
Howl's in the abyss

In the enchanting town of London, secrets lurk amongst the shelves of the local bookstore. The Book Nook is home to Emilia, a charming young woman who finds comfort and solace within the pages of her beloved books. Unbeknownst to her, an ancient battle rages in the shadows, and her fate becomes intertwine with Adrien, the mysterious new boy in town with a dark secret-he's a Lycan. Their passion ignites, and the two embark on an exhilarating adventure, where love, destiny, and courage intertwine. Together they must face an evil vampire who will stop at nothing to gain ultimate power, forcing Adrien to confront his own demons and embrace his true nature in order to protect Emilia and ascend as the Alpha he was meant to be. The lines between reality, myth, and romance blur in this captivating, action-packed tale of forbidden love. Will Emilia and Adrien's love endure the tests of time and prevail amidst the battles that lie ahead, or will ancient rivalries tear them apart? Discover the magic, passion, and adventure within the pages of "The Howl's of the Heart" and embrace the call of destiny as love conquers all.

Riffles · Fantasie
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 3:Magical Sights: blessed encounter

Despite Adrien's abrupt departure, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the strange yet wonderful circumstances that brought us together. And as I watch him walk out the door, I'm filled with hope that this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship – or possibly something more – between us.

As the day goes by, I manage to get my work done at the store, still buzzing from my conversation with Adrien. The hours pass quickly, and before I know it, it's time to close up for the night.

I'm just about to lock the door when a girl walks in. She seems to appear out of nowhere, making no sound at all. Her presence catches me off guard, and I can't help but be captivated by her. She has strikingly vivid crimson eyes, beautiful pale skin, and long white hair that flows down her slender body.

Emilia looks up from her work and notices the girl standing before her. She's taken aback by the girl's striking appearance and the fact that she appeared so suddenly without making a sound.

I look up from my work and see her standing there, the girl with the striking appearance. I'm taken aback by her sudden appearance, as she seems to have materialized out of thin air without making a sound. Her presence is so unexpected that for a moment, I am at a loss for words. I can't help but stare at her, taking in her features and trying to make sense of her sudden appearance. My mind races with questions, I greet and ask her a question.

"Hello there," Emilia says tentatively. "Can I help you with something?"

The girl doesn't reply immediately, instead, she looks around the store, her purple eyes scanning the shelves and displays. Finally, she turns her gaze back to Emilia.

"I was just passing by and I couldn't help but notice your store," the girl says softly. "It's quite lovely."

Emilia smiles gratefully. "Thank you. We take pride in our merchandise."

The girl nods, her eyes still fixed on Emilia. "And you must be Emilia," she says, almost as if she already knew her name.

Emilia furrows her brow, a little unnerved by the girl's intuition. "Y-Yes, that's me," she replies cautiously. "Do I know you?..."

As she began to spread her arms and introduce herself, I couldn't help but notice her friendly demeanor. Her name was Lilia, and she greeted me with a warm smile, extending her hand for a customary greeting. Hearing her express interest in reading a book in my store, I regretfully informed her that my duty hours had ended and I had already contacted the owner to close up, so I couldn't open the store at that moment.

Lilia: (spreading her arms and smiling) "Hi there! My name is Lilia. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Me: (smiling back) "Hello, Lilia! I'm glad to make your acquaintance. I see you're interested in the books in my store."

Lilia: "Yes, I wanted to find something interesting to read. Do you have any recommendations?"

Me: "I'd love to help you find something, but I'm afraid my duty hours have already ended, and I've contacted the owner to close up for the day."

The moment the words left my lips, I could see the disappointment in Lilia's eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't open up the store right now," I said softly, unsure of what she wanted.

Lilia shook her head. "I don't want the book," she confessed. "I just wanted to talk to you."

Curiosity piqued, I suggested we head to a nearby park to talk. I barely knew her, but something told me she had important things to share. After a moment of hesitation, Lilia agreed, and we began walking.

As we strolled side by side, I couldn't help but be cautious. This was the first time I'd seen someone dressed like Lilia, and her outfit seemed almost cult-like. I didn't know what to expect, but my curiosity drove me onward to uncover the reason behind this encounter.

As soon as Lilia and I arrived at the park, we started looking for a comfy spot to sit and have our conversation. My eyes landed on a bench, and I made my way to it, settling down comfortably. Lilia, however, seemed to take a moment to examine our surroundings carefully, her eyes dancing from one place to another, as if making sure the area was secure.

Curious about her actions, I asked, "Is everything okay, Lilia?" Her gaze met mine, and she reassured me with a quick nod, saying, "Yes, everything's fine, Emilia."

Once she finally sat down beside me, her demeanor shifted, and she wasted no time starting the conversation about Adrien - the guy I'd been seeing. Even though Lilia hadn't met him personally, she informed me that it wasn't difficult for her to pick up on the wolf aura he carried around. I listened intently as she delved into details, explaining that she felt it was her duty to warn me about the potential consequences and dangers that could follow if I continued to see Adrien.

Lilia's voice echoes in my head as she meticulously describes the potential perils that I could face if I continue my relationship with Adrien. My heart sinks, knowing that I might unwittingly become entangled in his enemies' conflicts or even become a target myself – a price I never wanted to pay.

Observed from my sanctuary, Emilia's Retreat, a hidden nook in the foliage of the park, A pang of fear resonates within me, mixed with the knowledge that these risks are real and always lurking in the shadows. Blinking back the tears, I steel myself as I weigh the situation.

But deep inside, my heart cannot resist the undeniable feeling that, despite the potential danger, being with Adrien brings me an undeniable sense of security. It's a bond unmatched, a love that throws caution to the wind – our love is our shield, and it's worth every risk it poses.

Lilia sighed as she heard that Emilia is fallen for Adrien, Lilia replied that she was expecting this to happen that's why she tried just to encourage her to forget Adrien.

I felt the air grow thicker as I stared directly into Lilia's eyes. The intensity of her gaze was almost stifling, but my resolve to help Adrien remained unshakable.

"Yes, I am ready," I replied, my voice steady and strong, betraying none of the nerves that jangled beneath the surface.

As I saw Lilia nodded, saying they would see each other soon. I couldn't help but wonder if she would be an ally who would assist me or an enemy ready to strike, my thoughts racing with endless possibilities. Just as that thought crossed my mind, a sudden gust of wind blew in my direction, causing me to instinctively look away. When I turned my gaze back to where Lilia once stood, she had vanished without a trace.

The morning comes and Emilia is going to school, Emilia prepared the meal for today's school and embarks on her daily walk the school she looks at the sun happily, as she enters the school as always same thing same scenario the teacher introduces a new student, everyone is silent waiting patiently by this new student, Emilia is shocked by what she saw