
How To Cheat Your Way To The Top

Soooo, I died. Well, long story cut short, I wake up in this forest full of magical creatures, demons, angels, you name it, the forest's got it. Usually, I'd crap my pants off at the first sight of flying whales, or at the fact that there's more than one moon in the sky (How does that even work?), but I'm not. Why? Well, I got a pretty funny cheat to abuse until I can munchkin my way up to the top of this universe. Although, I really need to figure out what I should cook for dinner first. Or, what I should do to reach the top of this world? Oh, I could just ask a [Question] for that. Silly me. ____________________________________________________________________ Also posting on royalroadl.

Zeus_Machina · Fantasie
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27 Chs

One Week Later

I took a deep breath. I can do this. I've been doing this for the past week and yet for some reason, hunting this damn slime still felt like a tall order to me, possibly due to the fact that slimes, unlike in games and anime, had an ability that made them really hard to deal with, in real life. Yes, a simple skill that every living organism had, called the ability to sense danger and react accordingly. Now, this normally wouldn't be a problem but that was only if the aforementioned organism didn't have a super elusive and quite literal bone-less body that could twist and turn in ungodly directions. 

Honestly, I've kinda grown to respect them over the week. They not only were completely impervious to physical attacks, they had something called a core, basically their brain, which was on the same level as a human toddler. I would know since, being as cautious as I am, I used up an entire three days just studying them, from what they eat, to their ability to shoot out a spray that can easily melt and dissolve flesh under a matter of minutes, all the way down to how they shit. 

They don't, in case you were wondering. 

The first time I tried hunting them, I didn't use my [Question] skill and rather simply shot a fist-sized rock at them. Another fact that isn't very popular about slimes; they acted in groups. I spent that particular evening running and hiding away from a pack of angry slimes, which was pretty hard if you considered the flat terrain I was in. 

So, the next time I tried hunting them, I swallowed my pride and used my [Question] skill, asking the quickest way for me to kill a slime. It was then that I noticed how useful my [Question] skill was, as it immediately provided me with a single, perfect answer that properly conveyed how dumb I was.

The answer I got? Just hit their core in a single strike. Now before you say anything, you had to understand that I wasn't very sure fisting through a slime's body of fluid that can easily melt flesh until bone was a good idea, until I found out that it just felt like water. Of course, that answer led to me pondering over how the process of their dissolving spray worked but I stopped wracking my brain over it when I killed my first damned slime by simply ambushing it and fisting the living core out of it. 

Something I was going to be doing now. 

I was currently hiding behind a large rock, stalking the unaware little green slime, my prey and dinner for the afternoon. It was just munching on some grass through its transparent body, a sight that never stopped fascinating me. 

Stop. Focus. Take a deep breath. 

Gripping the stalk of the make-shift spear I had crafted through the lucky findings of the bones of a beast's carcass, I pulled my arm back and took aim slowly, tensing through every little jerk and motion of the muscles in my arm- lean muscles that definitely felt stronger than the ones I had built over a ten year gym period. Fantasy worlds and their logic really was unfair.

My silver eyes zoomed in on the green slime, singling it out in a show of pure focus. This state of focus was something that was really risky since I wouldn't be able to react to any external threats. .which was why I always double-checked my surroundings before I hunt in this state. 

The green slime seemed around satisfied with its large gulp. I watched how the grass dissolved in its transparent stomach and just as the slime was about to leave, satisfied, I made my move. 

With minimal movement so as to not cause any unneeded sound, I exhaled the breath I had been holding in, and threw my spear. It streaked through the air like a silent bullet, hitting true to the rather large external core of the green slime. 

The slime didn't even know what hit it before its external core was shattered, causing the surrounding green gel-like flesh to melt and turn into a puddle but without the dissolving venom and simply dampened the grassy soil, it's only mark left into this world.

 "Shit." I fell back on my ass, moaning at the throbbing headache that now plagued my head. Another demerit to being in a state of absolute focus. Well, at least I didn't pass out like I did the first time I used it. 

How'd I learn to be in that state? I simply used my extremely overpowered skill, [Question]. A little tip; Just take a deep breath and hold it, while imagining yourself standing on top of the sky. I called this skill [Focus]. Simple, right?

On the topic of my dear core skill, despite its extremely broken-ness, there were still limits to the questions I could ask. 

The first and foremost being that I would only be able to ask 1 question a day, aka a single question per the twenty-four hours over in this world. The second was that there were limits or realms to the questions I could ask. For example, I couldn't ask something like 'Where's a source of unlimited energy?', even if I asked smartly. Trust me, I tried. 

Questions that were outside my current realm of influence wouldn't be answered but of course, that all would change as I progressed in my individual strength, which begs the question. 

How do I increase my individual strength?

Since I basically knew nothing about this world, the first thing I did was go to Question and the answer I got was obviously cut off, probably because I was still too low level to know the full power scale of this world. 

Anyway, it told me that for any mortal of this world, the moment they gain sentience or breathe their first gasps of life, the World Record immediately assesses them and then provides them with a rank, something that could be seen on one's personal status. 

"Status," I muttered. A familiar chime resounded in my head. 

(Eve) (Title Undecided) (Female)

Race: TransmigratorRank: 8th Circle (Mortal)Faith: Null

Core Abilities/Item

Constitution Of The Origin [1/2]




[Pouch Of Water x20][MakeShift Spearsx5][Raw Meat x5][Slime Gelx5][Random Carcassx20][Raw Jerky x10][Lesser Core x49]

