
Hogwarts- Blood Wizard

Others who reincarnated into the Wizarding World started as babies and were well prepared, but sadly Ivan was reincarnated directly to the venue of the sorting ceremony. He has already learned black magic before? His home is a dark magic shop in Knockturn Alley? His mother is an evil dark wizard? Ivan was worried that his identity will be exposed and when he returned home in the future, he would be skinned and chopped for ingredients, but he gained the ability to fuse with the bloodlines of magical creatures. Why did Dumbledore get help from the Phoenix? What is the truth behind Voldemort’s snake-like face? The shadow of the unicorn that transforms from dreams to reality, the pupil of a basilisk, the power of the phoenix over flames… In the process of collecting blood, a different magical world was revealed to Ivan. ------------------------------------ This is fan translation of novel by Pure little angel with the same name. Daily Chapter: 2

WN_LightNovels · Bücher und Literatur
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63 Chs

010- Scabbers?

"ecce formido" Ivan waved his wand and pointed it on Scabbers head.

"Squeak! Squeak... Squeak..."

As soon as the spell came in touch with him, the brown mouse immediately went mad, his closed eyes blazed with red tears, and his mouth screamed in an instant.

Immediately with a powerful reflex kick onto the table, the mouse went off the table flying, he knocked down a lot of cups and decorations along the way and scurried deeper into the bedroom.

Seeing the effect was so good, Ivan finally let go of a heavy feeling in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the method to use the fear curse is the exact opposite of the Patronus. The latter requires a wizard to recall good and happy things, while the former requires someone to imagine a terrible event or experience into the mind of the target.

It's like a reverse mindset or a horror version...

When casting the spell on Scabbers, Ivan conceived of a scene where Scabbers was chased by a black dog continuously.

Perhaps it was because Scabbers was in a deep sleep before I casting the spell, the power of the fear spell was combined with his sleep. The effect of this black magic was much stronger than Ivan had imagined.

While Ivan was still happy about successfully casting the Fear Curse, Ron and Harry, who heard the noise in the lounge, also rushed in.

Looking around at the messy dorm, Harry almost thought that he had come to the wrong place, and was about to ask questions, but Ron saw the brown mice running around in the dormitory screeching...

"Oh, no! Scabbers... Scabbers! What's wrong with you? Scabbers..." Ron yelled out of disheartened and rushed into the dormitory with a few quick steps, he rushed to Neville's bed and tried to catch Scabbers.

But currently, Scabbers was very frightened due to Ivan's magic. He regarded Ron as the black dog in his dream, and with a swift dash, he went under the bed from the gap between the edges, making it difficult for Ron to catch him.

"Ivan, what happened here?" Harry looked at Ivan who was standing by the table.

"I was just practicing some spells here." Ivan shrugged, and then said with a slight guilty conscience. "Just as you can see, there may have been a small accident..."

Harry looked at Ron who had gotten under the table and was ashamed by the fact that he couldn't catch him. Harry felt that the accident was not small at all, and finally, he had no choice but to sigh.

"Then we might have to catch Scabbers all night."

Fortunately, the final situation was not as bad as Harry thought.

After the three people tossing after a mouse for a long time, Ivan, who finally remembered that he was a wizard now, seized an opportunity to use the Levitating spell to float Scabbers, who was planning to hide under the books, and when the book and the mouse began to float, the drama finally died down.

For the few days, Ron was sulking around a lot, so, because it was Ivan's fault, he naturally apologized and bought some multi-flavored beans as a gift for Scabbers, and because Harry also persuaded Ron, Ron didn't hold on to the matter anymore.

On the other hand when Hermione, who heard about the whole incident, bluntly mocked Ron for seeing a mouse more important than a friend. The two also had a fight, and it ended up with both of them being cross with each other...

Ron took extra care of Scabbers for the next few days, even taking it with him to classes. From time to time, he always felt that someone wanted to harm his mouse.

On the other hand, Ivan continued to live a life consisting of going to the classroom, then to the Library, and then back to the dorm room. He had read some basic books and barely made up enough points to use the master learning experience card again. Over the past few days, Ivan's spell proficiency has improved a lot.

As a result, when the classes were over, the score given by each professor was improved by a level compared to the previous days! Except for Professor Bins, who teaches history, he only gave general evaluation every single time.

In other classes, Ivan now has a good reputation. Especially in the charms and transformation class.

Because Ivan's Transfiguration and Levitating spell have successfully broken through to the second level. One time a matchstick was transfigured, even faster than Hermione's, both Harry and Ron were stunned that day and stared at me with wide eyes.

However, it was not so easy to upgrade them again, because every time the level of the spell increases by one, the proficiency required for the next upgrade will be doubled.

In addition to studying, Ivan was also looking for the Room of Requirement as a place to test the power of his spells in the future. In the Gryffindor common room, it was a little inconvenient to test spells.

It's a pity that he had read the original so many years ago, Ivan didn't remember it all, he only remembered that it was opposite a tapestry so he didn't find the room for several days.

It wasn't until the Friday of the second week that Harry received Hagrid's invitation letter that Ivan's regular schedule was broken.

Of course, when there is good news, there is also bad news. The bad news is that they have double potions with Slytherin this Friday.

"It would be nice if we could skip this morning. Snape, the professor of the potions class, is the Head of the House for Slytherin. George told me to be careful around him..."

In the corridor of Hogwarts, Ron and Ivan talked about the gossip they had heard from Ron's two older brothers.

"Is that right? Professor McGonagall is also the head of our house, I haven't seen her shown any favoritism." Hermione couldn't help retorting.

"I'm not the only one who thinks so... Many older Gryffindors say so!" Ron was very disdainful of Hermione's retort, turned his head, and asked Harry and Ivan.

"What do you guys think? Professor Snape has that dark aura around him, there are even rumors in the school that Professor Snape used to be a dark wizard..."

When talking about the rumors, Ron obviously lowered his voice so as not to be heard by others.

"Impossible, Professor Dumbledore wouldn't let a dark wizard come to Hogwarts." Harry shook his head.

Although during the banquet at the beginning of the term, Harry felt that Professor Snape, who taught the potions class, seemed to dislike him a little, but in the past few days at school, the professors in all subjects have been very nice.

No matter how bad Snape is, it won't be bad...

Hermione also nodded repeatedly, and Ron had no choice but to turn his head to look at Ivan.

At this time, Ivan was holding a multi-flavored bean and teasing Scabbers. Hearing the conversation of people around him, he glanced at Harry.

"Professor Snape's hate is not aimed at Gryffindor, I don't know how, but it must be aimed at us."

Having said that, Ivan was also feeling a little depressed, and it was impossible for him to get a good evaluation in Snape's class, Even if Snape gave him a bad review after class, Ivan would not be surprised.

Harry was a little baffled by Ivan's reply, and he really didn't understand what Ivan meant.

"You mean Professor Snape hates Harry?" Hermione frowned, guessing what Ivan was thinking from looking at Harry before.

Ivan admired Hermione's tact in his heart, but he couldn't tell the truth, so he shook his head. "I'm just skeptical, don't you think that Professor Snape looks like something's wrong every time he looks at Harry?"