[GACHA ROLLING... CONGRATS ON WINNING: GODHOOD] The above never happens lol. --This is a AU and a crossover-- --Don't own any characters or shit like that--
--(the old chapters are moved to unfinished works heres this chapter ill be posting 4 chapters on Monday and going back to the normal schedule after that)--
Inside a beautiful old English, castle slept an extremely hurt child named harry. he wasn't always allowed to sleep in what would seem a royal castle... before he used to sleep inside what everyone would consider a cupboard ruled over by his wardens.
that was until one day his uncle did the unthinkable...
...a few hours before he entered the castle...
waking up harry leaves his cupboard ready to do his chores... breakfast first... while making breakfast for them he remembers that today will be the day that... family would get guests that would make a huge deal with the company. sadly Vernon wanted to have dinner at his house to 'impress'... like anything impressive will happen here... unless you count how Vernon can be that fat and still walk.
shrugging the mystery harry goes back to cooking breakfast making the stereotypical English breakfast with a side of extra everything... a lot of everything, finishing up making the breakfast harry hides a little extra for himself and puts all the food on the table expertly and beautifully.
*thump* *thump*
Seeing Vernon come down the stair harry quickly checks to see if the food didn't miraculously lose its warmth, which it didn't.
Coming into view Vernon appears and quickly waddles towards the table, grabbing a chair he sits on it and starts sucking all the food on his plate as if he was a void.
"HAHA" harry hears a demented laugh come from who else but his cousin, luckily today Dudley overslept and didn't wake him up with that stupid stomping. watching Dudley come down the stairs and gaining a disappointed look when he notices harry up and awake... very much gave harry a smile.
seeing Dudley narrow his eyes harry decides to distract Dudley with the tried and true method of... food. "Dudley the food is ready if you want to eat." harry tells the fat mini whale.
"FOOD!" Dudley turns his attention from harry towards what could be called his addiction, harry seeing this couldn't help but wonder how low Dudley's attention span could get.
wondering where petunia was harry decides to eat his breakfast while watching the group of mini whale and whale inhale their food, grabbing a plate he tries to serve himself only to hear his uncle scream from the dining room.
"YOU BETTER NOT FILL UP THE PLATE, ONLY THE HALF OF THE PLATE SHOULD BE FILLED YOU LITTLE TWAT." screams Vernon's voice angrily from the dining room, filling up his plate with half the food he goes to the dining room and sits down to eat.
finishing his breakfast harry gets his daily command. "boy goes do your chores... and you better do them good because today some stupid idiot will be coming here to have lunch with me and finalize a deal that'll give me my sweet sweet promotion." Vernon says with what harry assumed was a threatening voice.
"yes uncle Vernon." harry responds with a submissive voice, getting a broom harry starts his cleaning.
finishing with his pruning the last rose harry checks the time and sees it being... late, going inside the house he finds... who he hoped was petunia with a lot of makeup standing around and trying to give the dining room some final touches to make it look prettier.
turning to see who entered the house petunia sees harry and opens her mouth. "HARRY! start making dinner and make it extravagant... but not pricey... we don't really care what these people eat." petunia commands harry while grabbing a duster to clean... the clean walls.
"yes aunt petunia." harry answers her while grabbing some clean pots and pans to start cooking, while harry wasn't the top chef someone would see at restaurants he was mighty talented in the kitchen making his food far beyond the burnt eggs petunia could make.
making a wide spread of food harry couldn't help but add a little secret ingredient he'd started adding ever since he found out his real name, a bug mouthwash of water right into the food.
finishing up the diner harry hears Vernon entering the house, "BOY! COME HERE!" harry hears Vernon scream.
walking out of the kitchen harry finds Vernon inside the living room sitting down on one of the sofas, seeing as harry got into his point of vision Vernon looks at him showing obvious disgust. "boy you're gonna be staying in your cupboard during our guests visit you got it? no bathroom breaks no nothing if you get Hungry you wait like the Lil shit you are." finishing his grand announcement Vernon stands up and grabs Harry by the arm, pushing him into the small cupboard Vernon closes the small door and closes the latch.
"you better not make a sound when the guests appear you little shit." harry hears Vernon shout from outside the cupboard."
"Guess I better not make a sound for ol important guests." harry mumbles sarcastically, laying on his bed harry thinks of the life he could have had... if he had a real family... sadly he died in a car accident.
*ring ring*
"oh Vernon it's surely the Davidsons, go welcome them... they'll surely give you the deal." petunia encourages Vernon.
"It's time pet I'll surely swindle these idiots into giving me the deal, the promotion is as good as mine." Vernon says confidently as he goes to open the door.
opening the door Vernon Comes face to face with his ticket for his future promotion. "MR. DURSLEY, how are you this fine evening!" says the overly happy wife of Mr. Davidson.
"oh, it's been wonderful come this is my home and yours if you ever need it." Vernon says happily.
"thank you Vernon it's good to see some hospitality these days, those other companies seemed to want everything done inside a stuffy office." Mr. Davidson says happily while shaking Vernon's hand.
"oh, those other companies just don't know what they're doing, here at grunnings we know how to treat our partners." Vernon answers while emphasizing his company.
"HMM? what's that coming from the cupboard, Mr. Dursley?" Mrs. Davidson asks worriedly for she had recently seen on the telly of children being forced to live in inhuman locations she was rightfully scared.
"OH NOTHING, it's our pet it seems to have gotten sick... come come we have a very nice lunch made just for us to enjoy." Vernon at first very scared of the Davidsons finding harry quickly diverts their attention.
"OH, You have a pet how nice can we see it I oh so love animals." mrs. Davidson says relieved it wasn't some type of child abuse.
"ah I'm very sorry madam but our pet seems very sick don't want to agitate whatever it has now do we?" Vernon says sweating from how close the Davidsons were to Harry's room.
"yes Mrs. Davidsons we shouldn't be agitating the poor animal's illness." petunia says to help Vernon's efforts on keeping them away from the cupboard.
"oh well, that's okay..." Mrs. Davidsons says gaining a slightly sad tone.
Mr. Davidson seeing his wife become sad decides to force the issue by going past Vernon's permission and going up to the cupboard door and opens it... only to find a small boy laying on an old bed staring widely at him.
"VERNON! HOW DARE YOU KEEP A SMALL CHILD LOCKED UP IN A CUPBOARD!" Mr. Davidson turns around and starts screaming at Vernon fully enraged, grabbing his shocked wife's hand he pulls her towards the house's front door and looks back.
"WE WILL NOT! BE DOING BUSINESS WITH A GROUP OF CHILD ABUSERS." Mr. Davidson says while leaving the Dursley home... completely forgetting to report the child abuse and to never talk about it with anyone... as if by magic.
Vernon seeing them leave becomes enveloped in extreme rage, turning around to the source of his rage he screams. "YOU LIL SHIT, YOU'VE RUINED MY TICKET TO MY PROMOTION!" Vernon screams while grabbing a kitchen knife nearby, holding it Vernon completely in rage runs towards harry and grabs hold of him before he could run and starts what would be harrys death.