
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 16.

•Capricorn's POV•

I noticed the tension between Sagittarius and Aquarius while we were continuing to walk on.

"Psst.." Aries whispered from beside me. "What do you think happened between them?" So he must've noticed the tension, too.

"I don't know.. Maybe a 'couple argument'." I used my fingers to quote, grinning. He just stared at me, before towards the two infront of us.

We nodded to each other, as we then ran either side of them. I was on Aquarius' right while Aries was on Sagittarius' left.

"So, what happened between you two?" I whispered to her and she just gave me a menacing glare. If looks could kill, I'd be as good as dead.

"None of your business, goat." She hissed.

"Sea goat, but alright. You know, I'm really good when it comes to couple therapy." I winked, which made her snort.

"What relationship experience do you have?"

"Uh.. Hm.. Erm.. Aries?" I chuckled nervously as I rubbed the back of my head. She shook her head and began to pick up her pace, Sagi seemed to do the same. Leaving us to eat their dust.

"No luck?" I asked as we walked side-by-side again. He shook his head.

It was already nightfall again and my feet were sore and exhausted. I laid myself down against a log within the woods and I watched the stars for a bit, before I drifted off to sleep.

"Capricorn. Capricorn!" Someone shouted within the dream and I turned around. I was greeted by my past life's farmland, and the river that was beside it. Farm animals roamed the land, but I found my favourites were always the goats.

They were unique and had the personality that mixed between compassionate and aggressive, the perfect combination.

A boy with auburn messy hair was then running out of the house, and towards a goat that had escaped into the river somehow. He dived in and grabbed onto the goat, shoving it onto dry land hastily as he then began trying to grab onto the side, manically.

The boy was too panicked, and was only going further and further down the river. I wanted to run and help, although I found myself stuck to the floor. He made one final scream for help before he began sinking, unable to swim.

It then hit me, this was a reminder. A reminder of my past life.

"So now you remember.." Someone said from beside me and I looked over to see a short blondie with stars floating around him and a golden halo around his head.

I just stared at him.

"You remember how you suffered and risked your life for a goat." He said to me, as he looked over at me. "Oh! I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Stellae, the God of Stars. I handpicked each Zodiac myself to become who they are now.. Honestly, you've all disappointed me. How could you part ways, when you're all stronger together? As a team. Personally, I'd want to indulge in that sort of power instead of stripping myself from it.." He trailed off as he saw me dunbfounded expression.

"I understand your annoyance.." I said to this supposed God, though I kept my eyes on the lonely farmland. "Although, it was a team decision.. That must count for something, right?"

He shook his head, sighing. "You don't understand at all.. This is your final chance to regroup and recreate your relationships with each other. I've already given the others the option, although no such luck has come.. I suggest you do the right thing and listen to me." Stellae had a deep frown embedded on his forehead as he stared at me, watching my next move with keen eyes.

I didn't answer.

Water was shot at my face before I knew it, as I quickly sat up in shock.

"About time, lazy ass. Let's get moving." Aquarius ordered as she marched off and left Aries standing behind her.

"I.. I tried to stop her.." Aries mumbled, rather sadly.

"It's fine, I'm glad she woke me up. Let's just get moving." I smiled, as I jumped up and walked. Aries trailed behind me.

•Aries' POV•

"G-Grandma, don't leave me!"

I shook my head as I continued walking.

"Something wrong, Aries?" Capricorn asked from beside me, concern etched into his features. I quickly shook my head with a smile.

"Grandma! I need you here with me, please!"

We hopped over a river, although I nearly slipped, luckily Capri caught me.

"You seem distracted. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked again, as he stood infront of me. He had a hold of my upper arms.

I nodded again and gave him a quick peck on the lips, before I skipped past him. I couldn't tell him I've been thinking of the past..

"How long does she have left?"

I slammed into a tree and stumbled back, rubbing my face. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes and Capricorn was knelt by my side quickly.

"Are you oka-" He started, although I got up and ran off.

I sat down on a tree stump, resting my head in my arms, sobbing.

Capricorn soon found me and put an arm across my back comfortingly. "Want to tell me what's wrong now?"

I slowly nodded.

•The past, when Aries was about fourteen-years-old•

"Grandma, look! Look!" I called, excitedly.

She looked over at me from the kitchen, where she was cooking. I skipped over to her and showed her the dead bird I had found. She gasped.

"Alexander Dalmon Rame!" She shouted and took it from me. She walled out and dug a hole in the dirt using her fingers, before she placed the bird in. Grandma slowly covered it, tutting.

"Sorry, Grandma.." I smiled nervously.

•A few years later•

I sat on the bench, sobbing quietly as my parents sat either side of me. I chose to live with Grandma because my parents were horrid..

The coffin at the front held my Grandma in it, her dead, frail body..

I continued sobbing quietly before my mother leaned down and hissed into my ear. "Shut up with your whining." She sat back up and I kept myself quiet. The tears silently rolled down my cheeks, slowly.

What would I do now.. Without the only person to care for me..