
His wife reincarnated

Tracy doesn't believes in past lives but when she meets a new student in school she is forced to believe in past lives . She meets him for the first time but feels she have known him all her life . She starts a mission to find out who he was, where she knew him from and what happened during that period. She shockingly discovers something weird about him and that leads her to her past life.

temiyemi354 · Fantasie
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6 Chs


I got down from my car staring at them while Winnie joined me I felt weird at first but it felt better when I found out I was not the only one staring at them.

The first to get down from their black jeep was the driver. He appeared few inches above six feet a well built guy with dark brown hair. I secretly admired the way his shirt hung tightly to his chest and his packs visible beneath the brown T-shirt, but he was not the one I felt I needed to see.

I ignored the red haired girl that got down from the passenger seat. I felt something was missing when a blonde and another guy got down from the car. I turned to look at Winnie who did not notice my questioning look as she stared at them. She said they were five but I could only see four.

I was losing patience when the fifth new student got down from the car. That face was familiar. That was the person I was looking for but the huge question that made me feel I running mad was, where did i know him from?

I was two when my parents moved to Wetfield and since then all I knew was my room, school, church and no where else.

"Winnie do you know him?" I asked tapping her shoulder. Winnie knew everyone I knew although I don't know everyone she knows. She shook her head absent mindedly still staring. I squeezed her shoulder making her jump in fear.


"What is it?" she asked wrinkling her for head. She was really good at concealing her anger.

"Do know that guy?" I pointed at him but tried not to making it obvious.

 "NO!!" I knew that meant no more talking but I was not going to keep quiet. She rolled her eyes returning her gaze to them  watching them walk towards the school building.

I was definitely going to find out where I met him or where I knew him from. I regretted not having a good view of them due to my occupied mind. I did not blame Winnie at all for not paying attention to me.

When it was time for us to part ways to our various homeroom, I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. "I know that guy," I heard myself saying in total confusion.

She slowly turned and faced me." I doubt, those guys don't look like they've lived around here. I think you are falling in love." she tapped me slowly on my back and gave me a happy smile. She left me standing at the door of her homeroom.

I had to find out what was wrong with me or maybe she was right was I falling in love? That was never going to happen at least not now and not with some weird new student.   

I secretly hoped he was going to be in my home room. I was far from getting what I hoped for. During lunch he sat with his family I had a very good view of them. The guy I recognised was about six feet tall, well built with black shoulder length hair, clean and shiny, he looked like a hot model with redish-brown eyes. His eyes did not leave me I felt terrible eating with those large brown eyes staring at me that took no notice of the others around.

The red haired girl traced his gaze to me making me develop goose pimples due to the look she had in her eyes. They were a mixture of hatred and pain. The others traced her gaze to me and their blank faces suddenly wore the same expression of hatred and pain.

The well built guy who was in my home room whose name was David tapped his shoulder and they moved their attention to him. They stared at him while his gaze moved from one to another as though they were talking with their eyes, I was amazed. There must be some strong family bond between them to make that possible.

He slowly nodded at them obviously in understanding, they suddenly made me wish I had siblings to do that with. He got up and carefully pushed his chair back without much noise. I almost felt he was coming to me until they got up too in like manner and left the cafeteria.

I hardly acknowledge people's good appearance considering how beautiful I was but I found myself acknowledging how good looking the five new students were. They all had something in common, really beautiful white pale skin.

I waited patiently for Winnie to join me at the car park when school closed for that day. When I saw her coming I entered my car and fastened my seat belt.

"Have you spoken to him?" Winnie asked when she sat down fastening her seat belt.

"Who are you talking about?" I asked completely forgetting about what I told her. I started the engine of my car.

She pointed at them as they walked together to their jeep. I paused and stared at them they all looked good like a gang both fierce and hot. I shook my head avoiding her. "Does that mean you were lying?" she asked looking offended."If you know him you, go over and talk to him except you are not in good terms. He is new here and it will be good to be his friend and that means we will all be friends." She wiggled her brows biting her lower lips.

I shook my head in disgust and rolled my eyes. "I wont do that you should know me better than that," I snapped with a slight trace of anger in my voice in order to avoid any further motivation from her.

"Please okay?" she pleaded for her own benefit. She clasped her hands below her chin looking like a wounded puppy.

Now that was what I tried avoiding, I was motivated to go over and talk to him at least I had an excuse to do that. I brain stormed for his name. That was going to be Raymond. I turned off the engine and got down from my car with a sense of urgency. I didn't believe I was actually going to talk to him. "Winnie was the reason," I successfully lied to myself. I hurried to catch up with them just before they got to their jeep.

 "Raymond," I called as soon as I got to them. No one answered and that made me feel really stupid or perhaps I was busy creating a past with that guy in my mind. Maybe because he was very good looking.

If no one answered me, I was going to regret this forever. I moved closer to them aware of the whole situation I was in and the dozens of eyes on me.