
His wife reincarnated

Tracy doesn't believes in past lives but when she meets a new student in school she is forced to believe in past lives . She meets him for the first time but feels she have known him all her life . She starts a mission to find out who he was, where she knew him from and what happened during that period. She shockingly discovers something weird about him and that leads her to her past life.

temiyemi354 · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Am I a ghost?

"I had to tell her I came to study with you and she asked for my score in the maths test and I had to tell her. She warned me not to distract you," she narrated hatred getting visible on her face.

"My mother doesn't mean any of that, okay?" I didn't want her to think my mum was a lunatic. Although I knew my mum was really awkward when it comes to dealing with people. I was relieved when that look disappeared to be replaced by a soft understanding smile. "Now where do they live?"

"Oh! Well, they live in an old abandoned building. The building is a mansion and it is in the woods they had it cleaned and renovated and they live there now the place looks like paradise you need to go there." she stared out of the window daydreaming.

"I wish I was living with them but the place is isolated and too quiet. I rode my bike towards that direction but I saw nothing and heard nothing so I had to go back home feeling both frightened and disappointed," she narrated hastily without pausing for a break. She faced me after taking a deep breath and smiled.

"Take me there," I blurted out staring at her as the smile got replaced by a shocked expression with parted lips. She shook her head sharply as though she was never going to think of it. "Why?" I finally asked.

"You have never gone for any outing before but now you want to go into the woods. I wont even give it a second thought I will never take you. Back to my tutorials." She got up from my bed and picked her backpack from my study table. She unzipped it and pulled out her mathematics textbook. "And by the way, why do you want to go there?"

"Because that guy knows me," I said persuasively but not good enough for her.

"Sorry that's where the problem comes you know nothing about being around guys. You called him with a wrong name and he just guessed any name to call you. He doesn't know you. That's how guys are trust me." she stared at me with pity.

I shook my head in complete disagreement."Its not possible. He knows me and I know him, ever since I was a kid I have seen him in my dreams. Trust me am not lying my name is Elizabeth." I was completely out of my mind, my name was Tracy not Elizabeth but still my name was Elizabeth. Yes Winnie was right I had a past life. I shook my head fiercely fighting mentally.

"Are you okay?" I heard Tracy's voice ask. She was very close but her voice sounded distant. My head was spinning I was going through a dark tunnel. I felt Tracy's hands on my shoulder but soon the pressure disappeared and I couldn't feel my legs. I desperately wanted to scream for help but I couldn't make a sound.

I slowly walked through the tunnel my breathe echoing loud. I could see a bright light ahead and I moved towards it.

As I got closer I could hear voices, people talking, sound of music. As soon as I got out of the tunnel I came face to face with the new guy in school who was passing by. He didn't seem to notice me.

I found myself in a brightly lit room it looked like they were having a party with girls dressed in elegant ball gowns.

As I moved among people it looked as though I were invisible, no one seemed to notice me. I felt lost and stranded, I needed to find someone I knew. Perhaps they were having a costume party and I was the only weird one dressed in a blue pair of jeans and a white wool cardigan.

Everyone seemed really familiar but I needed to find someone I knew. I left the room in search of Raymond I walked through a corridor my body trembling in fear, my heart racing fast.

I opened every door I came in contact with till I found him. He was in a large luxurious old fashion room.

He stood with his hand around the slim curvy waist of a woman with a beautiful slender shape dressed in a blue ball gown who seemed to be leaning on him comfortably. They slowly turned towards my direction, he was wearing a broad smile.

It felt like I was staring at a very beautiful version of myself in a mirror. The girl I was staring at was very gorgeous and calm she smiled softly raising her head to stare at Raymond. He smiled back and gave her a feather light kiss on her cheeks.

"Are you ready ?" He asked encouragingly. she nodded slowly a little unsure and scared. "Trust me okay?"

She nodded once again this time with confidence. They headed to the door so close to me, but why were they ignoring me?

I had to do something. What was wrong and where was I? What was my lookalike doing? Who was she and why was I here? I had so many questions with little or no answer on my mind.

"Raymond!" I yelled. I tried to get a good grip of my thoughts. "Raymond!" I repeated but got ignored this wasn't funny at all. I tried to hold his wrist but my hand passed through his. I was caught off guard and screamed in horror. Was I a ghost?

I shook that thought off. I was alive and I knew it. I watched them as they both walked away down the corridor. I realised there was nothing I could do but I had to stick close. I ran after them into the ballroom.

I soon caught up with them and I followed them round the room. "Hey, count and countess of the great Mount oickz," a deep bass voice greeted them with so much familiarity. I traced the voice to a tall well built man. His smile was friendly as he pulled Raymond for a hug then kissed Elizabeth behind her palm like a really good gentleman.

"Uncle, why did you have to stress yourself to come over?," Raymond complained although his smile and voice betrayed him he sounded really excited. "But I am really glad you came. I wanted to tell you a good news that my wife, Elizabeth . . ." he proudly gestured my beautiful look alike.