
Déjà vu

I look around my old house, everything looks like it should, there are children playing outside, the evening sun is shining through the windows lighting up the house. There is a slight breeze coming in through the windows and the cream curtains a fluttering in it. I walk to the living room and climb up the couch, it was ripped in a few places and had stains but it is what it is, weird I don't remember being this short. Suddenly I hear a car dad must be home!

I stand upon the shabby couch and look out the window, it's a car alright but it's not dad's, this one seems fancier, in fact, it looks brand new and it's black in color, ours is green the paint is peeling off. Two men exit it and head for our house. I have a bad feeling about this...I run to my mom who was in the kitchen boiling some plain rice for dinner.

"MOM! Mom!"

"Yes, dear?"

"I saw some men coming out of a car, they are coming here, are we having guests tonight?"

"I don't think so, I'll go check is it, maybe it's someone we know"

I nod and then she leaves to look out the window. She looks scared she rushes to the front door and locks it.

"What's wrong mom?"

I have a feeling of déjà vu, my heart is beating fast, now I have a really bad feeling.

"It's nothing honey, why don't you go to your room and play for a bit?"

She smiles, I think she's lying but I go to my room anyway.

I hear loud banging on the door and voices, it must be the men from earlier.

I listen in.

"Open the door we know you're in there!" (Man 1)

"We'll break the door if we have to, so open up bitch!" (Man 2)

"Please, w-we don't have the money but we'll pay next week!"

Were mom and dad borrowed money from shady people again?

"Enough of this bullshit! You said the same thing last week!" ( Man 1)

"Please! I-I beg you one more week! That's all I ask!"

It sounds like she's on the verge of tears but I should stay, for now, she told me to go to my room.

"We said no! if you don't give us the money we'll take it by force" (Man 1)

They start banging on the door again and they continue for a while but suddenly.....silence...

The silence is broken by the sound of a punch and my mom's screams and cries.

I try to rush out of my room but I can't move, my mother continues to cry as the men beat her up.

"Give us the damn money bitch!" (Man 2)

Judging by the loud thud I think one of the men just kicked her into a wall. Damnnit what's wrong with me! Why won't my legs move already!

I finally manage to move my legs, I know I can't beat the men alone and I'll only cause trouble in I go there, I watched enough anime to know that.....

I climb out the window, we live in an old bungalow so it's not a problem. I run around the streets and beg for help.....but everyone is ignoring me. Please somebody, just help me! I feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

It feels like I was running around towns for hours but still, I don't have anybody to help me...but all hope is not lost! Surely dad is home by now!

I run home and look for dad's car and there it is! It's parked right outside our house and the fancy black car is gone, so that means everything is alright! I run in through where the front door was.

I trip over something soft right outside the door and I fall to the floor. Gross! Something reeks of blood and what's that wet thing on the floor. Suddenly I realize and look at my hand just as I thought it's blood but what's it doing here?

I look behind me to see what I tripped over......