
Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

The mysterious disaster "Honkai" has eroded the world, and humans infected by the "Honkai"have become "undead" who have no thoughts but only understand destruction. They were together with the beast beast "Honkai Beast" born from Honkai Energy. This poses a great threat in this world. Witness the Resurrection of a traverser who came to this world from mere mortals to become those called "Herrcsher". This is the resurrection story of "Herrcsher Of Shadow" (Note: If there are similarities, characters, names, events and so on, it's purely coincidental.) This is my first novel. (Disclaimer: I don't have anything except OC.) English is not my main language. sorry if the grammar is terrible. [Thanks to @B_N_F for the cover.] Support me on : [ ko-fi.com/the_hanged_man1 ] Tags: Dense protagonist

The_Hanged_Man1 · Videospiele
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254 Chs

Healing Bronya

(E/D: No I am not fired and no I am not on Haitus. It's the same and plain old Editor-kun, the one and only available on Webnovel that actually works for… free. Also, the last chapter's note was a reference to my other Author's book: Genderbend Rito and add him to the harem.)

(A/N : Well... Looks like I haven't dived too deep into the degenerate.) 

Currently in Bronya's room.

Kouro and Bronya were sitting in front of the television while playing a Fighter console game.

Bronya next to Kouro was wearing plain white pajamas that were slightly small, exposing her belly button.

They both looked like they were not blinking at all with their fingers nimbly pressing the Joystick buttons.

"[You Win!]"

Looking at the screen that displayed his character had been defeated by Bronya, Kouro could only sigh helplessly.

"This is my tenth defeat. Indeed, no one can beat you at gaming."

"Subject Kouro doesn't need to be so modest, we're actually tied." Bronya said calmly thinking of Kouro's previous victories with her eyes sparkling slightly, she seemed to enjoy playing games with Kouro.

"By the way, has Kouro's subject reported to the Overseer?" asked Bronya.

Kouro seemed to be silent for a moment before saying, "It's late, I don't want to disturb Overseer Otto, I'll report tomorrow instead."

Actually there was another reason, he was currently not ready to meet with Ashborn.

True, Kouro knew that Ashborn was friends with Otto so there was a good chance that Ashborn was there.

Although it was only a possibility, he still felt a little strange meeting his grandfather who was likely pretending that he wouldn't recognize him.

He even wondered if Otto knew of his relationship with Ashborn.

While Kouro was thinking about this, he and Bronya started the game again and when the screen displayed character selection, Kouro who chose randomly then said calmly.

"Oh, right, I came here originally to tell you something."

"What is it?" Bronya had not forgotten the reason Kouro had come to her room.

As the screen displayed the characters they faced each other and set up an attack stance.

Kouro then said with a calm expression with his eyes focused on the television screen.

"I am actually a Herrscher."

Bronya looked speechless for a moment as her character was stopped and beaten by the character Kouro who was controlling it. She paid no attention to this and immediately turned to look at Kouro with a flat expression.

"... Bronya knows. "

Upon hearing her words, Kouro stopped controlling his game character and turned to look at her with raised eyebrows.

"You immediately believed that I was a Herrscher?"

"Subject Kouro has no reason to lie to Bronya. What's more, subject Kouro would never say something like that without a reason." She said calmly. 

Kouro smiled slightly as he heard Bronya's words, he raised his hand and opened his palm revealing the black smoke that shrank into the shape of a doll before the creation of the HOMU doll.

"I am the Herrscher of Death, I have the authority to control atomic cells so that I can decay and rebuild objects, whether they are organic or inorganic. "

He gave the HOMU doll to Bronya who stared at it with slightly widened eyes.

Kouro then conjured up the black mist again and then created an actual 'living' crow.

The crow was blinking and using its beak to clean its wings before flying around Bronya's room chirping before landing on Kouro's shoulder.

"Why is the subject Kouro telling Bronya about this?"

Kouro tickled the underside of the crow's beak before saying, "I wanted to heal your paralyzed legs, Bronya."

He actually knew that the injuries Bronya had were not just that, but from her legs to her brain had suffered serious internal injuries that made her grow slower than children her age.

(E/D: …)

Bronya was silent, staring at her legs which were wearing metal prosthetic aids that covered her thighs to her ankles.

Bronya's paralysis occurred because the nerves in her legs that are connected to the brain were seriously damaged.

Kouro then approached her before kneeling down and looking into Bronya's eyes with a serious expression, "Please Bronya, I really want to heal your leg."

Seeing how seriously Kouro wanted to heal her, Bronya's expression remained calm and unchanged but she felt a slight warmth in her heart before nodding.

"Bronya understands. What does Bronya need to do?"

Kouro smiled in relief and led Bronya to her bed.

Looking at Bronya's plain and fragrant bed, he then turned to look at her and said.

"Take off your clothes."

"..." Bronya raised her head and looked at him with a calm expression, both her hands were clutching her pajamas as if afraid that Kouro would 'devour' her.

"Don't get me wrong, I have no interest at all in a little kid like you, I'm not a Lolicon." Kouro said sincerely.

Since his phobia had been cured, Kouro preferred girls like Mei, Kiana, Ayame, and the others or those who were a bit older like Himeko and Nagamitsu, then for Theresa... Maybe yes, maybe no.

Bronya's eyebrows slightly twitched at his words, moreover seeing his sincere eyes without any particular intention that slightly pierced her heart, she slightly glared at him without saying anything and vowed that when she grew up. 

She would make Kouro regret his own words.

(E/D: …)

Kouro was currently turning his back on Bronya while playing with the raven on his shoulder that was chirping melodiously.

As Bronya was focused on removing her clothes, she didn't realize that the crow had a strange transformation into some kind of shadow before entering Kouro's shadow.

When her pajama clothes were taken off, Bronya somehow felt a little embarrassed and subconsciously turned her head to look at Kouro who was not peeking at her at all.

For some reason she felt a little disappointment towards Kouro before continuing to take off her pants.

"Hm? Subject Kouro, where is that crow you created?"

"Oh? That raven? It crumbled back into dust, it seems that I can't maintain an organic physical form for long." Kouro said without turning to look back.

After finishing taking off all her clothes, Bronya sat on her bed and removed her leg prosthetics before lying on her stomach and using a pillow to hide her face which was unconsciously slightly flushed.

"Bronya... has finished executing subject Kouro's orders."

Kouro then turned to look at Bronya who had been lying on her stomach, he knew that Bronya was naked at the moment so he maintained his calm expression but his expression changed at the sight of Bronya's naked back.

"... How long have you had this injury, Bronya? " Kouri said with a sullen expression, seeing the many sharp weapons and bullet scars on Bronya's back.

Although Kouro knew that Bronya had actually previously worked as an assassin and mercenary, still to think that Bronya who was only 14 years old would have this many scars on her back...

"It must have been really hard huh? You're an amazing girl for being able to endure all this. I admire you Bronya." said Kouro as he gently touched Bronya's back.

The wound on her back was a silent witness to Bronya's hard struggle to live for tomorrow.

Hearing his praise, Bronya unconsciously smiled a little, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening her eyes again with a slightly determined expression and telling her life experiences.

Kouro listened silently as he slowly removed the scars while repairing her damaged and dead skin tissues using his [Death and Life] authority.

Bronya told him that she grew up in a mercenary group as one of them, from a very young age she had experienced what combat was, what death meant and so on.

She was trained as a mercenary who was an acquaintance of her late mother and raised her like his own child.

But then after Bronya grew up a bit, the mercenary group was disbanded and her foster father died in a murderous explosion.

From then on, she worked alone to fill her stomach as a mercenary and assassin.

She completed every assassination mission given to her and before she knew it, she had become one of the top mercenaries with the nickname "The Silver Wolf of the Urals".

As a mercenary, Bronya had to wait for opportunities to kill targets in harsh environments such as snowy lands so it was possible that she had to endure the freezing cold and sometimes eat snow ice to maintain hunger and thirst.

Then... Long story short, when Bronya got a mission to kill a target who turned out to be Cocolia...

For some reason, she was caught by Cocolia, but instead of killing her, Cocolia took her to her orphanage and told her to stop being an assassin.

For the first time, Bronya lived not as an assassin or a mercenary who had to live in a harsh environment, but just as an ordinary child.

There, she also met the person she loved, Seele, but... Due to an experimental project run by the orphanage, Seele disappeared and was trapped in the Sea of Quanta.

Remodeled Bunny 19C or the transparent mecha robot that she had was a gift from Seele.

Bronya then told him the reason why he attended the same Senba academy as Mei back then was to observe Mei who possessed the "Gem of Conquest".

She told everything without hiding anything about her purpose, her illness, her reasons, and her background.

Kouro listened to everything in silence.

Bronya's originally pale skin slowly regained the brightness and softness of a child her age.

Looking at Bronya's smooth back, he smiled happily before turning his attention to her legs, Kouro pretended not to notice Bronya's cute bear-printed panties.

He rubbed Bronya's legs from thigh to ankle with a calm expression.

With his Master-level [Medicine] skills he was able to glimpse the spots where the damage had paralyzed Bronya's legs.

He then melted Bronya's dead or damaged body tissues and then repaired them back to new while rejuvenating the development of her body cells to make them more durable and increase her lifespan.

Kouro healed every part of Bronya's body except the head or more precisely the brain because that part must be healed carefully and thoroughly because with just a little mistake. 

Bronya's life would be threatened.

After finishing rejuvenating Bronya's body to be healthy without hidden wounds, he then massaged Bronya's ankles to improve blood circulation.

Actually, Kouro was secretly strengthening Bronya's body from flesh, muscle fibers, bone, motor nerves, and so on, even her five senses.

Bronya who hid her expression with a pillow was biting her lips feeling Kouro's touch on her ankle. It felt too comfortable and good making her want to moan but she held back because for some reason she felt it was embarrassing.

"Thank you... Kouro." Bronya murmured.

"It's not over yet, you can thank me after I finish healing you."

"Lie down on your back." Kouro said.

Bronya heeded his words and lay on her back while covering her chest with both hands.

Kouro then touched Bronya's forehead and closed his eyes, letting his focus surge at the highest level.

"Don't worry, just close your eyes, think of it as a deep sleep."

Bronya then closed her eyes while feeling Kouro's hand on her forehead which felt warm.

The first thing Kouro did now was to melt the chip installed in Bronya's brain, this required very high concentration and precision to not hurt the nerves of her brain.

Slowly but surely, Kouro melted the chip before it completely disappeared, he then rejuvenated and healed Bronya's damaged and dead brain cells and nerves to let them regenerate themselves.

It took over 2 hours to heal Bronya's damaged nerves and brain cells and even improved her memory quality and so on as a little bonus.

Kouro wiped the sweat from his forehead before letting out a sigh of relief.

He looked at Bronya who seemed to be asleep, seeing her sleeping face, he subconsciously stroked her hair gently making Bronya open her eyes and look at him.


"... I swear I'm not a Lolicon." Kouro said with a serious expression.

"Bronya knows..." Bronya said softly.

She for the first time felt refreshed and light as if she had broken free from restraints after a very long time, she was also able to move her legs independently without the need for her robot's help, really Bronya didn't know how much joy and gratitude she felt now.

Moreover, the most important thing was that she could express her emotions fully now.

"Good... Then you'd better put on your clothes again, otherwise you'll catch a cold." Kouro said awkwardly while scratching his head, he somehow felt that Bronya's calm personality was slowly starting to change.

Bronya nodded her head and put her clothes back on.

After getting dressed, Kouro turned to look at her and handed her an advanced pair of shoes made of Soulium.

"These shoes... "

"My gift for your recovery. Do you like them?" Kouro said with a smile.

"Um..." Bronya nodded her head with a small smile before putting them on at Kouro's insistence.

The shoes turned out to have been equipped with the functions of adjusting the size according to the user's foot size, automatic repair, and could change the shape of the shoes according to the user's wishes and the environment.

"... Subject Kouro, do you have a wish? Subject Kouro has been a great help to Bronya. Bronya can grant any request that Subject Kouro wants as long as it can be done by Bronya."

"Anything?" said Kouro with a suspicious expression.

Bronya, who saw Kouro's expression, blushed slightly before nodding her head.

Kouro seemed to have a thinking expression, he looked around Bronya's room and made sure there were no eavesdropping devices.

"Well then... Can you help me contact Cocolia?";;;; Kouro said.

Bronya was seen blinking a few times with a confused expression before being unable to resist asking, "Why would the subject Kouro want to contact Matushka?"

"There is something important I want to talk to her about."

Bronya nodded doubtfully at Kouro's words before contacting Cocolia.

A few seconds later the screen interface displayed Cocolia who was looking at Bronya with a worried expression.

"Geez, Bronya, you finally contacted me after 5 months, what happened? Is there a problem? Are you hurt?"

Facing Cocolia's continuous questions, Bronya shook her head and said.

"Nothing, Bronya is fine, but there is a friend of Bronya who wants to talk to Matushka."

Cocolia's eyebrows raised in curiosity, before seeing Bronya slightly step away from the screen revealing a familiar person that made her eyes widen slightly.


"Greetings, Cocolia. My name is Hanagami Kouro... I think you already know who I am before, so I'll make this short." Kouro said.

"I want to join Anti Entropy."