
Act 1 : Void and Fire

In a world where magic is real, or is it? People can harness the power of the elements: fire, ice, and void. There were three kingdoms: the fire kingdom, the ice kingdom, and the void kingdom. Each of the kingdoms had a source from which they got their power. For the fire kingdom, they drew power from the sun. For the ice kingdom, they obtained it from an ice shard deep in a frozen mountain. The void kingdom, however, didn't have a source. They were mocked because of that, but they used something they called the void. Each member of the void kingdom had a void—a dimension that seemed infinite but dead. All you could see in it was black and dark purple. Using it granted them the power to open black, dark purple portals.

Hollow was in his castle's library, reading about the voids and the history of the three kingdoms.

Suddenly, from the shadows of the room, an assassin ran to assassinate Hollow. The assassin unsheathed his sword and, using his power, set it ablaze. He swung the sword, cutting through Hollow. Hollow just stood there, holding a book and reading it, as if the attack hadn't happened.

Hollow: Oh? You look surprised. What? Did you think the king of the void kingdom would die that easily?

Hollow looked back at the book. The assassin stood still, unsure of what to do. A portal opened behind the assassin, and a sword quickly emerged from it, stabbing the assassin and killing him.

Hollow raised his hand to waist level and opened a small portal. Esmeray appeared on the other side.

Hollow: Esmeray, I want you to tell the other kings to hold a meeting in the ice kingdom.

Esmeray: I will fulfill your order, my king.

Hollow: No need to be so serious. Just say okay or something.

The kings agreed to the meeting. Hollow opened a portal at the long table in the meeting room, and he emerged from it. Flames appeared on one of the chairs, and Cinder formed from the flames. Frost slid into the room on an ice bridge and entered through a window.

Hollow threw the assassin's body onto the long table and then said:

"Well, to get straight to the point, this is an assassin from the fire kingdom who tried to kill me. And to be honest, Cinder, I thought that you saw me better than this. Why just a weak assassin? Do you really think that I am that weak?

Frost: What is this, Hollow? His being from the fire kingdom does not mean that Cinder sent him, and...

Cinder: Shut up, Frost. No need to protect me. So, what, Hollow? What will you do if I sent him? That man was a failure to his family. He went all the way to you and failed. What a disgrace.

Hollow: Although you are the king of the fire kingdom, your heart is as cold as ice. You sent a man to kill me, and he died, and you didn't feel a thing, did you? Now, Cinder, to answer your question, I will start a war on your kingdom and wipe it from existence. And poor little Frost will be in the middle of all that.

Frost: Stop it, you two! We are kings! The last war that happened here was a century ago!

Hollow: Fine, Frost. I just wanted to make light of this incident and shed light on my suspicions.

Hollow, Frost, and Cinder returned to their kingdoms to continue their affairs.

Hollow went back to his office to take care of some paperwork. Esmeray entered the office.

Esmeray: Hollow, we've got a big problem.

Hollow: What?

Esmeray: There was a mole in your meeting, and that mole leaked to everyone in the kingdom that you were ready to declare war.

Hollow: Cinder, you little scum.

Hollow used his portals to teleport to a stand where the entire kingdom could hear him.

Hollow: My people! What is wrong? Do you fear that I will lead us to death? Fear not. I will bring nothing but victory to this kingdom. But my people, I fear that you fear Cinder. What did that mad man put in your heads? People of the void kingdom who trust me, shout my name!

Everyone in the void kingdom shouted: HOLLOW!

Hollow : hey, how do you see the start of my story, hope you like it.

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