
Hollywood System

In a parallel world without Marvel and Dc a new tycoon is about to emerge from the depths. He will conquer the movie industry, create classics, make blockbuster movies, and be crowned the King of Hollywood! [Ps: I do not own anything this is purely fictional all the credits go to the rightful owner. Also if you are going to rate this fan-fic please just put 1 star.]

EliasHanni · Filme
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26 Chs


After opening the door John walked inside the building, it was a mess. The walls were covered in dirt, there were some papers scattered on the ground and there were even rats.

"No wonder this place was sold for 200,000 thousand only, it's a mess. I'm counting that this place would take an ample amount just to fix." John grimaced as he started to walk to the elevator which was covered in all sorts of gross stuff.

Thomas followed behind and couldn't help but gag, he already came here the first time when he was going to survey the place he almost threw up. "You know I could have found another building a little gross than this"

John didn't answer, Thomas did tell him a bit earlier that the other building was gross as he calls it. He did try to change Liam's plan to find another building, but Liam specifically told him to buy this one.

"So do you mind telling me now?" Thomas asked Jhon who didn't even stare or glance at him. "Come on Jhon!"

"It's something that I must keep quiet alright," Jhon said as the elevator finally arrived at the top floor. John walked to the main office, it was the same size as the other building's top floor.

"Does Silvia know about this?" Thomas asked, which earned him a grimace from Jhon. "So your wife doesn't know anything about this?"

"If she did know she wouldn't approve of it," Jhon said as he touched the huge table. "That's why I'm keeping it private"

"Then if it's a secret why is your son here? He might tattle-tale to your wife" Thomas asked.

"Well about him" Jhon just gave a smile to Thomas as he began to walk away from the office and went to the elevator.

Thomas who was following him from behind couldn't help but get curious about Liam. "Is he part of this operation or something?"

"Don't know" Jhon shrugged his shoulders as they went back to the main building. "Liam let's go home!" John shouted at the office and Liam immediately ran to him.

"Okay, can we stop by and buy some donuts?" Liam asked he was already finished touring the whole place and it was great.

"Sure son" Jhon just ruffled his hair as they walked to the parking lot ignoring Thomas. "I'll see you two months from now," Jhon said as he got in the car leaving Thomas who was still standing in the parking lot.


After buying some donuts they stopped by the grocery store where they usually buy. Before leaving the house, Jhon was tasked by his wife to buy some groceries.

"Okay we are done," Jhon said as he held the handle of the cart as they waited for their turn on the counter. "Do you have anything you want to buy Liam?"

"Hmm not really," Liam said as he noticed that the fat male clerk he once had a chat with was chilling on another counter. "Dad I'll be right back, I'm just going to talk to someone I know"

"Oh really? Do you have someone you know here?" John asked as he looked around the grocery shop, there weren't that many children Liam's age and he was curious about who this someone Liam knows.

"Yeah I do," Liam said not disclosing anything about the fat male clerk.

"Alright just get back after a few minutes okay?" Jhon said to Liam who nodded in response and immediately ran off. "Just who is this acquaintance of his?"


"Hi," Liam said to the fat male clerk who was reading the new superhero comic that was published Spider-Man.

"I'm on my break kid, you should go to the other counter," Jared said as he flipped to the next page of the comic book.

"Um, do you remember me?" Liam asked a bit shy from the male clerk. "You talked to me about GOTG a few weeks ago"

"Look kid you can buy the copy on that shelf over there," Jared said and put down his comic book as he stared at the curly hair kid with a striking pair of hazel sharp eyes. "Wait I know you, oh sorry I meet tons of kids these days but that striking pair of hazel eyes. Yeah we talked a bit a few weeks ago"

"Yes, we did, have you read the new comic book from Marvel?" Liam asked joyfully.

"You mean Spider-Man? Yeah, I have been reading it! I already finished it but since there are no other comic books I can read I'm pretty much just re-reading it again" Jared said in despondency.

"It's kind of hard waiting for another comic book to get released you know? I mostly just sit here and wait for any news of another release of a comic book, not only that my friend told me that Cowell's News Agency doesn't have any upcoming comic book to be released"

Jared sighed as he looked at the kid. "You know if I meet the creator of GOTG and Spider-Man I would have pulled him and asked him why he isn't mass producing! There are millions of fans now waiting for another superhero series"

"Hmm your right I do wonder why he isn't mass-producing superhero stories," Liam said, he felt kind of scared by what Jared said.

"I know right? But what can we do though we are just readers and he is the creator" Jared once again sighed as he looked at the kid who nodded in response to his statement.

"I heard Marvel is hiring for potential employees," Liam said, his father and he haven't started spreading the news yet. Though John told him that he would be hiring specific employees, Liam felt that maybe Jared could be of help to the company.

"Huh, what do you mean?" Jared asked confused at what the little kid said, he and other fans have already started to search for the company of Marvel but none appeared, not only that the creator was also mysterious as heck.

"Here" Liam handed a piece of paper to Jared who held it.

"What the heck? Is this some kind of joke though?" Jared asked the little kid. He looked at the flyer carefully. "Nah this has to be a lie right?" Jared looked at the little kid once again. "Who gave this to you though?"

"My father," Liam said giving a small smile to Jared who had a look of disbelief, surprise, and curiosity.


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