
How to survive in the World of Naruto with Fragmented Memories

After living long enough in the world of DBZ, Yozu aka Masaru Belial decides it was time to take the second phase of the trials, to survive in a new world. During the reincarnation spell his soul touches the boundaries of where Hagomo's soul rests and incidentally get influenced before returning to the cycle of rebirth as he went to the World of Naruto. Masaru Belial now called Yuuma (Otsutsuki / Kurama) Terumi, born in the land of fire escaped with his father and mother only to be left in an orphanage near the Village Hidden in the mist. Later had himself adopted by Terumi Family. Plotted to have him killed or sold off by many, Yuuma has to walk the path ahead to become the sole existence at the top. To make them acknowledge him, and to protect what he wants to. Many years later Yuuma came in touch with a peculiar girl that gave him a sense of familiarity and bit by bit fragmented memories of his past life as Masaru Belial and Yozu Brief came back to him. -------- Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto, and the picture I got from Google which was by luck it fitted my MC's looks! Trying my hand on making a naruto fanfiction

CompleteNoob · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

Ninja Academy

Yuuma woke up this morning to practice his hand seals while he was waiting for the kettle to finish boiling the water, doing the seals was difficult at the start for Yuuma as one could easily mess up the faster the hands move so it required decent reflexive sensitivity to master it fast, however, this morning Yuuma was focusing on his hands since he started to see strange things as of late.

From his view he could see dots along with a light blue string that connects the dots along his arms, he always thought he was going crazy from seeing this as he thought it was perhaps his Kurama bloodline that was causing him to have delusions.

Yet he knew he could control his mind energy better so it definitely was not him having delusions, so he went to the bathroom to gaze into his eyes as he could see that his eyes were a tad bit brighter in colour than before but suddenly it went back to normal light blue.

He tried to stimulate it against by placing his focus on his eyes but it did not activate again and nor could he see the blue lines anymore, so he went back to finish making his cup of tea before starting his chakra manipulation training by playing with a leaf ball he created by making it moves around his palm and at times he would then attempt to make it roll up and down his arm, but this proved to be quite difficult but Yuuma could feel his concentration was improving while he was playing with the ball.

"Yo Yuuma, what are you playing around with?" Kisame greeted Yuuma at the gates of the academy, "I'm training my chakra control by playing with this ball to move around against my body, but right now I can only move it up to my elbow before it starts to fall"

Kisame was quite interested in this kind of method to train, normally they would train to keep the leaf on one place but this boy here was making it move up to his elbow and then back to hand instead. "How did you start?" Yuuma let the leaf ball stop on his hand before moving in circles in his palm, "I moved it like this till I got used to moving my chakra like this"

"Oh! I will have to give it a try, it's kind of fun too" Kisame spoke while he picked up two leaves along the way, when they came to the classroom they noticed that all of the students were simply loafing around the classroom, this sight was normal for the class 5 since they were guaranteed to remain Genin for the rest of their lives unless they can somehow display greater talent then they were declared as. Yuuma and Kisame took their seats, however, the whole class eyes were on these two handsome young boys and some even looked at them with envy for their looks.

"Good morning!" The teacher who appears to be the same man who declared Yuuma was class 5 turned out to be the official instructor for their homeroom teacher, "Well all of you already introduced one another yesterday so we will be officially starting with the classes and today's first classroom will be kenjutsu!"

Hearing this the children of the classes all cheered happily, unlike other VIllages, Kirigakure place quite the emphasis on Kenjutsu for their famed Seven Swordsmen, although they already lost some of the swords the spirit of the Sword was still alive. Thus the academy classes began.


a few months have passed since Yuuma joined the academy, by ensuring that he did not take the top three places in the academy he was still able to garner a small amount of fame among the students and instructors which allowed him to get easier access to more books.

His control over his mental energy was reaching proficient control level, now his overwhelming talent in genjutsu hardly had adverse effects on him, however, he continued to train his control as he once read some report journals that explained the Kurama clan in detail.

Other than that, he kept his kenjutsu, Taijutsu, as well as his hidden weapon abilities restricted since he became vigilant when the times the specific instructor who sent him to Class 5 was approaching him more actively each passing day.

It was by luck Yuuma realized that the instructor was the one who instigated the students from the shadows to bully Yuuma with only Kisame who stood at his side, so he pushed his training to be harder compared to average children, soon it will be 27th March and Yuuma would become five years old.

"Come Yuuma, today is Kenjutsu training!" Kisame called out to Yuuma while he went to collect two wooden Katanas, just as Yuuma and Kisame were about to start their training a group of Class one students approached the two of them, the leader was an arrogant boy with blue hair and amber eyes sending a sharp glare towards Yuuma who was unfazed. "So your the number four little rookie of the Academy's first-year students huh?"

Yuuma did not answer but turned to face Kisame but the boy who was speaking to him got angry, "Oi! You dare ignore m--" Before he could finish his line Yuuma grab the boy's wrist pulling the boy while moving his body forward down to shoulder throw him into the ground, the boy who was thrown into the ground felt the air in his lungs were slammed out as he coughed loudly while wheezing for breath. Yuuma's gaze towards him infuriated him, Yuuma was naturally looking at him without expression but it appears the boy mistook him for looking down on him.

"You got lucky!" The boy threw a punch with his right fist, Yuuma dodge while tilting his body to the right before slamming his left palm upwards against the boy's right elbow while sliding his left leg in a crescent moon towards his back making his right side face the boy's chest, taking a deep breath while channelling the chakra from his abdomen to his right arm he slammed the chest of the boy this time with enough force to send the boy flying a few meters back.

a Few droplets of blood were spat out along with an earth-shattering scream as the boy crashed into the ground holding his chest while coughing in pain, the kenjutsu training area was totally silent as only the sobbing sounds of the boy could be heard followed by several footsteps approaching them fast.

"What happened!?" The instructor came in the training hall only to see a crying boy holding his chest, but when he saw the blood at the corner of the mouth he knew this was a heavy blow so he had the assistants take the boy to the hospital, one of the students came forward to explain what happened but left out the fact the boy taunted Yuuma first.

"YUUMA! You dare act so brazenly?" Yuuma turned to face the instructor before bowing politely, "Instructor, I am not sure why my classmate did not mention this but the boy disturbed my training first and when he took my shoulder I mistook that he wanted to spar with me"

"I did not think he would act so aggressively after I threw him over my shoulder that prompted him to attack me with the intention to kill me so I struck him hard enough to put a stop to the fight" The instructor nodded with a fierce glare at Yuuma, "Good, Very good! You dare to admit you unleashed such a heavy blow on a Class One student and call it a spar!? I will let your family head know of today's transgression" The Instructor stomped off with a furious expression, but Yuuma was still stoic as whatever happened now did not have anything to do with him.

"Yuuma, how are you going to handle this? You should know Class One students are precious for the Academy" Yuuma clasped the shoulder of Kisame who was feeling anxious for his friend, "Calm down Kisame, everything will be fine" Yuuma smiled as the two of them picked up their katanas getting into positions before the hall was reverberating with clashing sounds as they start their spar while the students all left the training area since the instructor will not be back to check upon them.

"How do you train your Kenjutsu?" Kisame asked as he blocked the vertical slash of Yuuma while counter-attacking with a spinning horizontal slash towards Yuuma's lower body forcing Yuuma to retreat back a few steps, "Self-taught, I watch others and incorporate their techniques and remake them into my own. Ever since I became able to train I was made to train techniques on my own since the family deemed me worthless"

Kisame snorted, "If your worthless than I am a cabbage that can be found everywhere" Hearing this Yuuma chuckled a bit while the two of them continued their sparring till the period was over and it was time for taijutsu class.

When Kisame and Yuuma arrived at the arena outside where the class normally take place they realized the students were moving away from Yuuma, Kisame squinted his eyes when he noticed a trace of fear in the student's eyes towards Yuuma. "To think they would fear you after that short encounter, since when did Kiri have such cowards?" Kisame asked bluntly out loud causing the students to feel ashamed.

Instructor Eiji was responsible for the Taijutsu class and he had a favourable impression of Yuuma, he was bald with a tanned bulky body, he was one of the few that realized this boy was hiding his true ability like a real shinobi, "Yuuma came over for a demonstration" Yuuma nodded at his instructors call when Yuuma was standing on the opposite side of the arena facing the instructor made him feel like he was facing off against a mountain that taunts him to climb over it. "Let's start with a simple spar first"

Yuuma took the first step forward before sprinting towards Instructor Eiji using radical movements he studied before which allowed him to move with greater mobility, the moment he was close to Eiji, Eiji sent out a fist towards Yuuma who slid down on the ground in an awkward seiza while leaning backwards, barely dodging the strike.

When he dodged successfully he propelled himself forward using his legs that were against the ground to launch himself towards the abdomen of Eiji. But he was met with air as he flew forward almost crashing face first in the ground if he did not react fast enough to slam his palm into the ground to manoeuvre his body in the air spin landing onto his feet facing the Instructor who smirked looking at Yuuma.

"Not bad Yuuma, but not good enough" Before Yuuma could react he felt an intense pain struck him from his abdomen, he felt saliva was produced almost instantly as he blew it out along with the remaining air he had in his lungs.

He almost fainted from the intensity of the pain alone but he kept holding on till his crash-landed on his knees in the ground holding his stomach, his eyes were turning red while he coughed heavily while wheezing.

Eiji looked in a certain direction seeing the shadow was gone he picked up Yuuma as he whispered "Sorry about that, but you need to make sure who you strike is not of a big family or else you will get yourself killed"

Yuuma nodded as he knew Eiji gave him a heavy blow but still held back in order to save him from possible assassinations, "For now I suggest you stay low key, perform as how you always did without standing out" Yuuma could only grit his teeth while thinking he had to become stronger faster, "Instructor is there a method to allow me to become stronger faster?"

Eiji looked into the eyes of the boy, he knew there was the shadow clone Jutsu but that technique required a massive amount of chakra "If you can complete the Chakra control training I give you, then I will teach you a technique that could assist you"