
How to Get the Queen Married in 30 Days?

[MEDIEVAL][DUKE][KNIGHTS][CLEVER MC]My name is Susan. One month ago, I was a 20-year-old fashion-design rookie living in the 21st century. Now, my soul has switched into the body of a skinny 18-year-old girl living in an alternative medieval world, struggling to fill my stomach. What's the most exciting thing about me, you ask? Emmm, they order me to marry off the Queen in a month. Does it count?

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49 Chs

Chapter 21 A Spy Hunter

After a while, Susan began to tremble.

"Feeling cold?" The man said suddenly.

Startled, Susan shook his head. "No, sir, I'm fine."

The man looked at Susan in silence but said nothing.

Fortunately, the soldier who had gone to ask for news had returned and brought back the news of the interview of the court lady in the waiting room by the back kitchen.

"Come with me." The man in silver armor walked quickly this time.

Susan had to trot to keep up. They made their way through an arcade to a building guarded by guards. Then the man led Susan through a smaller gate while the soldiers who followed him stopped and waited outside.

Thus, after passing through several corridors, the man in silver armor finally stopped in front of a room.

A maid-in-waiting stood at the door, surprised to see the man in silver armor, but immediately bowed respectfully.

The man said coldly, "Tell the lady I brought a girl for the interview."

The palace maid could not help but steal a glance at Susan. She quickly opened the door to announce the man's arrival, then respectively invited the man in silver armor to enter.

A middle-aged woman in a dark blue dress turn from the window and look at them with interest:

"I was introduced to the seamstresses every year, but I was surprised to see Sir Moore."

So, Sir Moore was this man's title. Susan spoke to herself in her mind.

Sir Moore said coldly,

"I saw her being bullied outside, so I brought her in ."

The court lady looked at Susan for a few moments, raised her eyebrows slightly, and suddenly asked, "What's your name? Girl."

"Susan, Susan Smith, madam." Susan hurriedly curtsied and replied.

The court lady seemed to look even more surprised.

She looked at Susan and then at Sir Moore, suddenly approached Sir Moore,

"Thomas," she said in a low voice, "you have solved my troubles before, and I am still grateful. I would do any faver for without any hesitate. But this girl," the lady glanced at Susan, "last night, Duke Wilson sent a message, asked me to take care of a girl around seventeen or eighteen years old who will come to apply for the court seamstress. And that girl's name is also Susan."

The room was quiet enough that Susan could hear the lady's words clearly. She understood the Duke had sent a messenger. But wouldn't that expose her as a spy for the Duke?

But the Duke didn't seem to care. Perhaps it was never a secret at the Silvermoon Court to plant spies.

Susan suddenly felt that the Queen was even sadder.

Susan couldn't help but look at that Sir Moore.

Sir Moore coldly glanced at Susan. There was a flash of something in his dark eyes. But it was too quick. Susan couldn't tell what that was.

Then Sir Moore turned around, and the cold voice came out behind his back,

"It seems that I have saved your time, Lady Denman."

The room door closed with a bang, leaving Susan and the Lady Denman behind, looking at each other with confusion.

"I've seen a lord recommend multiple maids, but I've never seen two lords recommend the same one, Susan, right? Tell me, what's so special about you?" Lady Denman twirled around Susan with interest as if admiring an excellent new horse.

"Madam, I think Sir Moore just saw me being bullied by those seamstresses, and he showed his great kindness," Susan replied, trying to keep her composure.

"Kindness?" Lady Denman burst out laughing. Of course, a court lady would not laugh like a farm woman so wildly, but she did look like she had heard something extremely funny.

"Now, I believe he really did pick you up outside the palace gate." Mrs. Denman laughed, "Do you know who he is?"

Susan shook her head.

"Sir Thomas Moore, Her Majesty's chief of the praetorian guards."

Perhaps it was because Susan looked unresponsive. Lady Denman shrugged in surprise. "It looks like you've never heard of him?"

Heard of what? Susan thought to herself, and Shadow had never mentioned any Chief of the Praetorian Guards. But didn't it sound like a guard commander? No wonder he was followed by a group of soldiers in silver uniforms. That was probably the Queen's Praetorian Guards.

"It is said that he crawled out of a pile of dead people. He had no parents and lived in a graveyard when he was young. He was rescued by the late King and served as a guard at the palace. After the late King passed, he was promoted to Chief of Praetorian Guards."

Susan was slightly shocked. No parents? Living in a graveyard? No wonder he was always cold. This life is really pitiful.

"But these are all legends. Thomas has never admitted it himself. But when it comes to great kindness, that's really the biggest misunderstanding. Sir Moore is in charge of the Queen's security and has the power to put anyone in jail for an act of disloyalty. Do you know what most lords and nobles are afraid of? Sir Moore showed up at night out of their front door!"

Susan opened her mouth in surprise.

In that case, isn't that the Gestapo? In other words, doesn't the Queen have a spy hunter on her side?

Susann felt very terrible.