
Chapter 5 Events in the world 3


Braavos is the wealthiest and likely the most powerful of the Free Cities. It is located in the Great Lagoon on the northwestern end of Essos, where the narrow sea and the Shivering Sea meet. Braavos is also known as Braavos of the Hundred Isles and the Secret City, a name also attributed to the city Nefer, the last remaining city of N'ghai. Braavos is sometimes referred to as the "bastard daughter of Valyria"

Braavos is starting to become the wealthiest of the Free Cities, in part due to the wealth and influence of the Iron Bank, they are rivaled in power by Volantis and some other banks from Lys and Pentos. The Iron Bank lends money to foreign nations, including the Seven Kingdoms. Braavosi coins are square and made from iron.

During the years when Braavos was as of yet undiscovered, the city prospered. The Braavosi discovered a sea snail similar to those that could be found at Tyrosh, and whose dyes had made the city famous. The snail found by the Braavosi yielded dark purple dye, which the Braavosi used to color the sails of the ships the founders had stolen from the Valyrians. They paint their hulls purple too. At first, Braavos began to trade with Ib and later the Seven Kingdoms.

Braavos has a seafaring trade culture. Much of the city's early wealth came from the brackish waters of the lagoon. These waters yielded oysters, eels, crabs, crawfish, clams, rays, and many sorts of fish. Braavosi ships paint their hulls purple and their merchant ships sails to many distant lands and brought their trade and wealth back home. One hears of purple sails as far away as Asshai and the islands of the Jade Sea. In the present, Braavos is one of the greatest ports in the world, where all but slavers are allowed to dock. Even ships from Qarth and the Summer Isles come to Braavos to trade.

Unlike the other Free Cities, Braavos was never part of the Valyrian Freehold. The youngest of these cities, Braavos was founded by escaped slaves, fleeing the grasp of the Freehold. The slaves rebelled on their way from Valyria to a new colony in Sothoryos, took control of the ships, and turned north instead of south, traveling as far as they could. According to the histories of Braavos, it was a group of slave women from the lands of Jogos Nhai, the

Moonsingers, who predicted where shelter could be found. Thus, the slaves traveled to the distant lagoon, hidden away from the sight of the dragonlords by the wall of hills covered with pine trees and the fog covering the lagoon. The founders of Braavos risked their lives for freedom and swore a vow that no one in their city would ever be a slave, thrall, or bondsman. This vow became the First Law of Braavos and is engraved on the arch spanning the Long Canal.

the existence of the city was kept secret for a century. While Maester Yandel states that Sealord Uthero Zalyne had sent forth his ships to every corner of the world in order to proclaim the existence and location of Braavos during the Uncloaking of Uthero at the 111th festival celebrating the city's founding, the city's location remained hidden for another few centuries.

During the Century of Blood following the Doom of Valyria, Volantis attempted to take control of Valyria's daughters. The Volantenes managed to take control over Myr and Lys, but when they attempted to take Tyrosh they met with resistance. In the rebellion against Volantis, the Sealord of Braavos sent a hundred warships to the aid of Lys.

During Aegon's Conquest, a dozen Braavosi warships helped the Kingdom of Mountain and Vale in battle against the Targaryens in the Gullet.

During the years of 56 - 61

In the Sealord's Palace


Sealord Cossomo Dellono

How goes the preparations so far for the war with Pentos I ask my first sword. It was going well until they ended their war with Tyrosh now we can't continue to build up our forces unnoticed on our shared borders. As for supplies we have everything we need but we still have a lack of Gambesons, tents, and food we don't know how long winter will last so it's better to be overstocked than under. Hmm, I say mulling over what I've been told. For food, we could trade further south with Lys to get what we need and as for the Gambeson, I turned to a representative of the iron bank I had heard some news that there are great amounts of finished clothing products coming from Tarth. The representative nodded, and I continued by asking if they would be able to produce Gambeson at the same rate. I believe if given enough of an incentive they would.

just the other day a ship came to port carrying the banners of house Tarth looking for bravo sword trainers, ex-bankers, and educators of sums and literature for what reasons we don't know but we can get a meeting with them and see if we can negotiate a deal. I nodded at the representative and told him to set it up for later today.

Pov Galladon Tarth

Well, this was unexpected I thought while I desperately tried to fend off Garth from putting me on my ass. Galladon how many times do I have to tell you to stop spacing off and focus on the fight, yells my older brother Jon from the sidelines. I get my mind back on the fight by charging and swinging my sword for an overhead strike just for Garth to easily parry it to the side and bring his sword up leaving us in a bind. As I'm stronger than Garth I was able to throw him off and the sounds of the dull swords continued to sing throughout the small courtyard until Garth made a feint, which I fell for, realizing too late until his blade landed on the side of my neck I dropped my sword knowing it was my lost. You are getting better my lord said Garth with a dutiful bow i waved off the compliment and a servant brought us a cup of warm Apple juice.

Good fight you two but Galladon you need to keep your heads out of the clouds or you might lose it in a serious fight I nodded before he went to Garth to say that since he is smaller than me he needs to rely on his speed instead of trying to compete in strength. I'm proud of how Garth's training has been going so far he was one of the first orphans I had gathered and he has been a dutiful kid always trying to do better. It's been a year since my uncle took me in as a squire after I had made a deal with my grandfather that when I became a knight he would give me the ruined castle of Morne and its surrounding lands. And I would give the old bastard a good amount of gold for the lands but no matter its a small price to pay for the place that would become my base of operations to grow my power and influence.

The bath is ready for you my lord, said one of the maids, breaking me out of my thoughts, I nodded and said thank you Maria she smiled sweetly and led the way to the room with the large bucket of water. I grimaced thinking that I would build a bathroom in my new castle and I should really start thinking about making some soaps as well. After my bath, I got dressed and started making my way to the iron bank without my sword of course so none of the bravos even thought of challenging me. I'm a bad swordsman it's true I'll admit it. But I can handle a mace and shield pretty well, what I excel at is the bow Jon says I'll make a fine penny in the archery part of tourneys.

After arriving at the iron banks and being led to a room with a banker sitting across from me.

Ahh lord Tarth welcome, welcome take a seat so we can begin,

My grandfather is lord Tarth you can just call me Galladon I said shaking the man's hand. He nodded sat down and said you know I thought you would be older how old are you now 9, 10.

It doesn't really matter my age sir Raghas you said you wanted to talk business

Straight to business, I see that's fine well Galladon we called you here to negotiate a deal for you to start production of gambeson for one of our clients we are to offer you 5 silver stags per gambeson what say you?

That is not really a profit for me sir Raghas not even breaking even I'll say 12 silver stags is a fairer deal.

The negotiations went on for half an hour with me coming out with a great deal of 8 silver stags per gambeson while they were also going to handle shipping now I just needed to make the same deal with Pentos and I would be making a killing on their war. I smirked while walking out.

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