
How Can I Tell What a Woman’s Eye Contact is Signaling?

I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work and I saw this girl walking toward me, we made eye contact, but half a second later, she looked away. When this happens, I find it even harder to approach a girl that catches my attention. When women make eye contact for half a second and then look away, does that mean she's not interested? Or maybe she is shy? Or maybe she is creeped out?

CUTE_KINGDOM · Geschichte
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Think About It This Way.

If you look over at a hot girl and she looks back at you,

what is your first reaction? The typical, gut reaction is to look away. Why? So

you are not caught, right? Don't worry. I do that too.

I did it yesterday at the gym. I looked over and saw a guy I thought was

attractive. He looked at me, so I quickly looked away. It's my automatic response

because you are not supposed to stare. However, after I looked away and

composed myself, I looked back at him and smiled calmly and confidently. He

smiled back and we had a nice moment.

What I am getting at is do not be freaked out by being caught off guard.

Compose yourself and then take your shot!


Are You Into This Girl?

A common thing I notice with all the men that I work with is that no matter

how awesome they are, for some reason they forget to ask themselves the

important question, "Do I even like this girl?" They are so wrapped up in

attempting to make a woman like them that they forget to think about it from

their own point of view.

Stop putting woman you have just met on a pedestal. Women are not unicorns

with breasts. They are not mythical creatures that will disappear instantly if you

look away or say the wrong thing. They are human beings, just like you!

The more you focus on making her like you the harder it becomes for a woman

to become attracted to you. Why? Because you are not present, and therefore are

not showing her your true self.

I have heard so many men say to me "In a first interaction, I don't want to say

too much about me just in case she's not into what I say. Can't scare her off till

she's hooked." To which I say you're wasting your time. A woman is never

going to be hooked to someone who is bland and boring. Start talking and

sharing yourself--if that rocks the boat, then you'll know that it wasn't a boat

you should have been on in the first place.

The next time you approach a woman, ask yourself, "Am I into this girl?" If

you are, great, ask her out. If not, excuse yourself and move on. Staying in the

moment and keeping the control in your hands will help you avoid being

nervous and trying too hard to impress her.

The next time you approach a random girl I want you to ask yourself the

following questions:

• Do I find her interesting?

• Is she engaging me?

• Do I like her?

• Am I attracted to her?

Remember, this whole process of meeting people and approaching them is

about finding someone who is right for you. It is not about making everyone like
