
HP: Solitude for Two

Seventh year. Driven by his anger and jealousy, Ron leaves Harry and Hermione in a fit of temper despite their important mission. But, was leaving his girlfriend and his best friend alone, thoroughly angered by his actions, looking for a way to take revenge, the correct move?-I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine.

0DarkWolf0 · Bücher und Literatur
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Hermione was feeling warm and relaxed as she stirred out of her sleep, which was a nice surprise. It was not something that she had experienced since acquiring the locket.

So, she kept her gaze shut, enjoying the feeling of her consciousness returning slowly, which meant, she didn't exactly remember the details of her going to sleep for a long while, enjoying the warmth.

Until she stirred and felt something hard pressing against her stomach.

Her eyes jerked open in shock, and saw an unexpected face right in front of her, right as the memories of collapsing due to pleasure, with her arms tight around his body. Arms that were still around him, preventing him from moving.

Hermione loosened her arms, wanting to extract herself from the situation without even waking him up. She felt guilty about her position, but confusion was even stronger. She wanted some time to think before deciding how to handle him.

But, to avoid some inconvenient questions, she needed to extract herself from the situation without waking him up.

It turned out trickier than she had expected. With his arms tight around her waist, any sharp attempt had the risk of awakening him. Hermione tried to grab his wrist and gently direct, but the move failed.

Just not as spectacularly as her next move, when she tried to push him to his back, hoping that he would let her go.

He looked like he was about to topple back, but then, he tried to unconsciously balance himself, only to overcompensate, which wouldn't have been a big problem if he didn't collapse on top of her, making it impossible for her to get up.

Hermione felt trapped under his weight, an uncomfortable feeling. Or at least, that was what she wanted to convince herself, ignoring the stirring the pressure caused in her body when combined with the explosive memories of what had just happened.

She found it hard to breathe, but it was less about the pressure, and more about the confusing feelings that were invading her mind. As he continued to lay on top of her, her mind cycled through a variety of thoughts and concerns, from guilt to elation…

In the end, setting on a thought. They were just doing what needed to be done to push away the influence of the locket, right?

It was a transparent excuse, one that even in her mind, she found herself unable to deny, but one couldn't be selective when drowning — a principle that also applied to her moral crisis, it seemed.

She found that easy to accept, because her mind didn't stay on that thought for long, shifting to other priorities. Particularly, what other activities they could have been doing with him on top of her, pressing her down until…

She bit her lips, hoping that pain would distract her from those perverse fantasies, albeit not unjustified considering their naked state. That didn't stop the flood of scandalous imagery in her mind, some familiar fantasies she had before, but much more real with his naked shaft pressing against her stomach.

A minute passed, then two, and arousal started to get too much to handle.

She decided to act even as she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him, using enough strength to roll him down.

It worked, making him topple, but not as well as she hoped. He maintained his grip on her body, pulling her up on top of him — a move that positioned him in a dangerous position. Any lower and…

Hermione decided to ignore that path, no matter how much it made a certain part of her anatomy burn. "Get yourself together," she murmured to warn herself even as she continued her attempts to free herself, shifting her body, the new angle allowing her to use more power.

And soon, his arms finally separated, allowing her to pull back, though, in her accident, she found herself right on top of his length, the side rubbing against her entrance. She rocked her hips reflexively, giving her a tempting jolt of pleasure, tempting her to stay.

But, she would not do that. Not for long, at least. "But a few repeats shouldn't have any harm, right?" she found herself murmuring.

"Oh, certainly not," her answer came, and not in form of a monologue, making her freeze in shock.

"H-Harry, you're awake," she said, trying to jerk away, but that was prevented by his hand, clamping on her hips.

"I am, and may I say what a great way to wake up," he said, his gaze dancing on her body. And, considering she was just wearing a skirt, he had a great amount to look at. Hermione felt herself giving a full-body blush, with nothing to hide it.

"Umm, can you let me go?" Hermione stammered.

"In a moment," he said even as his fingers dug into her flesh, awakening a dark part of her brain begging for him to grab even tighter, riling her up harder than she expected. "First, we need to discuss what happened.

"D-do we have to," Hermione asked with a guilty tone, unable to utter her earlier excuses.

"Nothing to worry about," Harry said. "After all, we're just two good friends, helping each other to relax, don't you think so?"

"M-maybe," Hermione found herself muttering, desperate for an excuse. "Do you think so?"

"Of course, we're just trying to avoid the impact of the locket, and it's working great. Don't you feel that the sudden sense of gloom and darkness disappeared already?"

Hermione felt herself nodding, happy to latch onto his excuse. "Yes, I'm feeling much better," she said, which had the added benefit of being true. The sense of gloom she had been dealing with had long gone.

"Excellent, then it's just a sacrifice we make for the world," he said. "The more relaxed we are, the less chance we make a mistake," he added, making another excellent point.

"Y-you're right," she said. "Now, do you mind letting me go?"

His response was a smirk. "Well, I could, but don't you think it's a good way to resolve more of our stress before we continue our research."

"I-is it?" Hermione said, his naughty smirk giving a more true story of what he wanted. However, that didn't prevent her hips from starting to move before she could reject his words with hers, rocking back and forth, giving him what he wanted immediately.

Though, it was hard to argue that she wasn't enjoying the results either. After all, she had needs, needs that hadn't been supported by … the redheaded one.

Needs, that she was struggling to deny now that her body was awakened to a completely new world. A part of her wished that it was a door that hadn't been opened, but a bigger part of her just focused on the moment, chasing pleasure.

It wasn't wrong, right?


Harry found himself constantly revising his expectations as he watched Hermione dance on his midsection, directly above his shaft, giving him a lap dance, and more importantly, doing so with barely any effort on his part.

He expected his little ploy to be successful, but not to such a degree. The best he expected after his offer was a hesitant escape now that sleeping allowed her to gather her wits, but it seemed that her extended yet useless effort to escape worked wonders to renew her mood.

He had been awake since her first attempt to pull back, of course. He had always been a light sleeper — which was inevitable in his life. He watched with a cracked eye as she tried to extract herself, each movement erotic considering she was wearing a skirt and nothing else.

Even better, she didn't pay particularly good attention to her skirt as she shuffled, turning it into an ornament rather than a clothing item. After dealing with her sexy shuffles for several minutes, he was already burning with desire.

Even then, he didn't expect his suggestion for a lap dance to take with such great speed, and more importantly with growing enthusiasm. With each repeat, the movement of her hips started to get more and more intense, her tits dangling.

He reached and grabbed them, alternating between caressing and squeezing even as he appreciated her beauty with nothing but a skirt on her waist. "You look good," he uttered.

"S-shut up," she answered, but even as she said so, she put her hands on his chest, picking up speed.

"Well, why don't you shut me up—" he said, only for a naughty smirk to flash on her face as she dipped her body down, burying his face between her tits. While it stopped the lap dance he was receiving, the replacing sensation was great enough to compensate.

Especially since he used the opportunity to capture her nipple between his lips, using his tongue to tease relentlessly. "W-what are you doing," she gasped, which might be about the way his tongue was brushing against her nipple.

Albeit, it might as well be about his fingers, dancing at her entrance.

Harry left that question unanswered, focusing on bringing her to completion. With his fingers dancing in her core, assisted by his tongue at her breasts, her arousal grew, and her body easily riled up. Every moan of hers made his skin burn with desire, tempting him to push his hips forward to take her.

Luckily, he could be patient when the situation called. Her hips moved desperately under the effect of his fingers, wishing that it was his head that was between her thighs.

A move for the future, he decided even as she collapsed against his chest once more, trembling badly. "Look at that, you managed to stay conscious this time," he said mockingly.

"S-shut up," she muttered once more as she pushed herself up, and stumbled toward the shower.

"Well, you need to work better if you want to win," he threw as she was at the door of the shower.

However, seeing that she paused at the door for a moment before continuing, leaving the door open, Harry wondered whether teasing her was the correct choice, knowing just how exaggerated she might act.

Maybe he should have slowed down a bit, he thought, though his throbbing shaft disagreed vehemently.

Either way, he decided to take his punishment as he looked at the open bathroom door, with a direct view of the shower.

It wasn't like the punishment was actually bad.
