
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 8.

•Another 5 Years Later•

Cancer was back, although not the same. Not at all.

He came back 5 years later, with a muscular figure and a slight stubble to his face. He was only 17, how did this even happen so fast? He looked completely battered and fatigued, light bags were under his eyes.

Leo was the same, except seemed a bit more enthusiastic despite the lack of sleep. His golden hair was still spikey and his lime green eyes were still just as illuminous.

I was going to tell them how much I missed them, although the others pushed infront of me and left me to tell them last. Although, Cancer had disappeared. I glanced around, before slithering off to find him.

I soon found him, with Libra.

"Cancer, I.. I, erm.. I like you, and I have since.. Ah, like, since I was seven.." She was blushing furiously, though Cancer seemed oblivious to this as he shook his head.

"Whatever you're going to ask, save it. I have to greet Ophi." Were the exact words that I wanted to hear from his perfect lips.

I sighed in relief, and quickly slid away before anyone saw me- I then stopped as I heard sobbing coming from Libra, and an awkward Cancer trying to comfort her.

"I-I'm sorry.. Did I say something wrong?" He just stared at her in confusion. I slid closer, trying to hear. I was behind a wall, while they were talking in the "garden" part of the surrounding area.

"W-Why?! Is it because of that snake?!" She cried, covering her face. I couldn't help but feel a little bit of guilt and empathy.. I knew what it felt like to not be good enough and different..

"What, so you like me and ask me out, then expect me to say yes? Like some sort of fairytale?" He sounded rather irritated, which wasn't like him at all. "Libra, I don't know what you expect of me, but I'm not some Prince Charming and I definitely won't be sweeping you off of your feet."

It went quiet, only the howling of the wind was heard within the night sky. I looked up and found myself staring at the stars for a moment before I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"I'm guessing you heard the whole thing." I flinched in surprise as Cancer stood there with his arms crossed.

"I.. I did.." I whispered.

"Don't ask, either. I'm not going to be caught dating a snake in my lifetime. Your dream can stay a dream, because I want nothing to do with either of you." His words dripped with malice, I stared at his hateful eyes.

"What happened.. You're so different.." I whispered, it seemed I couldn't speak any louder at this point. My eyes were threatening to spill out tears.

"I grew up, Ophi. I grew up. I'm not some immature kid anymore, with the dream of having half-snake children. No.. I'm a man who wants to protect his family at all costs. Maybe I'll do some things wrong, but forgiveness is a bliss. I'm sorry, Ophi. Maybe I did love you at some point, but that feeling's long gone. I'm sorry." He sounded sincerely apologetic. I couldn't help but think over his words.

"You wanted children with me?" I finally said, my heart aching.

"So what if I did, it isn't something I think of anymore. I told you, I've lost interest." Were the last words he spoke of this topic, the last time we spoke without argument..

The last time I was kind to anyone any longer.