
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · Anime und Comics
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237 Chs

Chapter 207: Exposed


In a very luxurious office, Maxim carefully read the letter, her tightly knitted brows betraying her emotions.

"Madam, is there a problem with the Triwizard Tournament?"

Fleur asked nervously from the side.

Fleur had been eagerly anticipating the start of the Triwizard Tournament, so seeing Maxim's expression worried her too.

Maxim shook her head.

"Don't worry, Fleur. The Triwizard Tournament will proceed as usual. Dumbledore just mentioned in the letter that there will be some changes to the tournament tasks. Additionally, he has invited Ilvermorny to participate in the tournament."

Upon hearing that the Triwizard Tournament would proceed as scheduled, Fleur felt relieved.

As for the changes to the tasks and adding another school, it didn't matter to her.

"Don't worry, Madam. No matter what changes are made to the tasks or how many schools participate, as long as that jerk doesn't participate, I will bring the Goblet of Fire back for you!"

Fleur confidently assured her, which also eased Maxim's worries.

Over the years, Maxim had witnessed Fleur's progress. Previously, there were a few older students at the school who could compete with her.

But after Arthur's training, Fleur had undoubtedly become the top student at Beauxbatons.

"Don't worry, I don't think your fiancé will participate in the tournament. It would be too much of a bully for someone of his strength and status to participate."

Maxim made Fleur blush with teasing, but her eyes revealed her longing.



This is a very mysterious magical school, and until now, no one knows its exact location, only that it is located in the northernmost part of the continent.

Among the eleven known magical schools in the world, Durmstrang is the only one known for openly teaching Dark Arts.

It is the school of the infamous Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald.

Igor Karkaroff also received a letter sent by Arthur in the name of Dumbledore.

After reading it, he sneered.

He called Victor Krum, one of the students, to his office.

"Mr. Karkaroff, you were looking for me."

A tall young man with short hair appeared in front of Karkaroff. Karkaroff, who was typically unfriendly to students, even mustered a small smile.

"Viktor, I just received a letter from England. The Triwizard Tournament has added two more tasks and invited Ilvermorny to participate. But don't worry, I'll get the details of the competition for you before it starts."

Viktor Krum frowned.

He actually looked down on cheating behavior like this, but it had become a tradition in the Triwizard Tournament, and he couldn't say much about it.

"Sir, I understand. But right now, I need to focus on preparing for the Quidditch World Cup in a few months. After the World Cup, I will experience special training."

Krum was not only Durmstrang's top student but also the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team star Seeker. He could be considered a prodigy.

Karkaroff nodded repeatedly. "Krum, whether our school can win first place depends entirely on you."

The Triwizard Tournament had already been held over a hundred times, and it was a shame for Drumstrang that they had never won the championship.

Karkaroff was determined to keep the championship at Durmstrang, even if he had to do something this time. He wanted to make a big mark on the school's history.

Meanwhile, Arthur, who caused all this chaos, was currently in Dumbledore's office, staring wide-eyed at a group of girls.

"Luna, how did you figure it out?"

Arthur called the girls to the Headmaster's office to help their worries about his sudden disappearance.

But as soon as they entered the office, Luna stared directly at him, her bright blue eyes seemingly seeing through his disguise.

And Luna's next words confirmed his suspicions.

"What kind of new prank is this, Arthur?"

Hermione and Cho were taken aback, then turned to Luna, looking confused.

Is Arthur referring to the current headmaster, Dumbledore?

Arthur felt helpless. Luna's ability to see through everything was just too powerful.

He activated his magic and vanished the effect of the Polyjuice Potion, returning to his original appearance.

It really was Arthur?

Now it was Hermione and Cho's turn to be surprised.

"Arthur, didn't Headmaster Dumbledore say you were going... wait, that was you in the Great Hall that day?"

Hermione quickly realized the truth.

Arthur nodded.

"Headmaster Dumbledore had an important task to attend to, so he asked me to take his place for a few days. Going to Paris was just an excuse for the public."

"I called you here because I didn't want you to worry and also because this matter needs to be kept strictly confidential, no one else should know."

Arthur explained, then turned his gaze to Luna.

"Luna, how did you recognize me? Professor McGonagall, who has been in close contact with me these past few days, didn't notice anything unusual. But you saw through it at a glance."

Hermione and Cho also looked at Luna curiously, as they hadn't noticed anything unusual either.

With a cute tilt of her head, Luna casually said, "It's in your eyes. Arthur's eyes look different."

Arthur was taken aback, is that so?

Hermione and Cho felt a bit guilty. They had spent more time with Arthur than Luna, yet they hadn't recognized him.

Both girls silently promised to pay more attention to small details in the future.

Luna curiously watched the decorations in the headmaster's office. It was her first time being here, and it was quite fascinating.

"Arthur, is being a Headmaster fun?"



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