
Horror Games: Children Blessing System

Ling Qi obtained his system after staying in the ghost master world for eighteen years. After he obtain the system, he turned the nightmare-level horror game into a simple-level casual game, and also left the ghost masters of the same period far behind. While others were struggling to survive, Ling Qi was eating and drinking and doing whatever he wanted. While others were racking their brains to clear the game, Ling Qi was already killing ghosts that were harmful and was unstoppable!

Ravenchast · Fantasie
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29 Chs

New Classroom Cont.

"There's a side mission!"

"Does this mean that this Black Silk ghost is interested in me?" Ling Qi was startled. Apparently, Jiang Wei and Cheng Xin were not the only high-quality female ghosts in this college.

The same goes for the person in front of me.

At this moment, Nangong Qing walked up to him with her breasts wrapped in her black jacket, stared at him with a pair of sharp eyes, and said in a cold voice, "You are Ling Qi, right?"


"My name is Nangong Qing, monitor of our 3rd year."

"Come with me, and I'll tell you the rules of this class!" After saying that, she pushed Ling Qi out of the door and closed the door behind her.

Just like that, Ling Qi was brought to the corner of the corridor.

He has to say that Nangong Qing's air of authority is so great, that she even walks with wind. If she is given more time to develop, she will be the strongest ghost female in the universe, next to the ghost empress.

The senior female stood still, looked back at Ling Qi, and crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I am a person of action. I don't like to be sloppy, and I don't like to make twists and turns."

"So if I have something to say, I will say it directly."

"Please speak!" Ling Qi nodded.

"First of all, let me talk about my situation. Although I was born in the Ghost Emperor's world, my parents died in battle because they were brainwashed by the Ghost Emperor. I hate his shitty world from the bottom of my heart."

"So I've always wanted to find a human and sign a contract with them."

"I have pretty good talent, so I'm very strong!"

"I need my human partner to be a strong person. He cannot be a virgin at things. He must take action when it is time to take action."

"At the same time, I need my human partner to be a person with brains. He cannot be a simple-minded idiot with strong limbs."

"I've been observing you these days, and I totally agree with your performance!"

"And I must admit that you have a unique personality that attracts me. I do like you."

"But I found that you are very attractive. That school girl Cheng Xin is also fascinated by you. I think you will have more women in the future."

"For this I need you to meet some conditions, and if you can do that, I'll be willing to share you with other women."

"This is my situation, and now I want to ask you what you think." Nangong Qing's words were very direct, simple, and clear, "You may not be able to bear what I said suddenly. If you think I have wishful thinking, what can you do about it? None."

"But if you think I'm pretty good-looking and you agree with my talent, then we can continue talking."

"Now you can explain your attitude. If you think my conditions are not enough, I will leave immediately." Nangong Qing looked into his eyes, waiting for his reply.

Ling Qi was indeed stunned.

This girl and Cheng Xin are completely the opposite in terms of personality.

Cheng Xin is a shy little woman, and she needs to muster up the courage to confess to him.

But the girl in front of him is too direct. she will clarify her purpose when she comes up, tell everything about her situation and inner thoughts, and pull Ling Qi down if it works or not.

"With a treasure like you, I have no reason to refuse!"

"I like your character so much!"

"It would be so cool to fight side by side with you."

Hearing this, the corners of Nangong Qing's lips raised slightly, "It seems that we belong to the same category of people, and I don't want my contractor to be an indecisive sissy!"

"It seems we have something to connect with!" Ling Qi nodded and said, "As you said, I will definitely have a lot of females in the future whether it be humans or ghosts, so I understand your thoughts. You want to see if I am worth it to you and be together, right?"

"That's right!" Nangong Qing nodded, "After all, no woman likes to share her boyfriend with others."

"Direct enough, what are the conditions?"

"My conditions are not too high, and it is something you must complete." Nangong Qing looked into his eyes and said in a serious voice, "As long as you defeat Vice Principal Dugu Qiubai before the end of the game, I will be with you after the game. You and I will go to the human world together and I will be your contract ghost and wife."

"Vice Principal Dugu Qiubai?" Ling Qi heard this name for the first time and said in shock, "Do you have a grudge against this Dugu Qiubai?"

"I have nothing to do with Dugu Qiubai!" Nangong Qing said, "As I said just now, this matter itself is something you must do."

"What do you mean?" Ling Qi narrowed his eyes, waiting for her answer.

Nangong Qing took a step forward, and a charming fragrance hit her face, "Yu Shiji is the niece of the vice principal!"

"Understood!" Ling Qi nodded.

Last night, he severely injured Yu Shiji and broke a leg. those who had backgrounds would definitely not let this slide, but he didn't know how the vice-principal would take action.

"By the way, senior sister, do you know how strong this Dugu Qiubai is?"

"720 ghost points." she replied and said, "Class is about to start. You have to be careful in this class. The principal is also targeting you and specially asked to teach on your behalf."

"This principle is also very strong, with 678 ghost points points. Don't think about using force. You must use your brain in this round of the game!" After speaking, she patted Ling Qi on the shoulder, "You are the best man I have ever seen. Come on, don't let me down."

In this way, the two of them seemed to be out to talk about the rules, but in fact, they had nothing to do with the rules of the class.

After returning to class, Ling Qi ignored the hostile eyes and instead observed the situation of the entire class.

The red lights in the class are still flickering.

However, the frequency of flashing is not high, so it should not delay class.

There is a blackboard on the wall, and there is a clock directly above the blackboard. The hands will turn to eight o'clock in one and a half minutes, which is the time for class.

The other walls looked very clean, with no paintings or quotes from famous people, just some weird potted plants by the windows.

You can see street lights in the distance outside the window.

The streetlights are a bit weird. One is purple and the other is yellow. They are far away, but the light is very clear.

Coincidentally, Ling Qi's temporary seat was next to Nangong Qing.

Obviously, the principal wanted to put the strongest ghost in the class on his side to put some pressure on him.

Of course, this pressure became Ling Qi's motivation.

The seats for two are against the wall in the second row.

Soon, the dean appeared at the door of the class.

His name is Guan Yu, he is a slightly fat middle-aged man, wearing a black suit, with blue stubble marks on his face, his head is bald, and there is a scar on the back of his head. It looks like he has had this for a long time.

As soon as he entered the door, Director Guan Yu's eyes fell on Ling Qi, and he deliberately released some ghostly aura points, trying to put pressure on Ling Qi.

Of course, such inferior interference methods would not affect him.

Ling Qi was touching the desk and taking out a chemistry textbook and a notebook for recording notes.

Seeing that the other party didn't care about him at all, Guan Yu sneered slightly and strode to the stage.