
Chapter 5: In the Right World at the Wrong Time

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD I'm not creative enough to make something like that but OC's? That I can do. I mean I created all the OC's in this story so…yeah that was me.

1 Year Later

"982…983…984…985." A shirtless young man was currently doing push-ups in a grass clearing, a large boulder easily weighing 5 tons resting on his back as he went up and down. The irony of doing such anime style training was not lost on the young man but with no weights anywhere he made do with what he could find.

'993…there's also the fact that there are no weights to be found in town…994…even after asking the passing merchants…995…apparently weights can only be bought by nobility and their guards…996…which is bullshit considering the Greeks made sure it spread to many areas both near and far…997…nobility sucks…' I grumbled through my exercise about the injustice of it all.

"…1,000." Exhaling deeply, Ishrugged the heavy boulder off stretching as I stood up, my back making gross but refreshing popping sounds.

"That's the stuff." I gave a sigh of contentment as my workout for the day was done, my body aching all over as I did training no normal man should ever try. Running 5 miles on end and back with a boulder tied to my back, 1,000 squats, pushups, sits up, and 1 hour blanks with an even heavier boulder on my back. Pierce was no health nut in his past life so he didn't really know what workout routine would help him best to get stronger, he only knew the basics.

'It works well enough so I'm not going to stress about it.' Chi coursed through my body giving nutrients to my muscles, making them stronger. I finally started getting into some heavy duty training after healing from the fight with the Tyrant 1 year ago. My mom's face when I came home that day with the Tyrant on my back was mix between shock, relief, and a bit of rage. She was happy I was safe (if the smothering hug was any indicator) but she was also mad that I actually fought against such a monster by myself. "I mean look at you! You're body is riddled with wounds and- oh my god! What happened to your arm!?" Safe to say my mom grounded me for a month in my room with even my dad heavily agreeing with her. Not that I was going to complain, my body was a mess. Everything for a month after hurt, every movement I made sent jolts of pain up my spine and I passed out a couple times (adrenaline really helps dull pain when you're in a fight).

'Anime protagonists that appear perfectly fine after a really hard fight are bullshit!' It was only thanks to Chi supplying my damaged body with nourishment that I healed all that damage in less than 3 weeks. Except, that came with the added side effect of my already large appetite becoming humongous. The Tyrant's meat helped with my speedy recovery, it was easily the tastiest meat I've ever had and it gave my body all the protein it needed to recover stronger than ever.

'I just wished my mom chose not to give half of it away.' I sighed remembering my mother's actions. Don't get me wrong, when she gave some to Dylan and Amie I didn't mind, it was when she gave it away to the other unknown town's people that it bothered me. Sure, the bear was massive and even with my appetite it would have gone bad before we could ever finish it all but I still didn't like it.

"Good morning!" A random town's person with a happy face said good morning

"Good morning." I politely said good morning back, this continued for awhile, all the way till I got back home.

"Hypocrites." I slammed the door behind me. People tried to give me gifts like fresh apples and pears or others tried to ask hunting tips from the "Tyrant Hunter". I remember a time where a large majority of the small town was uncomfortable just being in my presence and I wasn't talking about when I was a baby. All the way till I turned 15 rumors never stopped circulating about the other worldly boy that can do unnatural things. Hunting when he was 6, advanced sword training when he was 12, and giving supernatural massages when 14 (that last one didn't really scare people and actually brought them to try it out). Still at the end of the day I was kind of a pariah in the town, no one ever did anything (they wouldn't have gotten far if they tried), but I was still given a wide birth where ever I went. I was fine with that, the people who cared about me like mom, dad, Dylan, and even our neighbors never tried to distance themselves and that was all I needed. Then the Tyrant came and things changed.

"A hero?" I gave a loud snort. "Yeah, no thanks." People around town started to think I was some great hero for stopping the Mountain Tyrant from reaching town. They were right, to an extent. If that thing would have made it to town there would have been a bloodbath and when that crossed my mind I was really glad I stayed and fought. I didn't care for the town residents, but the thought of the Tyrant reaching my mom and dad…A shiver ran down my spine.

I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes to take a quick bath. After filling the tub with water I proceeded to lay in it, scrubbing myself clean with old school looking soap. 'God I miss modern plumbing.' I laid back in the tub dreaming of how nice it would be to take a hot bath under a shower head again. It was stupid really. I fought the Tyrant since I didn't think I could escape if I ran, not because I wanted to save this town. I was no hero. Hero's care for the common man and try their best to save everyone in need. I don't care for any of that, as long as the people I care about are happy and safe, well the world can burn for all I gave a damn. Cold I know, but it's not like I would just step aside while some messed up stuff is happening. If I could help someone I will but if I can't, I'm not going to lose sleep over it (though with my mom's personality she'll want to save everyone around her, even strangers). Besides, while the town's people now respected me there's a good portion of fear in their eyes now. Before it was shallow, superficial fear stemming from rumors and theories. Now? They know what I'm capable of and they are trying their best to stay on my good side.

"Hypocrites and cowards." I rose from the tub, quickly wrapping a towel around my waist, and I stood in front of a flattened piece of shiny copper that acted as a mirror. A passing merchant sold it to my mom, it was in pretty good condition and while murky you could still see yourself. My face was as ordinary as ever (I wasn't one of those people that became handsomer as they grew older unfortunately) but my body however…

"Eat your heart out Statham." I started making poses in front of the reflective surface and admired the way my muscle's bulged. I didn't have a body builder's physique but more of an Olympic swimmer's body. I was lanky with clothes on but man was every part of my body chiseled muscle underneath. 'I don't know if it's because I always use Chi or because of my training routine but honestly, I can't bring myself to care.' I continued admiring my body in a very narcissistic way and only turned when I felt a life force near the door. My mom was looking at me doing poses with a bored look in her eyes. She wasn't impressed.

"Are you having fun?" was all she asked.

I stared at my mom as I stood frozen in the last pose I was doing. I blinked. I blinked again. Then turned back to the mirror and continued making poses. "Good morning mother."

"Good morning...are you not going to stop?"

"Is it so wrong for a man to admire his body that he put great effort into?"

"No, it's not." Maddie started rubbing her temple. "That is if said person doesn't do it every damn morning!" I had to blush a little at that but come on, I was a God!

My mom promptly kicked me out the bathroom to take her own bath and I only rolled my eyes finding nothing wrong with what I did. Looking down, I saw the three claw shaped scars on my chest the Tyrant gave me back then. The rest of the cuts disappeared thanks to Chi but the 3 deep ones on my chest survived as pretty gruesome scars.

'Oh well, it's not like anyone's going to see them. Besides, scars are every man's romance!' I off handily thought this as I went to my room and put on some clothes. Dylan was in the living room when he came out (he was coming here a lot after the Tyrant event) and my dad was happy to have him around since Dylan helped him with any projects he had and I obviously didn't mind. My mom was the problem, she still didn't like swords. 'Even after I explained to her it was because I did that sword training that I survived as long as I did against the Tyrant.'

"It must have been truly incredible." Dylan made a comment about the Tyrant's pelt now being used as a rug. "Every time I see it I could only image its majestic presence, why don't you ever talk about the battle?"

Remembering the whole fight as if it was yesterday and remembering how I got my ass handed to me the majority of the "great" battle, I sweated a little, scratched the back of my head and mumbled a quick "I have my reasons." Thankfully that conversation ended there.

"Alright then." Dylan dropped it. "So...have you convinced her yet?" For him to bring up another tricky question.

"Ughhhh..." A groan was my response


"No, don't Pierce me. You try talking an incredibly overprotective mother into letting her son go out into the world to explore!" I tried. I really did. But every time I brought it up she acted like an 8 year whose parent's told her she was going to the dentist. She avoided the topic like a plague or threw a tantrum if the conversation wasn't dropped. My dad wasn't a problem, he knew this small town wasn't enough to satisfy my curiosity and after killing the Tyrant he saw no problem with my safety either (he joked that if something like the Tyrant couldn't kill me than he pitied any bandits that tried their luck).

"Look I love my mother, I do. She's the best and she sure as hell can go for mother of the year." I gave my honest opinion after my 16 years of life. "But this is getting ridiculous!"

"I don't know what to tell you kid, I got nothing sorry." Dylan gave me his sympathy

Slumping back into a chair, I just looked up and sighed. 'I get where she's coming from not to mention in this time period.' I knew a long time ago what year it was (I asked when I turned 5) and I learned I was born on 1580. The year was now 1596 and I nearly lost it when I realized just how far away I was from my past life. I eventually got over it since I busy training my Chi or just hanging out with my parents. 'I miss junk food though, and TV, and manga, and anime, and hot showers, and-'

"Pierce." Dylan brought me back from my musings

"What?" I saw that he placed a wooden box on the table. I quickly put the pieces together and opened the box. The sharp and expensive looking sword he showed me all those years ago was in front of me again.

"It's yours now." I looked at Dylan after he said this

"But I haven't beaten you with a sword yet." Even after killing the Tyrant, in terms of sword handling I was still beat by the old man.

"I said it was a prize, I never specified what you needed to do to earn it." The old man explained. "And I think you've more than earned the blade, especially if you plan to go out into the world."

I stared at the sword, its shiny steel surface reflecting the light in a way that was quite pleasing to the eye. I was ecstatic, this was a quality sword and I had no complaints...until I saw the first sword the old man gave me laying on the side. Picking up the sword I used against the Tyrant, I calmly made a decision.

"No thanks." My voice didn't waver

Dylan only smiled and asked. "Why?"

"I'm not done with this sword yet. I'd like to keep using it if it's all the same to you." I liked it. It did its job and it did it well. There was also some sentimentality attached to it too, so there was that. From the satisfied look on Dylan's face he was proud of my decision.

"Hahaha, good choice kid. Damn good choice." He closed the box and put it to the side.

"Where did you get that sword anyway old man?" I was curious of the sword's origins though, it looked really high end.

"Oh that? It was a gift from Queen Elizabeth after serving the throne for close to a decade." Dylan dropped that bombshell.

"...I'm sorry?" I thought I heard wrong but when Dylan made no motion to correct himself I started sweating.

"Wait, as in Queen Elizabeth of England? The Bloody Mary? The Virgin Queen?...um can I see that sword aga-. Wait, where are you going? Where are you taking that? W-wait hold on I just want to take one more look, that's all I swear!" I chased after Dylan who made his exit with the queen given sword, my original sword left on the table looking incredibly lonely.

2 Days Later

I walked through town with my mother and was browsing the market seeing if anything was worth buying. After buying a couple of things Maddie went home to get ready for her romantic dinner with Mason (it was their anniversary again) and I continued to explore the market.

"What is going on over there?" I saw a large and expensive carriage parked near the town's entrance, the mayor and some bald fat guy were talking. He must have been important if the way the mayor kept a straight face as the luxuriously clothed fat man spit everywhere as he talked. I was going to keep walking but when the carriage opened and another man walked out I stopped in my tracks. The man was handsome, unnaturally so with long black hair that shined in the sun. He walked in way that seemed relaxed but I could tell his body tense, like he was expecting someone to hit him. But most importantly, his aura was sending off alarms in my head.

'There's no way a human's life force is that dense, or that warped.' I learned the obvious fact that as a person age's their life force decreases, sometimes very slowly depending on how healthy you are, and the handsome man that just came out the carriage? His life force was also decreasing...but 100 times slower than even the healthiest man. My heartbeat spiked.

'Who is that? Why is his aura like that? Does he also practice Chi and is that why his life force is so dense? If so than why is his life force so different than a human's? Is…he not human?' Question's started flying through my head as I tried to act normal even though I was easily 50 meters away from their position. Stopping in front of a random merchant's stall I channeled some Chi into my ears and focused on the conversation they were having.

"I'm very honored to have Lord Naizer and Vassal Jonathan in my humble town." This was the mayor Eric

"Humph, it will do as a side stop but I don't expect anything in this town to keep our attention for long my lord." The bald man named Jonathan didn't even try to lower his voice as he spoke to his lord.

"It will do. Thank you for the hospitality." Lord Naizer said this with a wickedly perfect smile

"No it's my pleasure. I already set aside a private house; I hope it will be to your liking." Eric started walking away with them to what I'm assuming is their lodging.

Before they got out of sight, Lord Naizer locked eyes with me, lifted a brow and then gave me the same perfect smile he gave Mayor Evergreen. Then they walked away.

"...are you going to buy something?" The merchant whose stall I was in front of asked.

"Huh? Oh no, I'm good." I walked away from the stall as the merchant huffed and then went to help another customer.

'That man is dangerous.' That's what my instincts were telling me. Not Tyrant level danger but enough that I shouldn't turn my back to him if given the chance. 'But is he really a person?' That aura was mixed with so many different types that it was a miracle he looked as normal as he did.

'It was part human, part insect, and something else I've never seen.' It was also the insect and unknown aura that was giving him such dense life force. The man/thing? whatever it was never left my thoughts as I made the trip back home and I met my dad on the way.

"What are thinking about so hard?" Mason asked as he slung his arm around my shoulder. "Cause you look ready to murder your mother's flowers with how hard you're glaring." I only now realized that I was indeed glaring holes into mom's plants.

"…Hey dad? Do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked as subtly as I could, which wasn't very much.

"Sure." Mason just shrugged

"Really? Just like that?"

"Son, I'm a crop farmer who's never left this town and probably never will. Far from me to say something doesn't exist when I don't have the qualifications to."

'…Dad would fit in quite well in the 21st century.' Awed at my father's forward thinking and mental maturity, I couldn't help but respect him.

"Besides have you met your mother?! Everything about your mother is one of kind and God himself must have personally created her with perfection in mind! God I love that woman!" Then he does stuff like this and all respect instantly evaporates (it's nice he loves his wife but come on man you were on a roll). Sighing lightly at my father's act, I started making for my room.

"Pierce." I turned back to my dad, a serious no nonsense expression on his face.

"You probably already know this but I'm going to say it anyway." Mason took a deep breath. "Never let anyone, not me, not your mom, not even yourself stop you from doing what you want. Any goal you have you should go and do it, no matter how insignificant, no matter the fears that hold you back. You only have one life son, and no one wants a life that's only filled with regrets." Mason than gave a goofy smile. "But like I said you probably know that already, you are a smart kid."

I just stared at my father, words failing me as I had nothing to say, respect rushing back to me. "I will." That was all I could get out before I went into my room.

Mason stared at the door his son went through before his smile became a bit softer. He knew why Pierce was having such a hard time leaving this town; it wasn't just his mother's refusal. 'He's scared for us.' Mason gave a wry smile to such a thing. 'It's the parent's job to worry you know?' Ever since the Tyrant incident Pierce was scared of what could happen if he wasn't here to protect us. It was incredibly sweet and he couldn't be prouder of his son but…

'He won't be happy.' That being his last thought on the matter, Mason went to his room to work on a new project he thought up (a wooden tube with very thin sheets of glass that helps you look far away! Genius!). All the awhile hoping that his son's decision makes him happy.

Several Hours Later

Night descended as I laid on my bed, looking outside through my open window. I was like this since I came home and Mason's word constantly echoed in my mind. What if I left and something happens to them? What if after seeing all that I wanted to see, they won't be here? 'No one wants a life filled only with regrets huh?' I swear that's a quote somewhere but I don't remember who said it. Sighing, I got up and thought of my life until now. Crazy cool powers that I discovered when I was a toddler. Taking down a monster like bear that 100 men would have probably lost against. My teacher Dylan teaching me with pride on how to use a sword. My dad supplying me with his infinite reservoir of wisdom and stupidity that oddly worked well together. And my mom who no matter what I did loved me like I was the last good thing in the world (I really didn't deserve it any of it). I made a decision.

"Constantly living in fear of what might happen isn't living." I got to my feet and picked up my sword. "Time to go see what the world has to offer but first things first, let's go have a talk with that Lord." Something about the man really rubbed me the wrong way and there was no way in hell I was leaving until I made sure that Lord wasn't a threat.

Quickly applying Chi Aura, I jumped out the open window landing with a soft thud and booked it towards the Lord's private lodging (everyone talked about his arrival so I knew where he was staying). I was nothing more than a blur as I maneuvered through town, a faint wind picking up behind me as I ran and I quickly reached the Lord's house. There was a slight problem.

'Where the hell is he?' I couldn't sense him inside the house but I could pick up his Chi trail. The thing about living beings is that we leave signatures everywhere we go and for something with a life force like Naizer's? His signature might as well been visible to the naked eye with bright neon lights saying, "He went that way officer!" I learned to see Chi trails 3 weeks ago. Lucky me. Following the Chi trail I found myself reaching a house that was a little cut off from the rest of the town. Naizer's signature was leading through the door and inside the house. The house was dead silent.

'That's not a good sign.' Furrowing my brows, I slowly opened the door and tip towed through the house and found myself in the living room of an old couple's house. How do I know this? The old furniture (compared to the current time), the old trinkets that littered the room...and the old couple that were ripped apart and looked like they eating before something ate into them.

"Urg!" I promptly threw up at the sight and accidentally kicked the severed leg that I believed belonged to the wife since it was resting at feet of the door. "Oh for fucks sake!" I paled even more at the sight and left the room.

'What kind of- what kind of sick fuck!?' I didn't know the couple but no one deserved to go out like that! 'They were in the middle of a meal for Christs sake!' The worst part? Naizer's signature was all over the mutilated old couple.

'Where is that psychopath!?' Turning on Chi Vision and setting it to max power I saw Naizer somewhere east of my position. He was walking alone in the woods right to another house that was a little isolated.

"Oh fuck no!" Chi Aura flaring bright, a small crater was left where I started my sprint and I quickly closed the distance between me and Naizer. I appeared as a blur in front of him and from the shocked look on his face I could tell he wasn't expecting me.

"Who ar-" That was all the words he got out before I sent a Seismic Fist right into his gut, making him puke up blood and sending him flying straight into a large tree denting it. At the time I probably should have tried to get a confession out of him or at least tried to talk him since he was a Lord of something and I didn't know the problems that can come from attacking him. I should have done a lot of things but after remembering what he did to that old couple any intention of treating this scum of the earth like a human being flew right out the window.

Naizer coughed loudly, spiting out the left over blood in his mouth and looked at me with rage on his face before confusion appeared. "What the- what the hell is a Yokai doing out here!?" Naizer was looking in shock at my white glowing form. I stopped at that.

'Yokai?' I was now confused. 'Is that what he is? Where have I heard that before?' Faint memories started bubbling from deep in my mind.

"Urgh!" The punch really did some damage if Naizer's hard wince said anything. "I don't know why you attacked me but you picked the wrong fight." Rage in his eyes, Naizer's body started…morphing. Four hairy spider-like appendages poked out from his back, he's robe tore as his muscles bulged and sickly gray hair covered his body. His hands and feet became sharp claws and the only part of his body that stayed normal was his face (though that only raised the creep factor of his transformation). He was disgusting but he's smug face seemed to ask, "I'm glorious aren't I?" No, no you are not.

'Well that explains the insect aura.' He was hard to look at but I came to do something and I'm not leaving till I finish it.

"Humph, gaze in awe at my beautiful fo-" I interrupted by hitting him in the face with a Chi coated fist. He retaliated by aiming one of his appendages at my head, which I dodged by lightly tilting me head. Kicking his feet from under him Naizer fell to the ground and I than kicked him in the face sending him skidding across the floor. "Arghh!" Crying out in pain, Naizer quickly got up and tried to claw my face multiple times but I dodged them all.

'This guy has no battle sense.' Naizer had no form when fighting and I only needed Chi Aura to keep up with him (I didn't even need to use my sword). I nailed him three times in the chest, from the faint snapping sound my fist broke a rib or 2 and once more in the gut. Grabbing a spider appendage that tried to skewer me, I started flinging Naizer around like he was a rag doll. Smashing him against a boulder, then against the ground (twice) and finally through a tree as he laid there, groaning. He tried to speak.

"Who do you thin-" I proceeded to smack him with the tree he flew through. "How dar-" I hit him again. "Sto-" I hit him once more. "Will let me finish!?"

"I don't give a damn about some shitty side villain's shitty monologue!" I hit Naizer one more time and tossed the destroyed tree aside. Naizer was bloody and beaten with 3 of his spider limbs broken. 'This guy isn't fast or strong but man can he take a hit.' I watched as he stumbled to his feet and before he can collect himself I grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up in the air. Naizer was livid, desperately trying to pry open my Chi covered grip.

"Do you...have any idea...who I 'am!?" Naizer talked in choked breathes

"…Did you not hear a word I just said?" I sighed, slightly releasing my grip to allow Naizer to breathe easier.

"I'm a Devil you cretin! Of the House of Kumo, under the greater House of Barbatos! When they find out what you did, your clan of filthy mutants and this puny town will burn!" Naizer got more and more passionate as he kept talking until he stopped struggling all together. My eyes widened like saucers, pupils shrinking to dots, and my grip relaxed ever so slightly. Naizer, seeing all this happen, thought I recognized his position and was intimidated into submission. He wasn't even in the ball park.

'Chi…Yokai…Devil…House of Barbatos…' All these terms ran through my head at light speed and at the end of it all a very faint memory of one of my favorite light novels popped up. Centered around a perverted brown haired teenager turned devil with a god killing dragon in his left arm screaming, "I'm going to become the Harem King!"

'No way…' My grip became looser. 'No fucking way.'

"Humph, at least you understand your position." Naizer started talking arrogantly. "Now put me down and kneel-" Before my grip became like a vice again.

"What…are you…doing!?" Naizer was really confused now.

"Stray Devil." I lightly said this term looking for a bite. It was too easy.

Naizer's eye widened and he struggled once more but you could tell the desperation in his movements this time. 'How!? How does he know?! I made sure no one can ever find me, so how!?' Naizer was terrified now, wanting nothing more than to pick a direction and fly till his wings broke down. He had no idea that his actions just clarified the hunch I had. But I still needed to be 100 percent sure…

"Sacred Gears." Naizer didn't react so I slammed him against the ground. "Does the term Sacred Gears mean anything to you!?"

"T-they are the gifts the Biblical God gives to h-humans aren't they!?" Naizer had no idea why this humanoid Yokai was bringing up Sacred Gears now but he was too terrified to think straight. "I-I don't have a Sacred Gear! My parents were both Devils!"

'Holy shit…' I couldn't think as my mind when blank and the grip on Naizer's neck loosened again. The Stray Devil saw his chance and quickly jumped to the side. "Ah!" Wings made out of webs and were shaped like a bats shot out of Naizers back and he took to the skies. The term 'like a bat out of hell' was never more appropriate then now. Looking back, Naizer just saw me staring at him in a daze as he escaped, 'I need to get away from this crazy bastard!' Thinking this Naizer picked up the pace never realizing the blood trail his wounds were leaving.

I watched Naizer fly away and did nothing but sigh as he left my sight (Naizer's blood that he was leaving everywhere only increased the density of his Chi trail, it wasn't going away any time soon).

'DxD.' that was all that came to mind. "DxD." That time it came out my mouth. I took a deep breath and screamed, "I'm in Highschool DxD!" I started shaking on that tid bit of information and couldn't help the excitement that was building up inside me. There was just one small problem.

"It's 1596, 400 years before Issei is even born." Yeah, that's a bit of a snag but still there was a whole supernatural world out there and that brought a smile to my face. Knowing what I needed to do next I quickly turned around and ran home.

At Pierce's House

I took my clothes, some money, and a map before walking out my room right into my dad who was in the hallway. We stared at one another before he began.

"They found the body of the real Lord in the carriage they came to town with (he wasn't even called Naizer). Apparently the vassal didn't know the man he was serving was an impostor and has requested a man hunt for the Lord's killer." That brought me a wave of relief. 'That's one problem out the way. I don't need to go and make sure mom and dad don't get in trouble for what I did' (I feel sorry for the real Lord but what can you do?)

"Your leaving aren't you?" I could only nod. "Wait a second." Then Mason went into his room and came out with a big traveling bag that he quickly tossed to me. There was preserved snacks, boots, sets of thick clothes, money, a map, and even a compass. I had no one words.

"Dad…thank you…" Mason shook his head

"Thank your mother instead." That put a confused expression on my face. Mason snorted. "Your mother can whine, and groan, and overall hate your decision all day long. But the moment you started talking about exploring the world 6 months ago, she would go to the market everyday and would look for anything that can help someone travel and put it in that bag. God that woman is complex." A fond smile appeared on Mason face as he remembered watching his wife personally stitch that traveling bag.

As my dad's word soaked in a lump appeared in my throat and my eyes became watery. 'Damn it, I'm 38 mentally I shouldn't tear up so easily! I blame the hormones!' But that didn't stop the tears or made the hug his dad gave him any less bitter sweet.

"Go. Go out and find what your looking for. We'll be here when you get back. I promise." Dad tone was incredibly soft. "I'll take care of your mother, if you try to say goodbye, the moment she gets her arms around you she's not going to let go." We both laughed at that.

"I love you guys."

"We love you too kiddo."

I picked up the traveling bag, put my sword around my waist and walked out the house in the direction Naizer fled. I didn't trust myself to look back. If I did, I would have seen the eyes of an incredibly proud father.

'That kid's going to do great things, I just know it.' Wiping the tears out of his eyes, Mason turned to see his wife and the rest of the search team (Dylan included) coming up the way and paused at the look his wife was giving me. '…She's not going to make me sleep on the couch for this, right?' When she closer and he explained what happened to Pierce, Mason quickly regretted everything. 'I take it back…I take it all back! Come back here and save me before she kills-aaaaahhhhhhh!' The town's resident just blankly watched the show in front of them as the poor helpless husband was violently shaked by his wife with her screaming "Give me back my son, you bastard!"

Back to Pierce

Stopping, smiling at the faint sound of my mom ripping into my dad, I stared out into the unknown and grinned. "Highschool DxD huh? This should be fun." I activated Touki (I finally knew what Chi Aura was really called) and ran in the direction of the wayward Devil.

And done. I've got to stop getting carried away with the writing. Anyway, Pierce finally figures out where he is and he's taking it in stride. No matter the time period. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Omit_Everythingcreators' thoughts
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