


When she was finally gone i walked back to the sofa. My eyes couldnt stop looking at those recent pictures. The conditions that they were kept in weren't terrible but i could see syringes and dirty towels.

The hell these girls are going through, i couldn't even imagine.

No wonder why zach doesn't want to leave.

After a few hours in the house i got hungry for food. These pregnancy cravings were no joke.

I sneaked out the house and headed to town. It was only 9 in the evening so it was dark but there were people out and about.

I walked around going in and out of shops, not actually making a decision on what i was actually craving for.

I ended us at a asian supermarket and relaised cheese flavoured snacks was what i was craving. That and ice cream.

As i went around the supermarket i started to get the feeling that someone was following me.