
House Of The Dragon-For The Queen, Not The Prince

(Prequel To The Black Lord) [Takes place before/during/after the Dance of Dragons] Aerion Targaryen is the son of Daemon Targaryen and Rhea Royce. The Rogue Prince drunkenly forced the consummation of his marriage to the Lady Rhea and easily discarded her and his son after he was born. Aerion then grew up with an absent father, only rarely getting gifts from his Uncle, King Viserys. He took part in the Dance of The Dragons, supporting the only person he found worth fighting for. [Read My Novel: Cursed As A Dragon God. I would appreciate any support]

Lunacia_Yujin · TV
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154 Chs

Visiting Cousins III

(Aerion's POV)

"Fuck's sake, Aegon!!!" I shouted as the idiot flew Sunfyre too close to my head

Vermithor roared in annoyance as Aegon's moronic laughing could be heard, his dragon swiftly maneuvering to my left as it roared as well. 

"Ahahaha!!!" he laughed as he raised his arms in the air, "Wooo!!!" 

We were already in the Reach, making our way to Oldtown. Aemond did not join us and I was stuck with this fool. It was a better, though, considering that Vermithor is a frightening sight already. We did not need people worrying about seeing the two oldest and largest dragons moving toward their city. 

I scowled, "Take it easy, dammit!" I shouted at Aegon

"You should loosen up, cousin!" He replied with laughter, "This is fun!" 

I smacked my lips, "It is anything but..." I muttered as I looked on ahead, "Alright we are approaching Oldtown! Behave!!" 

"Yes, My Lord!!" He said mockingly and Sunfyre dipped down rapidly

I rolled my eyes, "Fuck's sake..." 

Vermithor let out a deep rumble. He did not seem to be taking his shenanigans lightly. 

I patted his hide, "Easy." I told him

I saw as the city of Oldtown came into view, Sunfyre ascending back into our level and getting into my sightline. 

"Oh, I hope this is fucking worth it..." I grumbled, "This boy is pissing me off..." 

"He's too reckless...." 


"Prince Aegon and...Lord Aerion...." I saw a man approach us with a trademark Hightower smugness

We were in the entrance to the Hightower, House Hightower's seat that resided in Oldtown. 

I nodded, "Ser Gwayne, I presume." I said, "I have been told you are my cousin's guardian." 

Gwayne looked at me, "Indeed I am." He said, "Daeron, the young Targaryen boy." 

Aegon walked past him as he swung his arms, "You got any wine here, Uncle?" He said with a chuckle

"Not out here, My Prince." Gwayne said as he glanced at him, "But we'll arrange for some to be brought out." 

"Ah, that would be nice." Aegon said as he patted his back

Gwayne grimaced, "We did not expect to receive two dragons....especially yours, Lord Aerion." He said, "My Lord Uncle will definitely have something to say about this." 

"No offense to Lord Ormund, but I could not care less." I said as I looked around and I raised a paper up, "King's behest, that is. I am to check on Daeron Targaryen, see how he is doing." 

He reached for the paper and took it, "Well, I am quite disappointed that it took you to be sent by the King to check in on the boy." He said

"I have been busy, Ser Gwayne." I said

"Oh yes, I have heard." He said as he read the paper, "Marrying the Princess and whatnot....causing a little incident in Driftmark.....drawing your blade at Criston Cole....not in that order, though, I am sure." 

"Definitely not in that order." I said as I leaned my arm against my sword's handle

"Come on, bring out the wine." Aegon said, "I'm parched." 

"If you wish it, My Prince." Gwayne said as he looked at me, "Let us take you to your brother." 

He then turned around and began to walk away. 

"Ah, yes, the little Daeron." He said with a clap of his hands, "I have not seen him in so long, I wonder if he's taller than Aemond." 

"Probably not." I said as we followed Gwayne, "You better behave yourself, Aegon." 

"Ah, this is my Mother's home!" He said, 

"We are more than welcome!" 


"Aegon!" I saw the little boy running up to Aegon

"Hey, Daeron." Aegon said as the boy jumped into his arms, "Oh boy, you've gotten big, huh?" 

Gwayne stood next to them, "Prince Daeron, Lord Aerion is also here to see you." He said as he had his hands behind his back

"Oh, Aerion!!" Daeron said as he pulled away and smiled brightly, "I missed you!" 

He ran up to me for a hug. 

"My Prince." I chuckled as I caught him in a hug, "You've grown. I have not seen you in years, young Daeron, how have you been?" 

He pulled away, "Good." He said, "Uncle Gwayne has treated me well." 

He was shorter than Aemond, and his hair around the same size as Aegon's but his face was filled with an innocence that only Helaena had, in a brighter way. 

I patted his head, "Is that so?" I said with a chuckle as I rustled his hair, "That is good." 

"Yea, why are you two here?" He asked me

"To check up on you." I told him

"Well, I have been treated well." He said, "You needn't to." 

"Hm." I said as I looked at Gwayne, "Seems that he's more than comfortable." 

Daeron walked over to Aegon who was drinking wine from a cup as they began to wrestle playfully, Aegon trying to push him away with one arm as they laughed. 

"Indeed." Gwayne said, "This is his home." 

I nodded as I walked over to him, "Thank you, Ser Gwayne." I told him, "In raising him."

He frowned, "My Lord?" 

"I understand, how it feels...." I said as I glanced over to the boys, "To be somewhere else but your father's side.....rarely hearing from him and having others raise you.....For that, you have my respect." 

He nodded, "But of course." He said, "But The King does write to him...as does my Sister."

"Yes, but a bit of a physical presence never hurts." I said as I patted his shoulder as I walked over, "Daeron. How is your dragon?" 

"Tessarion?" He asked as he pulled away from Aegon, "She's growing bigger! I can't ride her though." 

"Ah." I said as I looked at Aegon, "Well, without her then, eh Aegon?" 

Aegon shrugged, "I guess so." He said as he patted Daeron's head

"What do you mean?" Daeron asked

I chuckled as I gestured him over, "Come, cousin." I told him with a smile,

"We're going for a ride." 


"That was amazing!" Daeron said as he sat next to me under a tree

It was several hours later, we had taken Daeron to fly with us, taking turns to have him on our saddles. We landed on several hills with trees that were next to Oldtown, overlooking the city as Sunfyre and Vermithor laid a few hundred meters away, resting. 

Aegon was drinking from a leather pouch, "Y-Yes..." He hiccupped, "Is it not amazing? To take to the skies on your mount and just feel the air hit your face.....soon, brother, soon you'll experience the same." 

Daeron looked at me, "You think so, cousin?" He asked me

I nodded as I leaned on the tree, "Of course." I said, "You are Targaryen, you are fated to be a dragonrider. Let us hope the circumstances are not dire ones." 

"Ahh...." He said with a bright tone, "That is great..." 

Aegon hiccupped, "Aerion is different from us, Aegon." He said, "He claimed an already adult dragon. Remember? It was on the same day I displayed my riding skills with Sunfyre." 

"Uh, no." Daeron said

I frowned, "He was but a babe, Aegon." I said

"Ah, yes." He said, "That is true, I forgot." 

Daeron looked at me, "Vermithor is King Jaehaerys's Dragon, right???" He asked me

I nodded, "Well, not anymore." I said, "But yes. He's mine now." 

"Ah, I hope my Tessarion grows to be his size, he's magnificent...." He said as his eyes beamed right at Vermithor

I followed his gaze and saw that Vermithor was looking at us, calmer than usual. It is quite rare for him to be so docile, but I guess he has his moments like the grumpy old man he is. 

Aegon tossed me his leather wine pouch, "Drink up." He said with a chuckle, "Say, Daeron, you know Aerion married our sister, right?" 

"I don't want your drool, Aegon." I tossed him the pouch back in annoyance

"Helaena?" Daeron asked

"What no?" Aegon said, "Rhaenyra. And what's wrong with my drool?" 

"Ah, Rhaenyra!" Daeron said, "Is that so, Aerion?" 

I nodded, "Indeed." I said, "She and I are married." 

"What does that make you now? Our good-brother?" He asked me with a frown

"What's wrong with drool? I asked you, Aerion." Aegon persisted

"I'm still your cousin, none of that changes." I said as I ignored Aegon, "And here is a tidbit of information, the two of you will become Uncles soon....well, again." 

"I asked you a question, what's wrong with my dro-" Aegon started, "What did you say?" 

I nodded as I leaned back against the tree, "She is with child, my child." I said with a slight smile

"That's amazing!" Daeron said, "Congratulations, cousin!" 

"Wow, did not think you had it in you, Aerion." Aegon said

I frowned, "What the fuck does that mean?" 

"Oh you know, you always refused my offers to have fun with the maids, you know." He said as he drank from the pouch

I grabbed a handful of dirt and tossed it at him, "You fucking little shit!" I scowled, "What makes you think I'll fucking do that with you!!" 

"Ah! You asshole!" He exclaimed, "Apologize!" 

"No." I said as Daeron patted my knees

"That is such good news." He said, "I hope I can one day meet my niece or nephew." 

"You already have nephews, Daeron." I said, "But I know what you mean. How about we make a deal, the three of us, as much as I dislike Aegon." 

"Heyy...." He said, "I know I can be rough to deal with sometimes, but no need to be a twat." 

"Shut up." I told him, "You stupid drunk." 

He scowled, "You're....the stupid....drunk..." He grumbled

Daeron nodded, "What's this deal?" 

I patted his head, "No matter what happens in the future, we take care of our own." I told him, "How about it, eh? Aegon? Your nephews, nieces, my nephews, nieces.....we'll be nice to each other, eh?" 

Aegon looked at me with a frown, "What do you mean?" He said, "Of course....." 

"Yea!" Daeron said with a bright tone, "Of course! I intend to be a knight! I will uphold my vows to you, Aerion. I will gladly protect your sons or daughters! And Aegon's as well....and well, Aemond's too.....and well, Rhaenyra's too!!" 

I chuckled, "Oh Daeron..." I rustled his hair, 

"You're quite a ray of sunshine, ain't you?"