
High Guardian Spice: Cayenne

I was a writer on High Guardian Spice, but whenever I proposed they change something or add something in the show I was brushed off, and unsurprisingly the show came out a pile of dogshit. I never expected to find myself in my ideal version of High Guardian Spice... as a child freshly sold into slavery. I kinda regret wanting the world to be more dangerous. [___________] Read the auxiliary chapter, it will explain all the changes I made to the story, its like 4K words of changes, so if you skip it don't be surprised when you are reading a story that barely even resembles the source material. Warning, my mc is crass, rude, shameless, swears in every other sentence, and is not afraid to kill anyone, you can put a baby right in front of him, tell him he dies if the baby is still alive in the next ten seconds and you bet your sweet ass that baby will be headless before you can blink. The mc is actually psychotic, if any of these things put you off, leave. Oh! Almost forgot, there will be frequent POV changes when the main story kicks off, the story isn't only about Cayenne, its a general rewrite of the show with Cayenne in it. A generally huge chunk of the story will be centered around other people. If you don't like this, leave and if I see a 1 star review angry about this I will delete that shit. I fucking warned you.

DivineDeviance · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs


First Person POV Rules

Italic text like this, are the thoughts that are accessible to everything in a characters mind in first person.

Normal text like this is the character describing what they are doing in a sort of pseudo-omniscient narration.

"Text like this are people talking", whether that be the character the POV is following or people talking around them.

-Text like this are the thoughts of anything in the characters mind- this rules both applies to second consciousnesses and certain types of magic, like long distance communication between two people.

Third Person POV Rules




-Another persons thoughts in someone else's head-


I actually want to die.

Why the fuck does my body hurt so much.

Well I guess I did lose my arm twice, break most of the bones in my body, vomit enough blood to fill a bathtub, and then get thrown back in cold cell without even getting healed.

Do these people really just want me dead? Probably, but like c'mon!

I survived that stupid fight and then they throw me away like a rag waiting to fight again?

Sighing I look at my left arm, nearly identical to my right one, but I can feel something is off about it, plus is is also tainted red a bit, almost flushed.

I do need to figure out why I just ripped my own arm off involuntarily, and why it summoned a fucking monster that helped me, but I'm sure its some some tomfuckery added in to further reduce my expectations of what this world is now like.

"You have one day to rest before your next fight. Don't die." I hear a voice speaking from the door, before I hear them leave.

A fucking day? I am NOT healing 50 atomized bones in my body in a single day. I'm not healing any bones in any amount of time, they were reduced to dust. I can barely keep my body upright.

Would prefer my fucking freedom, but I'll get that soon enough. Just need to find a chance to escape what is probably a heavily guarded underground fortress. My best bet would be to escape while in an arena fight.

Maybe kill that bitch while running and then come back when I'm stronger to kill everyone else.

Sounds like a treat.

-Indeed it does-

The fuck.


Bitch, I aint ignoring that.


What do you mean what? I'm not supposed to have two different people in my head. Get out!

-I sadly cannot do that. You created me after all-

God fucking damnit! Its the monster!

-I don't want to be here anymore than you want me to. I would rather just kill you but I can't really do that-

Great, I now have a monster in my head that also wants me dead. Just great.

-I obviously can't kill you. If you summon me, I am forced to do what you ask of me. I wish I would of just died when your summon killed me-

Wait what? I thought you were my 'summon'.

-No. I'm the thing that your beast killed, and when it killed me, instead of just dying I fused mentally with it, creating me.-

Well then FUCK YOU.

-Do you think I wanted to fight?-

YES! I could see the gloating in your 3 eyed bitch ass face when you were throwing me around like a fucking ragdoll, did you really need to pull off my arm at half a centimeter a second?

-If I didn't fight, I would of been killed myself, I really don't value your life in any amount to sacrifice myself.-

You could of just killed me instantly and not play with me like I'm a ragdoll in a physics game you bitch. 

-A what?-

Never mind, I don't have time for this.

Ok, so hopefully I can meet other slaves here to maybe use them as cannon fodder to plan my own escape, like start a riot or something, let them get killed and use that chance to escape.

When a bunch of people are running they would pay minimal attention to me... hopefully?

But I do doubt that they would let people who hate them congress as thats a one way ticket for rebellion.

Maybe they are stupid, I wouldn't doubt it. The noble bitch who brought me here probably has a really low IQ, bet he didnt get any schooling or has any way to defend himself...

Yeah before I escape I'm killing him too.

-You are going to get both of us killed if you try to kill everyone here you idiot-

Shut up, you can't tell me you dont want want to murder them too.

-I'm a monster of class. I do not have such desires... but a little killing wouldn't hurt.-

Thought so.

I should figure out Old Magic now that I have time, but I do suppose its like its own language, going from how everything is alot more fleshed out, you probably have to learn how to create runes, which I don't think I can do so I just have to observe when guards do it and just wing it.

-Thats a one way ticket to the afterlife. You will blow yourself, and me to pieces-

Oh yeah? What else could I do? Its either that or I summon you again and I don't feel like ripping off my arm again, not like you could do anything anyway, there are too many people who can use magic here.

They chained your ass up in milliseconds and cut off your tail before you could even react.


Well whatever, I need to heal my body as best I can. 

I'm heading to sleep.


Bow down my subjects! Praise me! Submit yourselves to me! Give me your offerings of stones, and you shall be free of my wrath!