

I'm bored, and have nothing to do for the next five hours as it is currently, 12:30 am and everyone I know is asleep. So I'm writing what goes through my mind while I write.

I'll use the latest prompt from Qidian for the example,

A Cinderella story?

Okay, step one, which type of Cinderella story would I like to write. I always mind myself liking a mix of beauty and the beast and Cinderella as it doesn't focus on the Prince's background. But there is also the pure cliché route of doing nothing but going through the Cinderella movie word for word.

How about the guy being Cinderella and it is a rich CEO woman instead?

How about the girl only has thirty days to make the prince fall in love with her when he doesn't even know she exists?

How about a Cinderella story that is already completed and the prince becomes disowned by the king?

5 ideas in less than… 10 minutes… YAY brain, why you make this so hard? -_-

Next step, write an introduction to each and every one of them. This is to see which ones to me have potential and then go off from there. Be back in 1 hour, in the meantime enjoy this… something I'll add in now…

7 random story ideas that came to mind while writing the introductions:

1. The main character is only alive for 30 seconds and has to constantly repeat moments in his life until the system believes he did the moments right. (Half-Minute Hero rip-off)

2. "What do you mean I'm not supposed to be dead yet?"

"Well, you see a mistake was made…"


"Well… you were killed by accident, so we're going to make it up to."


"Sending you to the perfect harem world where you have the most wonderful powers and you are destined to be king."

"Sounds boring."

A story about an MC who was killed by accident and when put into a so-called perfect life would rather be the side character."

3. Every choice in your life is decided by a coin flip, every argument by rock, paper, scissors. To put the icing on the ice cream, the MC always loses.

4. A bored god of kings who travels the universe looking for something interesting to do. In the end, he reincarnates into a baby with no memories. Watch as the gods drift into chaos.

5. A rich YouTube commenter becomes impulsive and flies across the world to look for a youtuber he has never seen photos of, all he knows is the city she lives in and her channel name. How will he find her? No one knows. (Really no one not even me, the author.)

6. The internet cured cancer, what's next?

7. A year of rants from a drunken college student, his head really hurts.

Now we are back and 3 of the stories have been scrapped. We are left with Beauty and Beast meets Cinderella and the gender swap. The others? Lost in my brain.

Step three, find some candy. I'm hungry.

Step four, email random people till someone replies and will review your story. One of my favorite stories comes from this actually.

I made a dating profile to ask girls to review what I was writing, but I had a girlfriend at the time. I left my computer open and when I came back she was staring at me ready to kill me. We were by the kitchen so I was scared she would reach for the knife. With a sweet smile, she turns the computer around and shows the open dating site. Let's just leave it at, I'm alive and single.

Step five, watch TV and forget about writing.

Step six, more Tv.

Step 42, Stop watching po- Netflix.

Step 43, Look to see if you got any reviews.

Step 44, Cry as they rip your heart out and stomp on it in hatred of your stories.

Step 45, Delete the stories and post a story of complete nonsense instead.

Step 46, Profit.

And there we go, this is how I write a story.