
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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237 Chs

Chapter 191: ATM


Bellatrix murmured in pain, tears welling up in her eyes. She never expected Voldemort's life to be so miserable now!

Damn Dumbledore, he must be afraid of the return of the Dark Lord.

This is why he took the opportunity when the Dark Lord was at his weakest to eliminate his followers one by one.

And for Lucius Malfoy, when the Dark Lord entrusted him with the diary, it was his greatest honor. But he managed to lose the Dark Lord's diary.

Peter Pettigrew may not know, but Bellatrix knew exactly who had placed the diary at Hogwarts!

Bellatrix cursed Dumbledore and Malfoy in her heart, but she couldn't help but worry for Voldemort.

"Yes, only you can help the Dark Lord now, those people are not reliable!"

Peter Pettigrew got closer to Bellatrix and said good things about her.

Bellatrix's lifeless eyes suddenly brightened up and became more energetic.

"Yes, only me. Only I can offer the Dark Lord unwavering loyalty. The Dark Lord must surely need me now!"

Her gaze fixed on Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix was now convinced by most of what he said but still had doubts about his identity.

"Peter Pettigrew, how can you prove your loyalty to the Dark Lord?"

Her eyes instinctively turned, and Peter Pettigrew unbuttoned his shirt, revealing the Dark Mark on his left chest.

Bellatrix finally fully believed him and put down the wand in her hand.

"Do you know where the master is?"

Bellatrix asked for information about Voldemort. She wanted to rush to him as soon as possible and stand by her master's side.

"It seems that the Dark Lord appeared in the forests of Albania. You can try going there."

Peter Pettigrew quickly replied, "But I can't go there. I have to stay by Harry Potter's side to gather intelligence for the Dark Lord. Bellatrix, when you meet the Dark Lord, please speak highly of me."

Bellatrix looked disdainfully at the cowardly Peter Pettigrew. She knew that it was the news of Sirius Black's escape that had terrified this rat into doing everything he could to help her escape.

This way, the Dark Lord can return with her help, and he won't have to face the hunt of Sirius Black.

"If what you say is true, when I meet the Dark Lord, I will naturally speak highly of you."

Although she felt disdain in her heart, Bellatrix still agreed to Peter Pettigrew's request.

After all, he had some value.

Bellatrix apparated directly, holding the wand she had snatched, completely ignoring Peter Pettigrew's life and death.

Shortly after she left, Peter Pettigrew slowly transformed into the appearance of Arthur.

Looking in the direction Bellatrix had gone, Arthur also had a satisfied smile on his face.

The plan was a great success. Bellatrix Lestrange, this stupid woman, actually believed his words so easily.

In fact, the biggest flaw in Arthur's words was the information about the Horcrux.

Even if Dumbledore valued Harry, he would never tell him about the Horcrux.

But in order to create a sense of pressure for Bellatrix and to let Voldemort know that his Horcrux was almost destroyed, Arthur had to take this risk.

If Bellatrix discovered this flaw, he had a backup plan as well, which was Barty Crouch Jr.

Fortunately, this stupid girl's love for Voldemort far exceeded her intelligence.

As soon as she heard the news of Voldemort's trouble, she forgot about everything else.

Arthur had already set a Tracking Spell on Bellatrix so that he could easily find Voldemort in the future.

"Tom, work hard and try to create more Horcruxes. When I become a god, I won't forget your contributions."

Whispering softly, Arthur was treating Voldemort as a Horcrux maker rather than a terrifying Dark Lord.

If Voldemort knew about his thoughts, would he spit out three liters of blood out of anger?

Voldemort was proud of his method to achieve immortality, but Arthur treated it like an ATM?

Looking at Azkaban in the distance, Arthur also disappeared from the spot.

He was going back to school tomorrow, and Arthur still had many things to prepare as the most outstanding student in the history of Hogwarts.

Going to school is his main job, messing with Voldemort is just for fun.


As Arthur had said before, he wouldn't be taking the Hogwarts Express to school anymore.

He had arranged to meet Cho, Hermione, and Luna in Diagon Alley in the afternoon, so Arthur and the girls apparated to Hogsmeade village.

When they walked to the main gate of the school castle, a few dementors draped in black robes were floating in the sky.

When they saw Arthur and the others, they approached them as if they were searching for people entering and leaving the school.

But when they flew halfway, they suddenly stopped.

Because they sensed Arthur's aura.

"He comes... Dwarf.... Run"

The leader left a message and immediately flew elsewhere, the other dementors quickly followed.

Arthur smirked as he watched the dementors flee in the distance.

The three girls also looked at him strangely. Arthur was truly amazing in making dementors so scared in the wizarding world.

At the dinner table, everyone was chatting and laughing about endless topics after being apart for a holiday.

Dumbledore also appeared at the High Table, which was rare. Throughout the semester, he appeared in front of the students only a few times.

After playing a game of Wizard Chess with Luna for a while, Arthur reluctantly admitted defeat.

The young witch's chess skills were not very good.

However, she always made surprising moves based on her intuition at critical moments, turning the tables and winning in the end.

Arthur couldn't help but envy Luna's almost supernatural talent. Back in the dormitory, Arthur packed his things and entered his suitcase.

Nagini had been waiting at the door for a long time.


Since being summoned by Arthur, Nagini has lived here and never felt bored for a moment.

For her, having such a secure place to live was the life she had longed for, so why would she be bored?

She also learned some servant skills and would give Arthur a nice bath every day, relieving his fatigue.

Slowly, Arthur stopped sleeping in his own dormitory.

After all, tenderly taking care of him with a snake-like maid by his side was much better than being alone in the dormitory, right?



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