
Chapter 47

The girl who had been drinking too much wine and passed out against the wine cabinet was found at the bottom of the bottle. It seemed as if she was having a difficult time sleeping. She wiggled her toes and gave the wine bottle a few good whacks with her foot.

The wine cellar had an unexpectedly oppressive environment, along with a dramatic drop in temperature.

As though we were looking at an ice storage rather than a wine cellar.

Fred Moore has stayed at Gold Coast for so long that he has never suffered such a terrible atmosphere.

He was so terrified that he dared not look into my eyes. His head hung down and hurried to call Donna Davis to wake up the culprit.

It turns out that the reason she kept such a low profile was because she was a serial wine cellar burglar!

Do you think she has any idea how much those wines cost?

Even if she were to sell herself, she wouldn't be able to afford it!

Everything has been wrecked! "