
Chapter 1:

My name is Yumeji Satsuki (Mong Nguyet), my mother gave me this name in hopes that I would become a person with big ambitions and dreams.

 But in reality, that's not the case. I grew up normally and applied to work as an employee of a normal securities company.

 I'm an ordinary person, everything about me is ordinary. If anything, I'm a poor person.

 That is the unmistakable truth.

 The reason was because of my father, he was a heavy drinker, and was always drunk, causing half of my salary to fly away every month.

 My mother soon packed up and left this house because she couldn't stand him anymore.

 My mother left with my sister, leaving me to live with the old bastard.

 But honestly, sometimes I really want to skewer him to death.

 The simple reason is that I'm always the one who has to deal with the trouble he causes.

 The alcohol bill is one thing, I also have to pay compensation every time he destroys things and fights with others when he's drunk. Not only that, I'm also the one who has to bear the brunt of this curse after that curse. Not that old bastard.

 That's absurd!! If they want to curse, just say it to his face and curse him why he dragged me in!!

In fact, if they were angry enough to grab his head and smash it against the wall, and use violence to deter this and that, I would wholeheartedly welcome it.

 Well, one, I will feel satisfied when I see him being beaten, two, I can ask for hospital bills, hehe.

 Is so that.

 I don't hate my mother when she left him, because if it were me, I would have done the same. Because only a mentally ill person can stand an old man who only knows how to eat and sit idle, and on top of that, he always complains.

 What about my sister? I quite like her, really, she almost became my first love.

 Well, she's quite rude and has a lot of bad qualities but she's still a good older sister who always cares for her younger brother.

 I remember one time when I ran away from home, she was the one who ran from the rain and dragged me home.

 Yes, drag. The first thing she did when she found me on that rainy day was run over and give me a really painful punch.

 Then she gave me two slaps, one left and one right.

 She hugged me and took me home.

 Sounds quite violent, right? Well, that's not too bad because of the way she cares for me.

 The person who was by my side when I became sick was not my mother or that goddamn old man, but my violent older sister. So I like her.

 Talking about myself, that's a bit long. It's time for me to confirm the current situation.

 Currently, I'm running for my life as I'm chased by a monster in a ruined city.

 And why does this happen?

Let's go back in time 30 minutes ago.


 -Phew!! Finally done!

 I stretch after completing my work.

 -Pop! Pop! Everyone did well today, go home and rest.

 -Thank you boss!!

 The employees, including me, stood up to greet their kind boss and prepared to leave.

 I walked out of the company in a lazy mood and looked at the sky.

 It was already late afternoon, so I quickly ran back to my beloved apartment.

 I had to save every paycheck to move out to live away from my god-damned father.

 When I got back to my apartment, I immediately happily turned on my phone to play the game I had recently downloaded to relax my mind.

 Honkai Impact 3.

 Although not as popular as Genshin Impact, this is the best game suitable for my poorly configured device.

 Because I'm poor, I'm the type of player who doesn't recharge. I'm still a Beginner while most people are Pros.

 So I had to plow through the guidebook and watch tons of story videos and tips online to keep up.

 After 1 week of playing, I had a decent set of characters.

 While I was admiring my achievements, I accidentally dropped my phone.

 When my phone fell to the floor, for a moment the world seemed to stop and the space around me went black.

 When everything returned to normal, I realized my phone was gone.

 Before I could understand what was happening, there was a loud noise outside.

 'What exactly is going on?'


 The apartment I lived in shook so violently that I had to rush out.

 And I was shocked when I saw the scene before my eyes.

 The city I was familiar with had now become dilapidated and unfamiliar.


 Hearing loud noises coming from near me, I turned around and discovered a giant white monster.

 It has large hands and a purple crystal floating above its head.

 'It looks..'


 Before I could think, it roared and waved its arms at me.


 After hastily rolling to avoid the attack, I quickly threw my legs behind my neck and ran.

 'What the hell is going on!!!?' - I screamed in my head.

 And that's my current situation.






How long do I have to run?'

 I looked back while curling up and sprinting at full speed.

 'Mom, it seems like they're getting bigger, right?'

 In addition to the big one chasing me, there are now several smaller ones flying around.

 The situation right now is really bad. I had to strain my brain to find a way to cut them off.

 But how? While I was thinking hard, I came across a small alley.

 My brain immediately jumped into gear.

 'If I remember correctly, I still have an exploding balloon in my pocket, right?'

 Ball explodes.

 The kind of ball I created to prank my old man. When it explodes, it will spray a large amount of pepper powder that will make your eyes red.

 And why would I keep one like that with me? Long story short, the manager at my company was so obnoxious that I brought it with me to wait for the opportunity to get revenge on him.

 If my manager is an angel, then he is a servant of the devil.

 Because of him, our staff had to endure many hardships.

 But I need to thank him. Because without him, I wouldn't have had a way to escape this ironic situation.

 I quickly pulled out the exploding ball, covered my nose with a handkerchief and adjusted the timing to throw the ball towards the monsters.

 As soon as the ball exploded, the red spicy powder spread out, blocking all vision, causing the monsters to temporarily lose direction.

 I immediately didn't miss the opportunity and threw myself into the alley.

My back hurt a bit from the reluctant jump, but for now the situation was okay.

 I held my breath waiting for the monsters to leave.

 After a while of not finding me, they were lured away by a loud sound in the distance.

 'Phew, looks like I escaped.'

 I leaned my back against the wall and sat down. My legs are soft now.

 Well, thinking back, they look familiar. The monsters I just met gave me a sense of deja vu.

 After thinking for a while, I remembered.

 'Ah yes, they look like the Honkai beasts in the game I played recently.'

 After realizing this truth, I broke out in a cold sweat.

 So isn't it said that I have entered the Game World? But also Honkai Impact.

 Great, that's it. How can a normal person like me survive in a World full of monsters like this?

 When I was in despair, I discovered that I had a silver bracelet on my right hand.

 I tried rubbing the surface of the bracelet, and then there was a mechanical sound.

____After about 3 minutes, the mechanical sounds stopped and an information panel appeared in front of me.

This is the information that opened before me.

 [Genetic code confirmed. Set status synchronization.]

 [10%....15%.....28%...51%.... ..78%....89%...100%.]

 [Synchronization completed.]

Name: Yumeji Satsuki (Sp:12/ Rp: 0/ SP:0)

 Age: 18 (25)

 Position: Captain (locked)

 Inventory (locked)

 Map (unlocked)

 Gacha (locked)

 * Newbie gift package.

 * Side quest rewards.


 The most notable thing is the map. Anyway, it's what I need the most in the current situation.

 Next is the Newbie gift package. It's quite remarkable, and I hope it's something that helps me now.

 I tried touching my information panel.

 And then

[Confirmed. Start unwrapping gifts]


 [You are awarded a B-level skill.]

 [Please select a skill from the following list.]


 1. Cold resistance

 2. Heat resistance

 3. Poison resistance


 5. Boost

 6. Heal

 7. Fly.

 8. Collect

 9. The Fool

 10. Deprive.


There are a total of 10 skills that I can choose from.

 'Now then, which skill should I choose?'

 I started racking my brain and thinking of situations that could happen depending on my choice.

 Temporarily put the three resistance skills aside. If it was completely immune then I would choose it right away but just resistance is pretty useless.

 The last two skills are too vague, while I can't see the skill information. So the remaining 4 skills are the skills most worth choosing.

 The problem is which one?

 Heal? It's great to recover, but I don't know if it can cure the toxins or cure myself? Hmm, kind of.

 Fly, right? This one is also a no-no. Those Seraphs can also fly, so it's useless.

 So there's only Accel and Boost left, both are delicious.

 [Hmm, decided! I'll choose this one.'

You decide to choose this skill.]




 [Selected successfully]

 Display skill information.


 Name: Boost (Lv:0)

 Effect: Increases all stats by 20% for 5 minutes. Cooldown time: 30 minutes.

Why did I choose this skill? Simple, because it increases all my stats, not just speed like Accel.

 But I can't see my state if I don't awaken to my position, so I should go somewhere or go there.

 Next comes the reward, right?

 [Confirm reward opening.]

 Side quest reward: Narrow escape from death (You successfully escaped death despite being as weak as a chicken, making the administrator want to reward your efforts to survive like a cockroach.)

 Rewards: Hamburger, filtered water, 20 gold, random gacha ticket.

Reading the description I just wanted to curse.

 I gnawed on the hamburger in my hand in a frustrated mood.

 -Munch. Uc Uc Uc. Ah!!

 After eating all that damn reward food, I stood up and walked out of this alley.

 [Some administrators felt hungry watching you eat, so they went to find some food to fill their stomachs, before enjoying some wine.]

 'Fuck, you psychos!!'

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