
Chapter 339: New Play

The train arrived at the station, and the doors swung open. In a rush, Martin Davis, a professional of high stature, clutched his black briefcase and hurriedly stepped into the carriage. Eagerly, he scanned his watch frequently, portraying his sense of urgency.

Just as the car doors were about to seal shut, the distinct clatter of high heels on the platform echoed through the air. Eight working women entered the carriage in succession, dressed in various outfits – from skirts to ladies' suits, NYPD uniforms, and flight attendant attire. Their tall frames, impeccable makeup, and precisely fitted professional attire accentuated their curves.

To Martin's left and right, Carolina in her lilac flight attendant uniform and Angela Lindworth in an NYPD uniform took their seats. Across from them, the commanding figure of President Ambrosio sat with her assistants, Candice and Duchenne.

The carriage was now fully occupied, leaving no empty seats. Heidi Klum, Miranda Kerr, and Isabel clung to the handrails, standing in the aisle. As the train began its journey, it swayed gently. Angela and Carolina couldn't keep still and leaned on Martin.

Directly across from Martin, Ambrosio, donning a short skirt, seemed somewhat uneasy, shifting her legs and crossing them nervously. Suddenly, with a loud pop, Candice's button flew off and tumbled to the floor, landing at Martin's feet like a playful demonstration.

The scenes and concepts were Martin's creation, while the rest was ad-libbed. The group of women had readily embraced their roles, and Martin couldn't help but sigh to himself, "How did I end up in this peculiar test?"

Heidi Klum, feeling playful, lowered her body and inquired, "Are you traveling alone, handsome man?" Her light cyan suit jacket revealed an attractive open-collared silk shirt, capturing attention.

Despite the commotion and unexpected events, Martin remained composed. The theme of the day was his encounter, as an ordinary office worker, with this lively group of women on his usual commuter train.

Carolina and Lindvall leaned on Martin from left and right, while Heidi Klum, deciding to make a playful move, removed her high heels and launched a mischievous attack toward his lower extremities.

Startled, Martin quickly freed himself from the encircling women, leaped up, and sought refuge, leaning against an armrest. Others gathered around, and in that moment, Oscar-level acting came to life. Martin played his part convincingly, portraying a sheep frightened by a pack of wolves, complete with terror and fear.

This atmosphere, with its theatrical flair, fully immersed the workplace "wolf girls" in their roles. Their collective belief made the scenario feel real.

Heidi took the lead, with Miranda Kerr and Isabel blocking Martin's retreat, while Ambrosio and her assistants, Candice and Duchenne, secured his left side. On the right, Carolina and Angela flanked him.

The poor man found himself in an incredibly unfortunate situation, with wolf-like figures encircling him, inching closer and extending their playful hands. Faced with this siege of eight women, Martin had no recourse but to surrender. It was as if he were a small boat in a turbulent sea, weathering the storm and risking being engulfed.

In the blink of an eye, Martin's predicament worsened, making him feel like he no longer conformed to the regular structure of a human being.

Normally, a person has 206 bones, but in that moment, Martin seemed to have an extra hard bone, as the ladies swarmed around him.

Heidi, eager to make up for his absence from her wedding, moved to the forefront. Yet, those who rushed to the front quickly lost their advantage, and a Latin dance ensued among the others.

Carolina chimed in, exclaiming, "I feel like I'll have enough energy for the entire island party after this!"

Amused, Angela added, "Don't you enjoy using Martin's clown statue? It requires manual operation."

Candice playfully pushed the two of them aside, declaring, "It's my turn!"

The tram carriage shook vigorously, enhancing the realism of the scenario. Meanwhile, in another part of the island, a villa was transformed into a strict, old-school missionary school classroom. Leonardo, clad in a student uniform, sat at a desk, surrounded by numerous female teachers.

For students who hadn't been diligent or failed to complete their subjects, strict punishment was the consequence. Every 11 seconds, Leonardo shivered, feeling the effects of his actions.

Nicholson, on the other hand, required medical attention. A luxurious ward had been prepared to accommodate the unique group of guests.

Upon his arrival on the island, Nicholson fell seriously ill, prompting his admission to the ward. Several nurses, accompanied by a female doctor, conducted a thorough examination. It became evident that Nicholson's condition was critical, requiring immediate life-saving measures.

Dr. Lima declared, "The patient is in a critical state. He's in a unique condition. We must act quickly, or his life will be in grave danger."

"Let me do it, Doctor!" Nurse Rosie bravely stepped forward, taking the initiative. "We'll get him out of danger, I promise."

Several other nurses chimed in, "You go ahead, or we'll follow."

Dr. Lima nodded in agreement, "Time is of the essence, my friend. Hurry and save him."

This dedicated group of doctors and nurses sprang into action, determined to rescue Nicholson.

Nicholson quickly regained consciousness from his coma and cooperated with the medical team in his rescue.


As the evening descended, nearly twenty supermodels arrived at the restaurant, donning specially crafted Christmas attire.

The lively Martin, the somewhat disheveled Leonardo, and the weary Nicholson all embraced the festive spirit with their Christmas-themed outfits.

Waitstaff and other personnel had been sent back to the eastern side of the island. It was just the three of them, celebrating Christmas with Ambrosio's close friends.

Ambrosio reminded them, "Make sure to eat plenty of protein. The party won't be over in two days."

Martin raised a wine bottle, pouring into everyone's glasses, and declared, "I'm here to the end."

Leonardo, forcing a smile, said, "I'll sleep tonight and continue the party tomorrow."

Nicholson, who had been bold when he arrived on the island, looked bewildered, "Two more days? That long?"

Everyone joined in the toast. Martin proposed, "Let's raise a glass to AA and wish her a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a joyful wedding." His arrival had just been mentioned from the train.

Ambrosio, blushing and in better spirits than at the Victoria's Secret show, responded, "Martin, I feel the sincerity of your blessing today, so I accept it!" Leonardo let out a cheeky whistle.

Others, like Angela and Carolina, joined in the agreement. Martin raised his glass again, asking, "Shall we make AA even happier?"

A resounding "Yes!" echoed from the group. They looked expectantly at Martin, waiting for him to bless Ambrosio.

Martin raised his glass once more, proclaiming, "Then let us drink to this."

Leonardo waved his hands, saying, "Tch!"

Others voiced their dissatisfaction, shouting, "Martin, AA won't be happy unless you pour it in!"

Martin downed his glass in one gulp, and Ambrosio followed suit. The others swiftly followed.

Martin added, "Let's eat and recharge before anything else."

The Christmas dinner was a lavish affair, and everyone loaded their plates with various dishes. Martin had filled his plate with high-protein, high-calorie options. He noticed Nicholson looking downcast and asked, "Don't push yourself too hard."

Nicholson retorted, "Who can't handle it? Don't accuse me of anything, you rascal!"

Leonardo, joining the conversation, said, "Should we switch roles? Being a student is tough."

Nicholson agreed, "It's necessary. Rescuing the patient while lying in a hospital bed gets tiresome after a while."

Martin suggested, "How about Leo being the patient? It's less work."

Leonardo rubbed his waist and accepted, "Alright, I'll do that."

Nicholson looked at the wrinkles on his face and confessed, "At my age, being a student for these young ladies is too much trouble. I'd rather be an office worker on the commuter train."

Martin agreed, "Okay, we'll switch tomorrow and take the helicopter the day after tomorrow."

Nicholson, feeling his age, had been through a long day of medical procedures. He finally came to terms with his advancing years, saying, "I won't participate in the aircraft project the day after tomorrow."

Leonardo chimed in, "Well, if you suddenly die, Martin and I won't have a boss to look after us."

Nicholson pointed out, "Leo, you dimwit, didn't you realize that Martin, among us three rascals, has the wildest ideas?"

Leonardo thought for a moment and conceded, "That might be true."

Martin joked, "I'm always the one to cheer you on and take the heat, remember?"

Two middle fingers were raised in response.

After the dinner, Heidi Klum turned on the stereo, and Mariah Carey's timeless Christmas tunes filled the air. The group enjoyed their drinks, danced, and had a great time.

Ambrosio, who was soon to be married, and Heidi Klum, already married, were the life of the party among the sister group.

The next morning, on Martin's suggestion, they swapped roles and scenarios. Unlike Leonardo, Martin dressed as a priest and played the role of a teacher, educating female students on human anatomy.

The previous day's female workplace elites now became the students. Lacking an anatomy teacher, Martin called on the youngest blond model, Candice, to be the subject of demonstration, explaining the course seriously and asking questions to keep the class engaged.

"Now, Miranda, it's your turn to answer a question," Martin inquired earnestly. "From a physiological perspective, how would you best describe a woman from a man's viewpoint?"

Miranda Kerr, an academic overachiever in her modeling career, ventured a guess, "Is it, 'You're very beautiful'?"

Martin walked closer to her and remarked, "Wrong answer." Curious, Miranda asked, "Teacher, what's the right answer?"

Martin replied, "You'll find out soon." For those who wanted to make progress, a strict education was needed to ensure they retained the knowledge.

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