
How I Died and went to heven

Hi I am one of the best spy's of westtails and this how I died and went to heaven

Cracky_twich_tv · Fantasie
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Oh, hi my name is Forg or it use to be. so this is how I died, let's start from the beginning. I am a top spy I mean I was a spy and I work for the nation of west tails. I was one of the best in second place in the organization I work for. But not like it matters now because I am dead. Ok ok now I gave you an appetizer here go's the main course, so I get a call and they say that they have a hard one for me so as always I accepted. When the mission details came in, it said ''you have to kill...put to sleep Henderson frost a shady politician because he was making a lot of trouble for the government. So on the day of the mission, we set up in a run-down hotel. Next to where frost was helping one of his business partners to win an election. Oh, and I said we because WT assigned another random agent to help me because they said it was too dangerous for one person even me. I tried to convince them that I worked better alone, and they began saying that there were too many bodyguards and each one was a trained assassin so as always I ended up caving in and going along with it. As I was scoping in to take the shot headquarters called saying that my real partner was found near death in the dumpster put I was walking in the front door of death. After that, I tried to reach my handgun but it was too late. I've gotten shot 5 time's on my chest and then it all fades to black. So that's all that's happened but now I am talking to you a chick with wings. um, Forg isn't it yea how do you know my name. It's because I am an angel and yea your dead.... wow he's not freckling out ok. um and I know your name because I have a list that tells me everything that happened to you from the day you were born to the day you died. I shut tell him I know what he's thinking so he doesn't try to hide stuff.

Still editing and adding more but tell me how iam doing.

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