
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 (Calm before the storm)

.....Mist Ninja POV...….…

After a few hours of waiting there was no sign of Dose (Mist spy). He had gone to the Red lights district. The guards let him go unmonitored because we did not expect Konoha ninja to make a move this far in enemy territory. But how wrong we were. Unfortunately Dose couldn't tell anyone except the Mizukage where he kept the scroll, so when he was no missing we had no choice but to look for him.

After about half an hour of searching the village inside out we finally found Dose dead outside the just village tied to a tree. We immediately started looking for tracks. Fortunately for us the tracks where poorly covered presumably because of lack of time.

We immediately followed the tracks that where headed for the docks at full speed.

We finally saw four people speeding in front of us. They had already sensed our presence.

They finally stopped running. There were three kids and an adult obviously a Genin team and their Jonin sensei. The Jonin had long white hair tied into a ponytail. He stepped in front of his team.

"Finally decided to give up. Smart choice because we outnumber you two to one" our Captain said as he was grinning clearly confident of our number advantage. This boosted our morale very much. How could one Jonin beat three Jonins and five chunins we thought.

"Watch how it's done" the Jonin said to his slightly worried students as he was grinning widely.

With a 'poof' sound and a cloud of smoke there were two more of him.

All of us threw shurikens and kunai at the lone Jonin. Mine was attached with an explosive tag.

After the explosion I was smirking satisfied with the result.The cloud cleared leaving a shield made of spiky white hair. All of us were surprised and as the shield collapsed leaving the Jonin and his clones just as they finished hand signs. Due to this surprise we couldn't react in time.

"Earth style: Underground swamp " he said as he slammed the ground. We were all caught in the sticky mud desperately trying to escape.

"Ninja Art: Toad oil bomb!" Shouted one of the Jonin's clone as it spat oil in our direction.

"Fire style: Dragon Flame bullets!" Announced the other clone almost instantly after the othe spat the oil.

...….…General POV...…

"Wow, that was awesome Jiraiya sensei" exclaimed Minato clearly surprised by what he had just witnessed.

Fugaku just nodded as he acknowledged the statement that Minato made.

Himeko was not surprised but was impressed by seeing Jiraiya's strength in real life.

"Now that you have witnessed the mighty me, let's retract before more ninja arrive." Jiraiya said as he enjoyed the praises and look of admiration in his disciples eyes.