
His maid-looking cutie

Bentlee Daniels is a normal middle-class adult of the society, except she lives like a tenant in her family house. She is beautiful, smart, kind and has that amazing body, but lacks that spice of life. After moving out of her relatives house, her seemingly boring life begins to brighten up after another encounter with a handsome stranger. Zeke Miller, an uncaring business tycoon, is the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the continent. The power he holds is unimaginable and the fear he puts in people is even more incredible. Living his monotonous life over and over, not knowing what life had in store for him with the girl at the elevator. With all the hurdles of jealousy, greed, love triangles, etc, will the love they haven't developed for each other blossom? Or die because why is there love? Author's note: the parts in this story represent chapters, so don't be discouraged if it has many parts

Brixly2704 · Urban
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58 Chs

The Aftereffect

Milan's POV

My eyes opened slowly then closed again,

Trying to adjust to the light which illuminated the room.

Where am I?

It was familiar. The arrangement of the lights.

My room!

How was I here? What happened? When did I get here?

I tried getting up quickly and felt a sharp pain in my head.

Arrrrgh!!! My head was aching badly.

"You should be resting, ma'am" a man dressed in a white and black tuxedo spoke as he approached her quickly.

"What...happened to me?" I asked.

"We're not sure. Humphrey found you outside the gates ma'am, you've been unconscious ever since" he helped me rest my head on the pillow.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked, concerned.


Did I remember anything?

How would I forget that experience, ever!

Goosebumps appeared on my skin as the scenes played over and over in my head.

"ARRRGHHH!!!!" I screamed in disgust.

"What's wrong ma'am? Do you remember anything?" His voice cracked, filled with fear and worry.

Warm fluid flowed from my eyes, and rolled over my face. The hot tears fell without end.

I couldn't stop crying. I was trying to, but I couldn't.

It seemed my body was coping by itself, crying out my pain.

"Ma'am!!" The butler called out, but my mind was faraway from where I was.

He said somethings that I didn't hear and left the room.

Was my life.....ruined?

Was my life....over?

It seemed like the pain I was feeling had no end in sight.

What did I do to deserve something like this?

I wept like a baby, no consolation or comfort in sight.

The tears poured out from my eyes, unto the pillow.

My head ached as I cried more.

I cried until I felt numb, until my eyes were unable to produce more tears, until I was satisfied with how much of the pain I let out.

Then my eyes shut slowly, I was exhausted.

I wanted to sleep and remain there, honestly.

I felt numb, letting my consciousness leave me.


Uneasiness flooded her system while she sat on her leather couch, biting her fingernails.

What happened last night? Judith thought.

Unable to handle the stress of not knowing, Judith began to pace around.

She had been trying to call Jaeyoon for a while and he had not answered.

She knew she could go and find out what happened if she went to where Milan was, but she was afraid that her demeanor would give her away and let Milan know that she was in on what happened.

Dialing Jaeyoon's number again, she paced anxiously.

Expecting him to not answer, her heart dropped when a voice echoed from the other line, "hello".

"J-jaeyoon, umm..... What- " she started but almost choked on her saliva, she was terrified of Jaeyoon.

"What is it?" He growled, his voice grumpy.

"What happened yesterday? What did you do?" She asked quickly as she thought she needed to know.

"Me? We!" He rose his voice a bit.

"O-okay... What happened?" She accepted without correcting herself.

"Ask her yourself" he said and silence followed after.

"B-but" she began when the line went dead.


So I have to go over and hear from her? Oh no!

What if she suspects me?

But I Wasn't even related, at least Jaeyoon made sure of that.

I'll go...

I need to know what he did. Now.

Judith didn't want to wait a second longer.

She grabbed her jacket, purse, shoes and ran out like she was being pursued for stealing money.

On reaching Milan's house, Judith paused.

Taking multiple deep breaths and acting as natural as possible.

Yes, she knew she wasn't a good person but she didn't want Milan to see how ugly her heart really was.

She liked to watch Milan see her as an angel.

Taking one last deep breath, she sighed and came out of her car.

The entrance of the mansion was never this long, she thought.

On reaching the door, her composure was at a hundred percent.

She walked in like she knew nothing.

She turned in all directions but couldn't find Milan.

Which was weird because she always ate by this time.

Deciding to walk to her room, Judith's feet lazily moved.

She was stopped by the butler in a white and black tuxedo.

"Good day" he said with a polite bow.

"Good day"

"How may I help you?" He asked with a smile.

"Where's Milan?" Judith hurriedly asked.

"She's asleep, ma'am" he replied.

"Ohh... Can I still go see her?" She asked, something she never did before.

The guilt was eating her alive.

"Of course ma'am, you're the lady's closest friend" he said and she nodded.

She made her way to the room and knocked on the door.

There was no response.

She's really sleeping huh, Judith thought.

Opening the door quietly, she walked in with slow steps.

Judith looked up to see big eyes staring in her direction.

"AHHHHHH JESUS CHRIST!" She screamed and shut the door.

Her brain was trying to process what she saw.

Was the Milan???!

My goodness!

She opened the door again, focusing her vision on the figure before her.

It was Milan.

She kept staring in her direction, scaring Judith.

Judith moved away from the door and noticed how Milan's eyes stayed on the door.

She sighed in relief because she wasn't the one being stared at.

"Hey Milly" Judith called.

Milan's eyes didn't move from what they stared at.

"What's wrong?" Judith asked with so much sincerity in her voice.

She rushed to where Milan sat and held her hand.

"Tell me! What's wrong?" She pushed.

She finally looked at Judith, her eyes filled with so much tears that she couldn't see clearly anymore.

"I- I can't" Milan said simply.

"You can't what?" Judith asked, she was more concerned now.


Milan sobbed and Judith embraced her, knowing she needed comfort right now.