
Chapter Ten: Shocking victory

" Great job Midoriya! you beat Todoroki!". Ashido waved away Midoriya to an open seat next to her and Kirishima. The recent match was himself versus Todoroki Shoto. With quick thinking, He attacked the bi-haired boy with a flaming defense, no pun intended.

At the very end, Shoto had used his fire as a last stitched effort. Sadly, It wasn't enough. Midoriya was able to catch the flames, barely, before it hit him. Todoroki has been pushed out of the ring and Midoriya won.

When going to talk to Shoto, He got a negative reaction. Was he mad that he lost? No, he wouldn't. Would he? It was questioned that popped in his head as he thought. but for now, he needs to focus on winning this festival. It's the least he could do for Todoroki and himself.

" Th-thanks Ashido-san. Though, I'm a bit concerned..." He spoke, sitting and scratching his head. Kirishima poked from the side and asked, " What's on your mind?".

The face of hatred reappeared, why was that the reaction he got from him? Midoriya simply wanted to shake hands for a good fight. Then that glare drove him away. Didn't he say his father was the number two hero? So then, could it be that Todoroki was upset that he beat him and didn't impress his father? Midoriya could only wonder.

" Todoroki gave me a weird look before I could say It was a good fight. So, I was wondering if I pissed him off beating him. Yet, Todoroki doesn't seem to be that type. Would you guys have any idea?"

Kirishima looked around for the half cold half hot quirk. He spotted him and stared for a second. The half quirked stone-cold face showed, creating ice then melting it over and over. Stress relief is what was guessed. Kirishima looked back at Midoriya and replied, " well, he looks colder than usual but that's it. Ashido?"

Ashido got this toothy grin and responded," He's probably jealous of Mido.".

" jealous?" he asked back. She nodded then explained." Since you have two parts of your quirk, more than that technically, He only started using his fire right now. And you have a head start on growing yours so jealously may apply to him."

a " hmm" came from him. She did have a point, a foolish one at that. However, she wasn't entirely wrong. Todoroki only used his ice during the USJ, even being in the freezing zone. It was clear he did not want to use his fire. But why was that? His power is amazing and yet he decided not to use it. What might be the cause of that? it is his quirk, after all.

" Jealous might be an exaggeration on that one Ashido. But I can see what point is."

" Glad I could help."

" y-yeah sure."

The next matches went up. Kirishima fought against Bakugo. What a surprise, Bakugo won. But Katsuki gave Kirishima some " advice?", you could say. but since Kirishima understood him well, he took it in with gratitude.

Ashido fought Tokoyami. You might think she at a disadvantage due to range, but, you're gravely mistaken. Once the match started, Ashido sent out the new move she learned, bubble barrage. she could create as many as she wanted, her skin protection flaw still applies. The speed is slow but there were many. touching one would result in an AOE splash. and if it is connected with others, acid chain.

Dark shadow was back off and had little space to fight with. She let loose of the bubbles and creating that effect herself, which she did. When all bubbles got close and surrounded the two, She popped one. Then the rest popped one after another. Dark shadow fended it from Tokoyami. The popping was done, Darkshadow was injured. And due to Ashido's flexibility and maneuverability, she took him out with no problem. Well deserved victory for her.

And now, Midoriya was up against the one and only, robot himself, Iida tenya. It would be a hard fight, as for Iida has the speed.

As he stepped on the arena and looked at the blue-haired male. He fixed his glasses and knelt. " I wish you good luck Midoriya-san."

midoriya nodded and got into his fight stance, " Same to you."

" All right, Midoriya Izuku versus Iida tenya will begin...

" Now!"

Iida's engine burst with the blue exhaust. He sped to the left of Midoriya and around. Then again, then again. ' what's going for? making me dizzy? waiting for an opening?'

Then, He made a sudden turn and went straight to him. Before the greenie could react, he was hit with a kick to his leg. He shifted down, flinching from the impact. He got back up but was put back down with another kick to his other leg.

' This is getting repeated', he couldn't get any breathing room from the engine quirk. " Surrender Midoriya!" Iida shouted, running back for another round.

But the adrenaline hasn't run out quite yet. He changed colors, horns turning light green, and took a short breath. Spitting upwards in the direction of Iida, It would hopefully run down on him or he would have to full sprint and not go for an attack. One did happen. Iida came to halt and backstepped, only a bit touching his legs.

" nice going Midoriya, you got out of the loop." Iida praised," But that won't save you forever. I'll end this now."

His engine revered up, then he shouted " Recipro Burst!" and dashing at him with incredible speeds. Not having time to think about what to do, He instantly shot at him, trying to catch him with his speed. But he turned quickly, then looping around him. There was possibly no time to turn himself; Iida's attack would come faster.

But, he had one more move. a move he had not practiced. He focused on that one moment, then the certain attack. His horns flashed quickly. then yellow flash, it flashed to the brim of the horns.

He felt a tingle from his horns as it let off an electric attack around him. Luckily, it caught Iida and fried him. He flopped to the ground and glitched a bit. His engines stopped and coughed aggressively.

Midoriya walked over to the halted blue hair. ' I can't believe that worked. Now That I unlocked it, I might ask Kaminari-san for tips on electrification-'

Iida put his hand up, stopping Midoriya. " I forfeit this match for I can not move.". the silence was at first, then a roar of cheers came.

" Y-you can't move?! D-did I hurt you with my attack?!" Midoriya panicked and ran to the vice president.

" You may be calm Midoriya. Though I'll say that attack was unexpected, and It left a sting. However, You did not do any major harm to me. My special move is what hinders my legs." Iida explained, calming down the boy.

" Th-that's great. But that was some crazy special move you have! Recipro burst, was it?" He gave the glasses-wearing boy a hand and pulled him to his feet, then putting his arm over his shoulder.

" precisely. It increases my movement for about ten seconds. once that's over, my engine stall, and I can not move. dangerous yet efficient for ending battle promptly or running away for reposition.

" But Midoriya-san, your quirk was fascinating. I saw at least three different versions of it. Fire, acid, and electricity. Does your quirk have to do with different elements?" Iida asked. The two walked off the arena and to the recovery girl's office.

" I-I'm not entirely sure what my quirk is supposed to be. But so far, yes It's about elements. But I noticed that each has its drawbacks. Whenever I switch, The effect from the other lingers. So I'm assuming they all share the same meter of usage. Using the fire one, my throat gets dry, the same for the smoke. the acid I picked up from Ashido-san would make my throat sting. And I felt shocked from my whole body using the electric one from Kaminari. So I can switch infinitely but be aware of how much I have left..."

" Midoriya, I do inform you that you are uttering quite loudly," Iida told. he slowly moved his arm off of Midoriya. His legs were starting to move better and decided to walk now.

Midoriya snapped out of his quirk situation and was brought back to reality. " S-sorry about that Iida. It's a habit I can't break."

Iida chuckled and shook his head. " No need to apologize. It sounded like you were thinking hard about it and I interrupted. So I should apologize for my rudeness."

Midoriya nodded with a bit of confusion and doubt.

" I'll check with recovery girl. I wish you luck on your upcoming battle Midoriya.", entered the nurses' office and closed the door.

" Thanks". Midoriya walked off, still thinking about the complexity of his quirk. There's so much stuff about his quirk that could be overpowered, however, the same usage was connected to all. So was it all that? Only time could tell.

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