
How I lived through Great shinobi wars

Im_really_bored · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12 (Genin test)

......…MC's POV......…

The first thing I do on the day of the test from Jiraiya-"sensei", I went for some ramen. I already knew what the test was about. Then I finally bought chakra nature paper to test my chakra nature.

I put some chakra into the paper and it was cut into two and then it burned away leaving a little ash in my hand. My chakra nature was wind and fire. I now needed to learn some Futon techniques to compliment my fire ones.

After testing for my chakra natures I body flickered to the decided training grounds to wait on Jiraiya who was obviously going to be late. I found Minato already there. After some time Fugaku also showed up.

Surprisingly to us, Jiraiya-sensei was a few minutes late.

"Okay for you to pass you must have a bell from these two before sun down and if you don't have one you'll go back to the academy. Fight with the intention to kill. Any questions....So you can start anytime now..." he said holding two bells.

The three of us immediately retreated into the bushes and trees. We knew we couldn't defeat him alone so we all subconsciously agreed to team up against him.

I immediately went to were Minato was hiding and we looked for Fugaku. When we were together we started planning our next move.

........Jiraiya's POV......…

As soon as I started the test they all immediately retreated. So I guess they know when they are outmatched and when to retreat, nice. They seem to all be smart kids, so I kind of guessed this was going to be the case. None of them are arrogant and impulsive, so they will survive longer in war at least.

I started walking around pretending to not know where they were. Suddenly a rain of shuriken rained from a tree. I jumped backwards to dodge my attack and from behind I see the Hyūga girl dash towards me as I was in the air. Minato also appeared from the direction of the shurikens when I started turning my attention towards the Hyūga girl, Himeko. Knowing Minato's fighting style and a little about the Gentle fist fighting style I thought I knew what their attack strategy and plan where. To catch me when I put more of my attention on one of them and the other would strike. Not a bad plan, might work if I didn't know their fighting styles.

I was thrown a little off when I saw Minato's eyes turn red as he approached me that's when I knew something was off. The Hyūga girl was dashing through the air with a kick. This wasn't the Gentle Fist art fighting style and I realized they were under the transformation jutsu. I didn't have time to readjust my counter so I used substitution jutsu. There was a log conveniently a few meters from these kids.

As I appeared where the log was I finally realized what their plan was. I saw the Hyūga girl waiting for me, gathering large amounts of chakra around her body. I realized there weren't such things a coincidence and knew that the log was a trap set for me. Their transformations were to throw me off guard so that I substitute away and there was conveniently a log nearby, in the heat of battle I didn't think that it was a trap. These kids are going to be monstrous when they grew up.