
The Truth

Olivia hated the fact that Eli refused to let her go. She hated that he made her sit of his lap the entire car ride and she hated that he wouldn't stop hugging her. At one point she decided to punch him in the gut every once in a while to get him to let her go but he would just take the punch and kiss her back instead.

This infuriated her more and she just gave up on trying to escape his embrace and just ignored him the rest of the car ride.

Once the car came to a stop, the driver jumped out and opened the door for Eli. Even then he refused to let her go and carried her out of the car and up a hill. Olivia's eyes widened when she realized where they were.

She looked at Eli "How dare you!" she hissed while Eli chuckled. "You finally talked to me." he said innocently. Olivia bit her lip trying to stop herself from talking to him but she couldn't hold her words back anymore.

"You f*cking bastard! Why are we here! There is no need for us to be here!" she yelled into his ear. Eli just smiled as he ignored her and kept walking up the path. "Dumba**! Man whore! Bastard! Mother f*cking moron!" she kept yelling. Eli just sighed "Yes, yes I know." until the reached the cottage door.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys, he fiddled around with them until he found the one he was looking for. "How did you get a key to the cottage?!" she shrieked. "Your dad gave it to me a while ago, he thought it would come in handy and it did." he said candidly.

When they made their way into the cottage, Olivia realized it had already been prepared for them so all Eli did was kick off his boots and carried her upstairs. Once he walked into the bed room, he closed and locked the door then threw Olivia onto the bed. "So you and your psycho cousin do have something in common!" she yelled at Eli as he started to take his clothes off.

Eli chuckled darkly as he looked at her with hungry eyes "You might be right my love but I keep what is mine I don't take!" Olivia started to tremble as Eli climbed onto the bed while only wearing his boxers. She curled herself up into a fetal position trying to keep her clothes in place.

To her surprise Eli didn't try to pry her out of her defensive pose but rather laid next to her and wrapped one arm around her as he kissed the back of her head. "Please talk to me." he muttered into her hair. Olivia started to cry and tried to muffle the sound, Eli felt her tears against his hand and turned her around to face him.

"Olivia, my love please talk to me I don't want you to feel sad anymore." he pleaded as he kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. "I don't want too!" she cried against his chest. Eli sighed "How about you ask me anything you want and I promise to answer everything till you feel better ok?"

"You promise to answer everything?" she asked as she peeked her face up from his chest. Eli slightly blushed as he looked down on her. "Yes anything." he whispered. Olivia moved back a little so she could properly look at Eli.

"Why did you bring me here?" she started. "I wanted come to a place that had happy memories for the both of us and hopefully help you open up to me." he answered. Olivia looked away shyly and Eli chuckled "That's it?" Olivia shook her head and peeked at him from under her eyelashes.

"What did my dad tell you on the phone that made you turn red?" Eli flinched at her question, he took a gulp "He wants to have grandbabies soon. He feels the same way as my parents so you can piece together what he said." he said as he turned a bright red.

Olivia tried not to laugh, she cleared her throat "You didn't act surprised when I told you about Porter... did you already know?" Eli gave another sigh "He told me the day it happened so I punched him in the gut. Then you never said anything about it and the two of started to act weird and you avoided being alone with him so I didn't bring it up since it made you Porter proof."

He looked at her gently and brushed back a strand of hair from her face "Did you think I chose a spot close to you to dance with River because I was oblivious to you? I got jealous because he was dancing with you, I got upset because you let him be so close to you, my heart stopped when I heard him confess and my mind went blank when I watched you kiss him. So I didn't see you leave the hall... I'm sorry I didn't protect you properly." he said remorsefully.

Olivia sighed she wasn't ready to explain anything to him yet so she asked another question "Why did you take your clothes off?" Eli laughed at this question. "You may not believe me but I wanted to feel close to you even when you reject me. So this was my solution." Olivia couldn't hold it in anymore and she started to laugh along with Eli.

Eli finally stopped laughing and looked at Olivia "You know I love you." he said as he stroked her face. Olivia bit her lip, Eli let out a small shudder and Olivia could feel something start to poke her abdomen. "Don't look at me like that. I need to control myself until we talk everything out." he said cautiously.

"Why did you secretly meet up with River for so long? Why did you go to the dance with her? Why did you hide it all from me?" she cried as her fists trembled against his chest. Eli's eyes went wide and he sat up on the bed "When did I meet with River secretly?" he asked with a surprised expression. Olivia looked at him weird, sat up and dug out her phone from her jacket pocket.

"Your cousin has been harassing me by text message and even sent me pictures of you with River." she said as she passed her phone to Eli. He was absolutely shocked and looked her straight in the eyes. "I didn't meet up with her I swear! She showed up everywhere I went and called out to me." Olivia gave him a a skeptical look.

Eli started to point to the last picture that was sent to her. "Look! The people right in front of me, it's Samantha and Edmond! Do you really think they would be with me if River called me out or would go with me to secretly meeting her! They both would have castrated me on the spot!" he cried out.

Olivia took the phone back and zoomed in on the picture. Her eyes became wide as she recognized the side profile of Edmond as he held hands with a women. "I was played..." she whispered to her phone. "They must be working together to split us up!" Eli shouted as he plopped his head back onto the pillow.

Olivia blushed as she shoved the phone back into her pocket. She started to feel hot and scooted off the bed and started to peel her jacket and blazer off. She caught Eli watching her and gave him an eye roll as she climbed back onto the bed. "You still haven't answered why you were at the dance with River." she muttered bitterly.

Eli sat back up and smiled at her. "My God you are adorable when you pout!" he laughed. Olivia blushed even harder and slightly turned away "Who's pouting! I'm just asking you why you only answered the most convenient part of my question." she groaned as she crossed her arms across her chest.

Eli started to rubbed the back of his neck and gave Olivia a pitiful look. "Her parents begged me and when I said I wouldn't they begged my family.... You see River was on leave because she went to a psychiatric ward after the... cough.... situation that happen on my birthday. They begged me to go visit her in the hospital to help her recover faster but I refused I didn't want to associate myself with a person who almost caused the death of the girl I loved." Eli said sorrowfully as he went and reached out for her hand.

Olivia moved in closer and squeezed his hand back. "So she was in the ward for a long time. She threatened to kill herself if she couldn't at least go to that stupid dance with me and my parents felt bad for her. They knew I was devoted to you and I wanted nothing to do with her but they felt that we owed her something to her family for all the years of friendship and business we had between us. So they... cough... umm... cough... persuaded me to take her to the dance."

Olivia was completely curious now "How did they persuade you?" she asked with sparkling eyes. Eli blushed crimson this time and looked away from her eyes "You were right to call me all those names you know. I am a man whore, bastard and moron. I should have asked for your opinion first but I was too excited and stupidly said yes. At least I was smart enough to add some conditions but I'm still a moron." he mumbled softly.

Olivia stared at Eli until he finally gave in "They were going to let me pick one piece of land from five pieces that the Delmira's already own. They're great pieces and I was going to take you to go see them and we could have chosen one out together to started build our home... but then I got scared that you would always see the land as something I sold myself out to get and... and... I couldn't tell you what I had done." Eli looked so pitiful that Olivia's heart hurt.

She reached out and gently touched his face "You stupid man whore." she said softly under her breath. Eli just nodded as he placed his hand over hers "Ya I am." he whispered back.

"Well man whore this is what happened at the dance...." Olivia said softly as she started to unbutton her blouse.

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