
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 5(tournament pt.2)

The following matches weren't worth looking at. There were only eight contestants. The other winner was average. Only a boy named Hihashi was quite strong, close to the level of me and Masashi.

"The second round of the tournament are beginning. Masashi and Himeko come to the stage!." Shouted the referee.

I was quite riled up to fight Masashi. I could see determination in her eyes also. We stood two meters apart and took our stances.

"Begin!" Said the referee as he disappeared.

We immediately dashed at each other and started throwing palms and kicks at each other. All the moves we threw at each other were were precise and powerful. Each time one of us would block tiny gashes of wind could be felt.

We both jumped back some distance and decided to go all out each other. Our palms and feet started to slightly glow. We weren't paying attention to the reaction of the crowd anymore, but just on what move the other would make and how to counter it.

We both disappeared and tiny outbursts of power could be felt. The adults could easily see us and follow our movements even without the byakugan but were still surprised at the us, the five year olds in the arena. As for the kids our age, the couldn't see anything.

I could see every move come at me as if in slow motion and counter. So could Masashi.

.... Elder POV....

I wasn't expecting much from these kids yet. I thought they would fight like normal five year olds and the finals would be Hisashi versus Hihashi in the finals and Hihashi would win. But in the very first match a little girl of no importance showed just as much power as power and talent as Hihashi, the heir of the Hyūga clan and eldest son of the clan head. The other elders started talking about how she would make a lovely and perfect bride for Hihashi. I agreed because she was pretty powerful for a five year old. Just as powerful as Hihashi who had been trained by the clan head himself since young.

The next match I wasn't expecting much as well. Not every child could be like those two I said only to be shocked even more. Another young girl just as strong as Hihashi.

After that there were no more surprises as Hihashi won his match. Now the other elders and myself are excited to see which of the little girls was more powerful and would make a good wife of the next clan head, Hihashi.

Now in between the match of the two monsters all the elders and all the parents and children even our Hyūga ninja are surprised. The little monsters are at the level of low Hyūga genin before even the age of six. What monstrous talent and potential. Hihashi who was standing besides the clan head was having trouble keeping up that he had to activate his byakugan. I chuckled at the sight of his expression. He looked afraid of the two girls in the arena. I don't blame him. Their on a different level that him. Even if he used his byakugan he would still lose. All the other children were confused on what was happening.

Suddenly the prettier one of the two girls found an opening and instantly exploited it before the other noticed. Due to their speeds and momentum, the palm of the pretty one was powerful sounding like a small explosion sending the other on rocketing towards the wall outside of the ring. Hyuko, the referee appeared and caught the little girl before she crushed into the wall.

She was now unconscious. Hyuko went to the stage and announced the winner.