questioning Harry, and Harry couldn't answer properly, but Professor Snape always found a reason to give him points.

When the bell rang for the end of class, Professor Snape reluctantly glanced at Harry before leaving the classroom. No one had recovered their senses.

The Slytherin students felt like they had been drugged by Harry and glared at him fiercely.

But the more they looked, the more they felt that feminine Harry... was actually quite cute.

They quickly averted their gazes and fled the classroom.



Arthur finally couldn't hold it in and burst into laughter.

"Arthur! I'll get back to you!" Harry couldn't hold back either.

Not only did Arthur play a prank on him, but he also laughed entirely.

It was unbearable.

He pushed away Harry, who pounced on him, and Arthur said breathlessly,

"Don't, don't! I'm afraid Cho and Hermione will misunderstand!"

At this moment, Hermione also approached, looking at Harry with a strange expression on her face.

"I won't misunderstand anything, Arthur. And do you want to move to the girls' dormitory, Harry?"

Harry became even more confused.

What were these two talking about?

At this moment, Arthur summoned a mirror and handed it to Harry.

Harry took the mirror and looked into it, then everything went black.

How did he become a girl in the mirror?

"Are you kidding me, Arthur?" Harry asked Arthur, his voice sounding a bit sad.

Arthur, who had finished laughing, replied, "Don't worry, Harry, this is just temporary. You'll go back soon."

Hermione pinched Arthur.

This time his prank had gone too far, directly changing Harry's gender.

But Hermione took a few more glances at Harry. Hermione couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Feeling hopeless, Harry left the two of them and prepared to leave the classroom with Ron, he didn't want to walk around with a girl's face.

But when he saw Ron staring at him with a strange look and a flushed face, he suddenly felt a bit flustered...

Ron didn't expect that his best friend, after turning into a girl, would actually look so good.

He didn't know what he was thinking, his gaze was a bit distracted, and the blush on his cheeks spread to his ears.

It took Harry a whole day to return to normal. From then on, he had a shadow in his mind about any food Arthur gave him.

But Arthur didn't have time to tease Harry anymore.

A letter suddenly arrived from Alia, saying that the supply of Wolfsbane Potion in the shop was running out.

This speed surprised Arthur.

In the letter, Alia also mentioned that they had recruited 20 werewolves in just one month through the Wolfsbane Potion. And these wizards were carefully selected by Alia and had all signed contracts.

The consequence of this was that Arthur had to work extra hard to brew another batch of Wolfsbane Potion to provide to Alia.

However, Alia mentioned something that worried Arthur.

Their expansion had been too fast recently and had affected the interests of the other two major families.

It should be mentioned that werewolves and wizards were the main sources of the human trafficking trade.

Alia silently recruited so many people, naturally blocking their way to profits.

But since they still couldn't figure out who was behind Alia, the two major families wouldn't act recklessly for the time being, but it was still a hidden danger.

After reading it, Arthur decided to go and deal with this trouble during Christmas.

He wanted to take the initiative and didn't want to be stabbed in the back at some point in the future.

Until Halloween, Arthur would brew potions in his suitcase whenever he had free time.

Cho couldn't stand it anymore and sneaked into the suitcase, calling out to Arthur.

Arthur had given the two girls permission to freely enter and exit the suitcase. If anyone else came, it would immediately trigger an alarm.

"I think it's unfair. Why can't I go to the girls' dormitory while you can come to the boys' dormitory?"

Arthur, who was pulled out, grumbled, receiving an intense look from the young lady.

"Shut up. What do you want to do in the girls' dormitory?"

Walking down the corridor, Cho complained unhappily about Arthur's recent behavior.

Arthur knew he was in the wrong and didn't argue, but quietly held the young lady's hand, preparing to use sweet words to smooth her anger.


A scream interrupted Arthur's action.

Looking at Cho, the two rushed to the source of the sound.

When they arrived, they saw bloody words on the wall:

"The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir... beware."

There were already a few people nearby, Harry, Ron, and Argus Filch.

The scream just now came from Filch, who was now holding her Mrs. Norris and crying in pain on the ground.

Cho was frightened when she saw this scene and tightened her grip on Arthur's hand.

"It's you! You killed my cat! I'll kill you!"

Filch yelled like he was crazy and jumped on Harry.

Harry looked confused as Argus jumped at him; he seemed to haven't realized what had happened yet.

But at this moment, a solemn and old voice interrupted Argus's action.


It was Dumbledore, along with a group of professors.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.