
Chapter 15 - Mission

----------------ONE WEEK LATER, YANG'S PERSPECTIVE----------------

One Week had gone by rather quickly as Shōgo had been training hard this last week. While building physical strength through muscle training was an essential first step, I had also been guiding him in the development of his fighting style. A significant part of this process involved explaining the current flaws and shortcomings in his approach, such as an over-reliance on aggression and anger. These two elements, if left unchecked, can cause the fighter to lose focus and become vulnerable. By addressing these issues, we are trying to help him cultivate a more balanced and effective fighting style.

Another key area we had been diligently working to improve was his overall mindset and approach when engaged in a fight. Previously, his mindset had been solely focused on brutally overpowering and overwhelming his opponents, a mindset that I did not fully agree with or endorse. Shifting this deeply ingrained mentality was no easy task, and there was certainly still ample room for further refinement and development. However, I was encouraged to see him responding positively and receptively to the new teachings and guidance I had been providing. With patience and continued dedication, I was confident that we could cultivate a more well-rounded and effective fighting mindset that would serve him better in the long run.

However, I had to inform Shōgo that I would be away for an extended period. This was due to the critical bodyguard mission that Kyao and I had been entrusted with. Despite my absence, I made sure to provide Shōgo with a series of exercises and training goals for him to focus on in my stead. My primary aim was to encourage Shōgo to work on regulating his volatile emotions, particularly his tendencies towards anger and bloodlust. By setting these objectives, I hoped to empower Shōgo to make meaningful progress in mastering his more primal impulses, knowing that I would not be there to directly guide him during this crucial time.

However, on the morning of the mission, I sat patiently in the living room, eagerly awaiting Kyao's arrival with a suitcase packed and ready for myself. The suitcase contained all the essential items I would need for the journey – several changes of comfortable, practical clothing, a reliable toothbrush for maintaining good hygiene, and a backup pair of sturdy shoes in case my primary footwear became damaged or unusable during the course of the mission. I had meticulously prepared this small but essential collection of personal supplies, ensuring I was well-equipped and prepared to face any contingencies that might arise.

Kyao arrived downstairs, her presence announced by the gentle rolling of her suitcase as she descended the steps. For a brief moment, our eyes met, an unspoken exchange passing between us as we acknowledged the gravity of the task ahead. Without a moment's hesitation, Kyao turned and opened the front door, signaling the start of our journey. The time had come for us to embark on our mission, heading out into the world with a shared sense of purpose and determination.

Kyao and I were fortunate to be able to swiftly navigate our way to the destination, effortlessly running and hopping between buildings to ensure we arrived on time, as neither of us wanted to be late for this important meeting. Despite Kyao's clear directions, it did take us slightly longer than anticipated to reach the location, as it was situated on the outskirts of the city. However, this minor detour did not deter us, and after some additional time and effort, we successfully made our way to the headquarters of the affluent individual we were scheduled to meet.

As we approached the sizable structure, we were immediately met by a receptionist who welcomed us inside. What became quickly apparent, however, was the significant presence of armed security guards stationed throughout the lobby. The moment we stepped through the entrance, these vigilant guards fixed their attentive gaze upon us, their demeanor signaling a heightened state of alertness triggered by our arrival. This palpable security presence conveyed an atmosphere of caution and vigilance, leaving us with the distinct impression that our mere presence had prompted a heightened state of readiness from the facility's protective detail.

We would approach the receptionist, and after explaining the purpose of our visit, she would diligently input the necessary information into her system. With a warm smile, she would graciously welcome us to the Romita residence. Providing clear instructions, she would direct us to the elevator on our right, informing us that the third floor was the designated gathering place for the martial artists. As we stepped out of the elevator and onto the third floor, we could immediately sense the palpable energy and aura emanating from the skilled practitioners within. This powerful presence led us to conclude that we were in the presence of either a master-level martial artist or a strong expert-class fighter, whose skill of the martial arts was plainly evident in the very atmosphere of the space.

We finally located the room where the fighters had gathered, and upon entering, I was immediately struck by the distinct presence of the individuals within. Three of them appeared to be Disciple Class Fighters, their auras lacking the intensity and refinement that often characterizes more experienced combatants. However, the fourth fighter immediately caught my attention. This individual possessed an undeniable air of expertise, expertly wielding their chi to emanate a powerful and commanding presence. Eager to learn more, I approached this expert-level fighter, intent on introducing myself and engaging in a respectful exchange.

"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Weimin Yang. It's good to see another Expert Class Fighter here." I would be sure to introduce myself to the intriguing young man standing before me. He appeared to be around 5 feet 10 inches in height and approximately 18 years of age. His medium-length dark hair was neatly combed, and he wore a pair of glasses that framed his face. Interestingly, he was dressed in a rather nice suit, almost like an office worker, which seemed quite out of place given the context of the situation he was in, as they would presumably be engaged in some form of physical altercation. The juxtaposition of his formal attire and the expectation of fighting was quite peculiar, and I found myself curious to understand how he planned to navigate such a scenario while maintaining his polished, professional appearance.

"Ah, it is a pleasure to meet you Weimin, my name is Tanaka Tsutomu." He would say, accompanied by a polite bow. We ended up engaging in conversation for a few minutes, during which I actually learned something quite interesting. This man, Tanaka, revealed that he had a wife who was currently expecting a child. Intriguingly, his wife, like Tanaka himself, was also a practicing martial artist. However, they had both recently suffered a devastating personal tragedy - their shared martial arts master had been killed by a man known as Oogata Isshinsai, a powerful and notoriously deadly Grand Master. I had heard mention of this Oogata Isshinsai from my own martial arts master, but I did not possess detailed knowledge about him or the circumstances surrounding his lethal actions.

However, as Kyao, Tanaka, and I discussed the matter, we all sensed an aura radiating from the individual that was unlike anything we had ever encountered before. This aura felt strangely familiar to me, as if I had experienced it in the past. When the fighter finally entered the room, I instantly recognized them – or more accurately, her. There was an undeniable sense of recognition that washed over me, as if this person's presence triggered a deep-seated memory within me. The sheer power and uniqueness of this individual's aura was palpable, leaving a lasting impression on all of us present.

"Master Kōsaka? You're the master they hired?" I was quite perplexed to see Shigure accompanying us on this particular mission. She regarded me for a brief moment, her gaze sweeping the room, before she appeared to gravitate towards both myself and Kyao. It seemed as though we were the only individuals she recognized in this unfamiliar setting, and her decision to remain close to us was likely driven by a sense of familiarity and comfort amidst the unfamiliarity of the situation.

"Hello Yang. And hello Kyao. I did not expect to see you on this mission." Shigure spoke with a measured cadence, her words carefully selected and delivered in a slow, deliberate manner. Despite the unhurried pace of her speech, there was a distinct precision and intentionality to how she communicated. As we continued our discussion, another individual entered the space, their demeanor suggesting they were not a combatant, which led me to infer this must be the client we were here to meet. We were then motioned to follow and proceed to a new room, a briefing area where we would receive the details of our upcoming mission.

Yes I know, everyones favorite Wifu Shigure is here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Mightiest_Disciplecreators' thoughts
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