
Hogwarts: I am Harry's eldest cousin

Becoming Harry's eldest cousin, designated as Muggle by the original author. Brother Xun has a good saying: "Merlin closes a door for you, and he will open a window for you." After getting a strange mage training system... Merlin opened the skylight above Dudley's head... Well, maybe Merlin had lifted the roof of Dudley house. Dudley Dursley: "Listen to me, it’s not what you think, I'm a spellcaster!" Under the moon, Dudley twisted his waist in a strange pose, and a BGM sounded behind him: "Okay, I have a showdown." I admit that wizards have limits, so I will no longer be a wizard! Potter! "System, if you keep doing this, I will learn seventy-two changes and become a Super Saiyan." Note: Brother Xun is an author of books for primary schools Author: Lord Berefeld *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong’s to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change.

dragonoid001 · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 7: Mrs. Figg Next Door

"Mom, I think we can take care of ourselves." Dudley frowned at his parents.

Recently, Vernon's work had seen significant improvement. Grunnings arranged for him to go to Germany for an important negotiation on a large order. If he could successfully sign the deal, he would be promoted to sales manager. However, the trip was expected to take about three months.

In theory, it was just Vernon going on a business trip, and Petunia could take care of Dudley and Harry at home. However, Vernon was quite attached to Petunia. If he didn't see her when he comes home every day, he would be lethargic and lose efficiency at work the next day. So, Petunia had to accompany him, and fortunately, the expenses could be reimbursed by the company.

"Dear, you're still a child," Petunia said with a serious expression.

As soon as Dudley heard this, he rolled his eyes inwardly internally. After all, how many 10-year-olds do you know who are the middle school boxing champion?

This was the championship Dudley recently won. Yes, it was different from the one in junior high last year; this was in the high school category.

"We can cook and do laundry ourselves. I mean, we can take care of ourselves," Dudley argued logically.

"Dudley, we're going to be away for three whole months. I won't leave my child alone at home." Whether intentional or not, Petunia selectively ignored Harry when she spoke.

"I won't let you stay alone with this freak." Vernon emphasized the word 'freak,' referring to Harry. Of course, he said this in front of Petunia. "Who knows if this freak will turn you into someone like him."

"I'd love to become a wizard, even in my dreams," Dudley thought.

"In that case, I won't go to Aunt Marge's, absolutely not!" Dudley asserted firmly, emphasizing the first word he learned when he was born: 'absolutely.'

Aunt Marge Dursley was Vernon's sister, Dudley's aunt. The Dursleys' living conditions improved with her help. Dudley was grateful to Aunt Marge, but living with her for three months was absolutely out of the question. It's not that Aunt Marge didn't like Dudley; on the contrary, she liked him a lot. Every time they met she would pinch Dudley's chubby face hard before letting go.

It's just that their living habits were too different. Aunt Marge had twelve bulldogs. The critical point was not the number but how much she loved and valued those dogs. This meant that if Dudley lived with her, he would have to endure eating and sleeping with twelve dogs, and the bowl of food he was eating from might have dog saliva in it at any time.

Dudley really likes dogs. But he doesn't like eating dog saliva

Seeing Dudley's resolute attitude, Vernon and Petunia exchanged glances.

They knew it would be a problem for Dudley to live with Aunt Marge.

"How about taking Dudley with us to Germany?" Vernon suggested silently with his eyes.

"But the expenses and Dudley's schooling," Petunia responded silently.

The two communicated with their eyes.

Seeing the parents' attitude soften, Dudley quickly proposed, "I can stay with Mrs. Figg next door along with Harry while you're away."

As for going to Germany, it was impossible. It didn't make much sense, and besides, he preferred to stay with Harry to enjoy the benefits.

Mrs. Figg, whose full name was Arabella Figg, was a kind and spirited old lady who liked to wear knitted shawls. She lived two streets away from the Dursleys. Well, technically, it was no different from living next door.

When the Dursleys went out or on vacation, they would ask her to take care of Harry.

Perhaps due to frequently taking care of Harry for free, the relationship between the Dursleys and Mrs. Figg was quite good.

"Dudley, we'll be away for a full three months, and during this time, we won't be able to come back." Petunia tried to persuade Dudley, but his attitude was very firm.

Not going to Mrs. Figg's and not allowed to stay at home, the only option left was to go to Aunt Marge's.

How was Dudley supposed to eat in that case? The food Keeper Dudley would never compromise.

After a brief argument and seeing Dudley wouldn't budge, Vernon and Petunia had no choice but to entrust Mrs. Figg with taking care of them.

Harry, somewhat saddened by the prospect of not staying in his small room for three months, instantly felt much better upon hearing that he could stay with his cousin Dudley.

Apparently noticing Harry's joy, Vernon struggled to bend his chubby body and pointed at Harry, saying, "I warn you, kid. Even if we're not here, don't think about harming Dudley, don't think about hurting my family. As long as I find out, you know the consequences."

He then raised his intimidatingly thick arm demonstratively.

Harry didn't quite understand, but he nodded obediently.

Perhaps Harry couldn't remember, but when he was very young, due to some magical outburst or other stimulation, something magical happened. Dudley's physique at the time wasn't as robust as it is now, so he got hurt.

Vernon might not be a good uncle, but he was undoubtedly a good husband and father.

Mrs. Figg's house had a very old-fashioned decor, not much different in overall size from the Dursleys', but the style was worlds apart. The environment seemed a bit dim, with very simple furniture in the living room. Besides the fireplace burning flames, there was only a rudimentary sofa, a table, and a few chairs.

There were no electronic devices, not even the radio that elderly people liked to use.

An antique.

That's how the Dursleys evaluated Mrs. Figg.

A faint, sometimes pungent cat smell lingered in the air, subjective to individual noses. At least Dudley didn't find it pungent.

Vernon didn't like this smell, so he didn't enter. Everything was communicated between Petunia and Mrs. Figg.

Mrs. Figg readily agreed to help take care of Dudley and Harry.

Before leaving, Petunia slipped some money to Mrs. Figg.

If Harry were alone, he could shamelessly ask Mrs. Figg for free assistance since he didn't eat much. But if Dudley was added to the equation, it wouldn't work. Dudley's daily food intake probably exceeded Mrs. Figg's weekly consumption.

Three months. Even with thick skin, the Dursleys couldn't pull off such a thing.

Moreover, the Dursley family's reputation was quite good on these streets, at least among ordinary families.

Once Petunia and Vernon left, Dudley skillfully began searching Mrs. Figg's house for something. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and with extremely agile movements, he caught a passing cat.

In the desperate eyes of the cat, Dudley buried his chubby face in its silvery belly and deeply inhaled several times.

Then, with a blissful expression, he emitted a contented moan.

"Ah~~~ Snowball is so good smell."

From his actions, it was evident that Dudley had done this kind of thing before.

(End of this chapter)

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