
HOTD: I'm a Targaryen Princess with cheats

Laila, a contemporary attorney, unexpectedly passes away and is granted a unique opportunity to be reincarnated into the world of the "House of the Dragon" series. In her new life, she becomes the younger sister of Rhaenyra Targaryen, born to the same parents. --- - I do not own the story or any characters, except for the main character. - This story is primarily developed during my weekend holidays, and chapters will not be released daily. - I am writing this to enhance my writing skills, aiming to improve my overall storytelling. Feel free to provide comments if you notice any mistakes or issues. -I haven't read the books, and have only a vague understanding of the book adaption and Canon version of Game of thrones, House of dragon and the whole history of the world.

MrGood23 · Filme
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41 Chs

Chapter 5 Strength and Goldfinger.

As she wandered through the corridors, an unsettling sensation lingered within her. It was as if the very fabric of her being had undergone a profound transformation. No longer was she an ordinary woman, although within human limit she can said to one the strongest in this world for her age, comparing physical strength and quality alone. she processed a strength, agility, and resilience that surpassed an average knight of 20 or more names day and with time she will truly reach the extreme peak of what the human body is capable of with just the nourishment of jade space energy and some training.

Her reflexes were honed to perfection, her senses heightened to an extraordinary degree.

Coming to a halt before an array of weapons in the moonlit training field, she delicately traced her fingers along the worn steel. The sensation was both unfamiliar and strangely familiar, intertwining the threads of her past and present.

Even though a busy individual in her past life she had mastered the ancient art of Kalaripayattu was familiar with such cold weapons, but as princess even though trained in the way of swords it just prefectury.

The training ground lay deserted, the swords hanging motionless from their racks. Valarissa approached one, her hand gliding along the blade's edge. It had been quite some time since she had wielded a sword, yet the weight and balance felt as natural to her as her own breath.

Memories flooded her mind, recalling the countless hours she had dedicated to refining her skills, as a person who had mastered the art of graceful and precise movement in this life and the twenty year's dedicated and serious mastery Kalaripayattu in her previous life.

With a firm grip on the hilt, she swung the sword through the air, her muscles tensing and releasing in perfect harmony. The wind whispered past her ears, and for a fleeting moment, she struggled to contain her newfound strength. But as she continued to practice, slowly but surely, she began to adapt.

As time passed, she started to intergrate the various knowledge from her knowledge from the art of Kalaripayattu to improve the sword moves and her own body movements, a peculiar energy coursed through her and the surrounding area, permeating the very air she breathed. It was unlike anything she was familiar with, yet it possessed a familiar essence.

It was as if the very essence of nature itself had intertwined with her being, granting her a connection to the world around her that surpassed anything she had ever experienced.

As she sensed a surge of power coursing through her veins, she couldn't help but notice a subtle enhancement in her. The infusion of Energy from the jade had undoubtedly elevated her physical quality to another level for her age, yet it remained confined within the boundaries of human potential.

However, now she could distinctly feel the energy aiding her in refining her body, and she was confident that the energy was different from the vitality that came with the Jade space.

After hours of rigorous training in the cold winds, she had familiarized herself with her newfound strength and integrated it into her own skill set. Feeling accomplished she stopped taking deep breaths she could feel the pain of her sudden training fading as the vitality from the jade flowed though him.

From her own self training she understood one thing the knights training method of this world was complete rubbish compared to the art of Kalaripayattu or any other martial arts back in her world and the only reason why thier are great knights out thier was mostly either they are talented or they are born with monsterous strength.

She already knew how make use of this knowledge to strengthen her house, but how to exicuted it still need to considered carefully.

Leaving all that aside, she glanced at the real reason for coming to this secluded training feild in the middle of the night.

Her eyes looked at the red icon to the right corner, this was the second cheat or Goldfinger she had and was also the reason for her being unconsious for more than a week.

Unlike the Jade space, the second Goldfinger she was more familiar with, it was system to be precise a broken Sign-in system.

It wasn't overly powerful system as it came with a great limitation, the system only give two grades of reward items, the first being common grade item which could be a dress, armour, meat, animal, ores, even grass and mud can be called common grade rewards and have a chance of 98% to be drawn.

The second was uncommon grade rewards which could be something supernatural, like a healing pills, small abilities, skills, knowledge, special creatures, weapons with slight magic augmentation and etc but nothing that would be to heaven defying and only had a 2% chance to drawn.

Valarissa can Sign-in daily but once a week the chances of drawing an uncommon grade rewards reaches 5%.

Wanting to know how luck she was, she decided Sign-in before returning.


(Congratulations to the host for completing the first Sign-in, probability of receiving an uncommon Grade rewards increased by +10)

(Ding!, You can gained skill Branding<uncommon >)

(Branding: the host can use magical energy as a medium to engrave a specific symbol of host choice on the Targeted person to make sure the branded person won't betray the host)

<Hint: Resistance from the Targetted individual may result in failure of skill>

"It seems the gods are with me after all" she said to herself as her mind raced with the many ways the skill could help her navigate through the Game of thrones, while the skill does have limitations such as the failure if the other party resist and the amount of time she can use the skill daily and etc, but she was sure over come them.

It was already late and she made the decision to leave the training ground and return to her chambers.

There were two reasons behind her decision. Firstly, she didn't want to cause any suspicion among the guards. She wasn't certain if her absence for hours would be reported, potentially alerting others to her activities within the keep. Secondly, she was covered in sweat from the intense exercise and desired a hot bath to refresh herself.

As she walked back, she soon spotted her chamber door and noticed the anxious guard Cerdic looking around, seemingly expecting someone. This sight confirmed that her decision to return was the right one.